Market Value1 $10,744,316 a/o Jan 24, 2014 Shares Outstanding 1,193,812,911 a/o Jan 24, 2014 Float108,553,765§a/o Jan 24, 2014 Authorized Shares 4,500,000,000 a/o Jan 24, 2014 Par Value No Par Value
refer to the largest number of shares that a single corporation can issue. The number of authorized shares per company is assessed at the company's creation and can only be increased or decreased through shareholders' vote. If at the time of incorporation the documents state that 100 shares are authorized, then only 100 shares can be
can issue a certain number of shares doesn't mean it will issue all of them to the public. Typically companies will, for many reasons, keep a portion of the shares in their own treasury. For example, company XYZ may decide to maintain a controlling interest within the treasury just to ward off any hostile take over bids. On the other hand, the company may have shares handy in case it wants to sell them for excess cash (rather than borrowing). This tendency of a company to reserve some of its authorized shares leads us to the next important and related term: outstanding
is useful information for company management, but has no relevance for investors. You cannot access authorized shares until they start trading. A company may apply for an increase to its authorized stock if it needs to raise additional capital either for operations or for strategic acquisitions. The outstanding share count changes when a company issues new shares or repurchases existing shares. These changes can affect the stock price and thus the value of investment portfolios. For example, if a company issues new shares to pay off long-term debts or to raise funds for building new stores, investors might bid up the stock price in expectation of higher
Not to be confused with authorized shares, outstanding shares refer to the number of stocks that a company actually has issued. This number represents all the shares that can be bought and sold by the public, as well as all the restricted shares that require special permission before being transacted. As we already explained, shares that can be freely bought and sold by public investors are called the float. This value changes depending on whether the company wishes to repurchase shares from the market or sell out more of its authorized shares from within its
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Deutsche Bundesbank - Startseite Die Deutsche Bundesbank ist die Zentralbank der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Zentrales Geschäftsfeld ist die Geldpolitik des Eurosystems. BUNDESBANK.DE
Aktien- oder Nennkapital einer Aktiengesellschaft, das der Summe der Nennwerte der ausgegebenen Aktien (Stamm- und Vorzugsaktien) entspricht. Mindestnennbetrag des Grundkapitals ist 100.000 DM. In der Bilanz steht das Grundkapital auf der Passivseite.
Der Dow Jones Industrial stieg nach zwei Verlusttagen wieder um 0,46 Prozent auf 17 924,06 Punkte. Zur Wochenmitte und auch am Dienstag hatte er unter enttäuschenden Konjunkturnachrichten gelitten. Für den marktbreiten S&P-500-Index ging es zum Handelsschluss um 0,38 Prozent auf 2088,00 Punkte nach oben. Der Nasdaq-100-Index (Nasdaq 100) gewann 0,50 Prozent auf 4401,55 Punkte.
(ticker symbol GNGR) designs original creations and creates molds for casting jewelry and metal products in sterling silver and gold that ship worldwide.