GAINESVILLE, FL -- (Marketwire) -- 01/14/10 -- Summary: The legality of electronic cigarettes has been in limbo for almost a year, but a Federal District Judge today ordered the FDA to cease detaining shipments, preventing them from entering the United States, and that the products may not be regulated as drug delivery devices.
In a stunning turn of events for the electronic cigarette industry in the United States, Federal Judge Richard Leon ruled today that the US Food and Drug Administration has no authority to regulate electronic cigarettes as drug delivery devices.
"This is an absolutely wonderful development," says Tiffany Ellis of E Cigarettes National. "Judge Leon is truly a man of the people and he is to be commended for his judgment. He may have just saved millions of lives with the stroke of a pen."
The federal court case of Smoking Everywhere v. US Food and Drug Administration has been almost a year in progress and the battle has been tedious for both sides; the electronic cigarette industry that wants to provide smokers with a better alternative to tobacco cigarettes and the FDA, which wants to regulate the products as drug delivery devices.
The honorable Judge Leon stated in his ruling that "this case appears to be yet another example of FDA's aggressive efforts to regulate recreational tobacco products as drugs or devices."
"Offering our e-cigarette starter kits as an alternative to tobacco that our customers find acceptable is our goal and if our customers are happy, we are happy," says Ellis. "It is now a relief that we can, without a possible shadow over us, now provide our customers with this amazing product. It is truly a great day for smokers everywhere."
Contact Info:
Tiffany Ellis
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