PR Newswire
LONDON, United Kingdom, October 28
Invesco Bond Income Plus Limited
HEADLINE: Issue of Equity
The Board of Invesco Bond Income Plus Limited (the `Company') announces that it has agreed today to issue and allot 100,000 ordinary shares of no par value in the Company at a price of 171.66p per share under its block listing facility. This allotment is to satisfy secondary market demand and is made under the annual authority granted by the Company's shareholders for such allotments. These shares will rank pari passu with the existing shares in issue in all respects.
Desert Gold Ventures Inc.
-15,5% |
Following this issue the total number of ordinary shares in issue is 201,804,323 which should be used as the denominator for calculating interests in the Company.
Issued for and on behalf of Invesco Bond Income Plus Limited.
Hilary Jones
JTC Fund Solutions (Jersey) Limited
Telephone: 01534 700000
28 October 2024
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