Berater bei ihrer Arbeit. (Symbolbild)
Donnerstag, 05.09.2024 13:00 von

BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust Plc - Transaction in Own Shares

Berater bei ihrer Arbeit. (Symbolbild) © SeanShot / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

PR Newswire

BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plc (‘the Company’)
LEI – 5493003R8FJ6I76ZUW55

Transaction in own shares: purchase of own shares to be held in treasury

The Company announces that it has today purchased 25,000 of its Ordinary Shares at an average price of 577.00 pence per share to be held in treasury.

Following settlement of this purchase on 09 September 2024 the issued share capital of the Company will be 99,232,161 Ordinary Shares, excluding 18,696,777 shares which are held in treasury. Shares held in treasury do not carry any voting rights; 15.85% of the Company’s total issued share capital (117,928,938 Ordinary Shares, including treasury shares) will be held in treasury following settlement.

For reporting purposes under the FCA's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules the market should exclude any shares held in treasury and should use the figure of 99,232,161 following settlement when determining if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in the Company.

All enquiries:

Sarah Beynsberger

Company Secretary
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited
Tel: 0207 743 2639


05 September 2024




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