CHANGZHOU, China, July 5, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Trina Solar Limited (NYSE: TSL) ("Trina Solar" or "the Company"), a global leader in photovoltaic (PV) modules, solutions and services, today announced that it has received the new International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61730-2 standard certification with Class A Fire Safety from TUV Rheinland for its new frameless PDG5 module. Trina Solar is the first manufacturer in Asia to achieve this certification. TUV Rheinland's testing rated the PDG5 dual glass module to the highest level of fire resistance.
"This certification is an important step forward in ensuring the highest level of safety and quality in the solar industry," said Matthias Heinze, VP of Solar and Fuelcell Technology at TUV Rheinland Group. "Both TUV and Trina Solar are dedicated to progressing the most advanced and informative standards in the industry and we look forward to continuing to work together as partners in the future."
This achievement confirms both Trina Solar's dedication to producing high quality products and the superior reliability of the Company's frameless PDG5 modules. By replacing the traditional backsheet materials of conventional solar modules with a second sheet of 2.5 mm heat-strengthened glass, the PDG5 is optimized for reliable performance under stressful environmental conditions and is among the most durable modules currently on the market. The resulting module has increased resistance to fire, micro-cracking, potential induced degradation (PID), module warping, and degradation from UV rays, sand, alkali, acids and salt mist.
"This new fire safety certificate from the TUV Rheinland Group continues the Company's commitment to driving higher standards in the PV industry through close collaboration with our partners," said Zhiguo Zhu, President of Trina Solar's Module Business Unit. "Together with our rigorous internal quality processes, undergoing independent third party testing ensures that we are delivering the highest quality modules and solutions, such as the dual glass PDG5, to our customers."
PDG5 is ready for shipments worldwide. Those interested in learning more can contact their regional sales representative, Trina Solar distributor or visit
About Trina Solar Limited
Trina Solar Limited (NYSE:TSL) is a global leader in photovoltaic modules, solutions and services. Founded in 1997 as a PV system integrator, Trina Solar today drives smart energy together with installers, distributors, utilities and developers worldwide. The company's industry-shaping position is based on innovation excellence, superior product quality, vertically integrated capabilities and environmental stewardship. For more information, please visit
About TUV Rheinland
Founded in 1872, TUV Rheinland is a global leader in independent testing, inspection, and certification services, ensuring quality and safety for people, the environment and technology in nearly all aspects of life. The company maintains a presence in 500 locations spanning 65 countries, employs 17,000 people and has an annual revenue of $2 billion (Euro 1.5 billion). TUV Rheinland inspects technical equipment, products and services, oversees projects and helps to shape processes for a wide variety of companies through its worldwide network of approved labs, testing facilities and education centers. Since 2006, the company has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact to promote sustainability and combat corruption. For more information, visit
For further information, please contact:
Trina Solar Limited Terry Wang, CFO Phone: + (86) 519-8548-2008 (Changzhou)
Kevin Zhang, Investor Relations Phone: + (86) 519-8517-6093 (Changzhou) Email: | Brunswick Group Ilse Schache Phone: + (86) 10-6566-2256 Email:
SOURCE Trina Solar Limited
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