If we were to assume for a moment WMIH is waiting for something to make
ZItat investorwad:
their first business move. What might this something(s) be? Some have said all claims short of equity have to be settled before WMIH will do anything and others have said PIERS have to be paid (which I suppose is the same thing). Any other plausible reasons they are waiting if we assume for a moment they are?
ZItat WithCatz:
I still don't see the correlation to WMILT having "settled claims" outstanding having anything to do with WMIH.
And under that same thing, PIERS are 'just another claim'
Zitat juicyjuice10001:
There are folks who are in know of the next move and are trading on that information. Do not expect that information to be released on these message boards. They must have reinforced those sound proof walls between the traders and the message board members.
Zitat Sgtofarmsone:
I don't either. Also, who really knows if PIER's will be fully satisfied and that could even take a couple more years.
WMIH has the resources to be a going concern and is separate from any LTI's.
Zitat WithCatz:
That's a mighty big, thinly-veiled, and broad-brushed claim. Unsubstantiated as well. Normally certain things are taken as 8-ball, but sometimes things are just crackpot/pipe.
Are you suggesting that there are retailers, here, who somehow have 'inside' information? Really?
You make a good point. Given that the math appears to require litigation success for the PIERS to receive payment-in-full -- and litigation certainly moves at an incredible slow pace -- I'm seeing your point clearly. And agree.
Zitat larry888nyc:
If a deal has to be done, Piers (and others) can be satsfied with discvounted cash owed for some stock..just like others and the liquidation will accrue to WMHI.
IMHO what's holding up an anoouncement is that someone ..(hedgies) are lining up a complicated deal that wil benefit all. Tese things take time and any leak could upset the plans.
ZItat investorwad:
eah, it seems as though there are no more "magical dates" or time lines talked about so we're simply at 15 months into it without any moves by the company except tweaks to the reinsurance business structure. To me it still feels as though enough time has gone by to tap the credit facility and buy some smallish company if indeed that's the plan. Hoping for a big bang when the time comes, hence what "feels" like a protracted process. Just dunno.
Zitat Kszabo:
There is one "Magical Date", that would be June 17, 2013, which is the date to which the last GS extension was reset to. Although there most likely wont be much magic on that date as it will probably be extended.
Zitat WithCatz:
I do agree that June 17th is an important date. The scope, I maintain, is for WMILT 'escrow' stuff...
The thread was about WMIH -- and I can't see how June 17th matters there.
In fact, as noted by Charlie -- we're likely to see that date extended and/or the time for recoveries (litigation, D&O, etc) to continue for some time -- especially as it applies to former equities getting 'feet-wet'
(And, for the record, I think we're going to see it extended again -- my bets are that there's a sequence here -- becoming really obvious to me -- that the employee and other 'big' claims want to get settled with pennies-on-the-dollar before any litigation or hopes of more estate monies come in)
Zitat investorwad:
I was talking about WMIH. Not really expecting much, if anything, from the LT.
Good observation. You could ALMOST extend that theory to WMIH because if it were to POP and be worth something, there is a REMOTE chance those above equity COULD go for WMIH shares for payment.
If we were to assume for a moment WMIH is waiting for something to make
ZItat investorwad:
their first business move. What might this something(s) be? Some have said all claims short of equity have to be settled before WMIH will do anything and others have said PIERS have to be paid (which I suppose is the same thing). Any other plausible reasons they are waiting if we assume for a moment they are?
ZItat WithCatz:
I still don't see the correlation to WMILT having "settled claims" outstanding having anything to do with WMIH.
And under that same thing, PIERS are 'just another claim'
Zitat juicyjuice10001:
There are folks who are in know of the next move and are trading on that information. Do not expect that information to be released on these message boards. They must have reinforced those sound proof walls between the traders and the message board members.
Zitat Sgtofarmsone:
I don't either. Also, who really knows if PIER's will be fully satisfied and that could even take a couple more years.
WMIH has the resources to be a going concern and is separate from any LTI's.
Zitat WithCatz:
That's a mighty big, thinly-veiled, and broad-brushed claim. Unsubstantiated as well. Normally certain things are taken as 8-ball, but sometimes things are just crackpot/pipe.
Are you suggesting that there are retailers, here, who somehow have 'inside' information? Really?
You make a good point. Given that the math appears to require litigation success for the PIERS to receive payment-in-full -- and litigation certainly moves at an incredible slow pace -- I'm seeing your point clearly. And agree.
Zitat larry888nyc:
If a deal has to be done, Piers (and others) can be satsfied with discvounted cash owed for some stock..just like others and the liquidation will accrue to WMHI.
IMHO what's holding up an anoouncement is that someone ..(hedgies) are lining up a complicated deal that wil benefit all. Tese things take time and any leak could upset the plans.
ZItat investorwad:
eah, it seems as though there are no more "magical dates" or time lines talked about so we're simply at 15 months into it without any moves by the company except tweaks to the reinsurance business structure. To me it still feels as though enough time has gone by to tap the credit facility and buy some smallish company if indeed that's the plan. Hoping for a big bang when the time comes, hence what "feels" like a protracted process. Just dunno.
Zitat Kszabo:
There is one "Magical Date", that would be June 17, 2013, which is the date to which the last GS extension was reset to. Although there most likely wont be much magic on that date as it will probably be extended.
Zitat WithCatz:
I do agree that June 17th is an important date. The scope, I maintain, is for WMILT 'escrow' stuff...
The thread was about WMIH -- and I can't see how June 17th matters there.
In fact, as noted by Charlie -- we're likely to see that date extended and/or the time for recoveries (litigation, D&O, etc) to continue for some time -- especially as it applies to former equities getting 'feet-wet'
(And, for the record, I think we're going to see it extended again -- my bets are that there's a sequence here -- becoming really obvious to me -- that the employee and other 'big' claims want to get settled with pennies-on-the-dollar before any litigation or hopes of more estate monies come in)
Zitat investorwad:
I was talking about WMIH. Not really expecting much, if anything, from the LT.
Good observation. You could ALMOST extend that theory to WMIH because if it were to POP and be worth something, there is a REMOTE chance those above equity COULD go for WMIH shares for payment.
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