Tournigan Gold - Start von Diamantbohrungen

Beiträge: 34
Zugriffe: 10.181 / Heute: 4
Azarga Metals 0,0196 $ +30,67% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -100,00%


22.12.06 17:47
Frohe Weihnachten und gutes neues Jahr...
Wünscht Euch


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Tournigan Gold

02.01.07 22:23
heute in Kanada, bei guten Umsätzen, bis auf 2,30 € gestiegen. Das Jahr fängt gut an!



umgerechnet 2,30€

02.01.07 22:31
Schlusskurs in Kanada 3.52

nur mal so als Anmerkung


03.01.07 12:45

ha, ha, witzig!!!


danke auch ;-) o. T.

03.01.07 15:16

2,36 o.T o. T.

03.01.07 15:17

hmm, sah nach einem gutem Jahresstart aus

03.01.07 20:44
und nach MACD könnte es wohl bald (ich und einige Andere dachten wohl Heute) zu neuen Hochs gehn. Schade auch das es jetzt nicht mehr ganz so üppig aussieht.

Frag mich grad ob ich was überlesen hab?

NEIN, ok, dann bis dann mal wieder hier.


Jahresreport ist da

05.01.07 08:54

Nrette Bildchen, nette Zahlen

StockInterview mit Kevin Bambrough (Sprott)

07.01.07 19:51
Hier eine aktuelle Einschätzung (06.01.2007) von Kevin Bambrough (Sprott Asset Management)


StockInterview: You were excited about Tournigan (TSX: TVC) the last time we talked. How is that one turning out?

Kevin Bambrough:
Tournigan is really developing into a great story. Originally, when we first got into this, it looked reasonably valued and interesting on its gold prospects. When they picked up deposits in Slovakia, we got in deeper. I think the story just keeps getting better as we look more into what they actually may have in these properties. They’ve also brought on a new hire, who was the head of the Slovakia uranium program years ago. He’s joined the team and he’s basically said that the Jahodna district) is probably not just a 3km strike length but probably more of a 7km potential. The current resource estimates are only based on 500 meters of the zone. They’re going to start stepping out and drilling it. We’re hoping it could get much bigger. It’s open at depth as well. There is also reasonable chance this could become a large uranium district. They’ve found out there were a lot of other targets in the area, in the past. They are going to try to work these targets as well. Slovakia is a major past producing country. A lot of its power currently comes from nuclear. They have two other properties in Slovakia with resources. They’re going to drill and are hopefully going to show better grades and larger resources, with time. Of course, you’re always hopeful, no guarantees, but our experience is that in the uranium business: As you go and drill old properties, redo old drill holes with larger cores, you get better recoveries and can show higher grades. That seems to have been the case for both Tournigan and Western Prospector (TSX: WNP). I should also mention that on the Jahodna property, it’s interesting that, not only did the uranium grade jump but also the molybdenum grade jumped up substantially to where this is now some very valuable rock.
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