ist doch sehr bekannt das Spiel,die dabei reich werden sind in erster Linie die Manager und ihre bezahlten Pusher
Directors / Senior Management IJ Burton (Chairman)
RB Murdoch (Managing Director)
HR Moser (Director)
J Walker (Director)
PR Sauerberg (Director)
5. Issue price or consideration 1. 10,000,000 at 5 cents and
5,000,000 at 4.5 cents
2. Nil
6. Purpose of the issue (if To fund the on-going diamond
issued as consideration for drilling program of proving
the acquisition of assets, reserves and core for
clearly identify those metallurgical testing and
assets) pre-feasibility study at the
Mehdiabad Zinc Project in Iran
and fund further converting
equity interest in e-mail
software house Jab Creative
7. Dates of entering securities 12/04/2001
into uncertified holdings
8. Number and class of all 465,168,937 Ordinary (UCL)
securities quoted on 140,398,849 Option (UCLOC)
ASX (including the
securities in clause
2 if applicable)
Union Capital Limited announces the issue of the following shares and
1. Consequent upon shareholder approval granted in General Meeting on
10th April 2001, the directors have issued 25,539,613 options (UCLOC)
exercisable at 20 cents on or before 31/l/2002, to the 5 recipients
of a share placement at 10 cents per share made on 15th February
2001, on the basis of one option for each placement share allotted.
2. The issue of 5 million ordinary shares (UCL) and 5 million options
(UCLOC) at 5 cents each, and the issue of 5 million ordinary shares
(UCL) at 4.5 cents each to Westglade Pty Ltd.
The terms sheet also requires Union Capital to put before
shareholders at a General Meeting the resolution to issue a further 5
million options (UCLOC) to Westglade Pty Ltd.
3. The issue of 5 million ordinary shares (UCL) at 5 cents each to
Zero Nominees Pty Ltd.
The terms sheet also requires Union Capital to put before
shareholders at a General Meeting the resolution to issue a further 5
million options (UCLOC).
The funds raised of $725,000, less commissions, will be used for the
on-going diamond drilling program of proving reserves and core for
metallurgical testing and pre-feasibility at the Mehdiabad Zinc
Project in Iran and to fund further converting equity interest in
e-mail software house Jab Creative Limited.