REVO going up to $1.00 is very possible. This is all it would take.
What we know:
Outstanding Shares
Average P/E ratios from
Standard & Poor's, at a
Multiple of 15 times earnings
Outstanding Shares/S&P's multiplier = Yearly Revenue Needed
So all we need is about $33M in revenue to achieve $1.00 per share.
Now if there is a share buyback of %20-
Outstanding Shares would be 395799139.
So now all we would need is $26.4M in revenue to achieve $1.00 per share.
IMO if you have shares, hold on to them and buy more if you can.
If you don’t have any buy now instead of waiting for the share price to drop. You can’t make any
money If you don’t have any shares. Example:
100,000 shares @ $.0170 = $1700. --> 100,000 shares @ $1.00 = $100,000
If you wait for it to drop:
100,000 shares @ $.0150 = $1500. --> 100,000 shares @ $1.00 = $100,000
If the price never drops:
0 shares @ $0=$0 You end up with 0, zilch, nada, nothing!!
Do you want to risk the whopping $200 you saved waiting for it to drop if it doesn’t???