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Investor 2022: Raketa

627,60 €
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134.894,26 € (15.01.23 06:28)
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Do Talos Energy Announces New Discovery and Adds Additional 2024 Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico
Talos Energy
30.08.24 Talos Energy Announces CEO Transition
Talos Energy
26.08.24 Talos Energy Announces Participation at Upcoming Investor Conferences
Talos Energy
12.08.24 EnerCom's 29th Annual Energy Investment Conference is Set to be Held August 18-21, 2024 in Denver, Colorado
Amplify Energy Corp
07.08.24 Talos Energy Announces Second Quarter 2024 Operational and Financial Results
Talos Energy
07.08.24 PHX Minerals Reports Record Royalty Volumes for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2024; Increases Fixed Quarterly Dividend Payment 33%
PHX Minerals A
31.07.24 Ardmore Shipping Corporation Announces Financial Results For The Three and Six Months Ended June 30, 2024
Ardmore Shipping
30.07.24 Ovintiv Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial and Operating Results
Ovintiv Inc.
29.07.24 Investor One-on-One Meeting Requests Open for 29th Annual EnerCom Denver - The Energy Investment Conference, to be held August 18-21, 2024 in Denver, Colorado
Amplify Energy Corp
29.07.24 Energiekonzern Ovintiv: Viel Luft nach oben
Ovintiv Inc.
24.07.24 PHX Minerals Inc. to Announce Quarterly Financial Results on Aug. 7 and Host Earnings Call on Aug. 8
PHX Minerals A
22.07.24 Talos Energy Announces Share Repurchase Program Updates and Ongoing Debt Paydown
Talos Energy
19.07.24 Trumps Wirtschaftspolitik: Mögliche Trump-Präsidentschaft: 8 Gewinner und 7 Verlierer
CoreCivic Inc.
17.07.24 Ardmore Shipping Announces Second Quarter 2024 Conference Call and Webcast
Ardmore Shipping
17.07.24 Presentation Times and Schedule for Participating Companies Now Posted on the Conference Website for 29th Annual EnerCom Denver - The Energy Investment Conference
Amplify Energy Corp
11.07.24 Ovintiv to Host its Second Quarter 2024 Results Conference Call and Webcast on July 31, 2024
Ovintiv Inc.
11.07.24 Talos Energy to Announce Second Quarter 2024 Results on August 7, 2024 and Host Earnings Conference Call on August 8, 2024
Talos Energy
08.07.24 Ardmore Shipping Announces Leadership Transition
Ardmore Shipping
24.06.24 The 29th Annual EnerCom Denver - The Energy Investment Conference to Host The Energy Transition and Emerging Technology Session Featuring Start-Up Energy and Technology Companies
Amplify Energy Corp
04.06.24 EnerCom Announces Unparalleled Networking Opportunities at the 29th Annual EnerCom Denver - The Energy Investment Conference, Including Charity Golf Tournament, Monday Cocktail Mixer, Casino Night, and Last Day Reception
Amplify Energy Corp
29.05.24 Talos Energy Announces Participation at Upcoming Investor Conferences and Webcast of Fireside Chats
Talos Energy
20.05.24 PHX Minerals Declares Regular Dividend of $0.03 Per Share
PHX Minerals A
15.05.24 Talos Energy President and CEO to Participate in Water Tower Research Fireside Chat on May 16, 2024
Talos Energy
14.05.24 EnerCom Announces Chris Wright, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Liberty Energy, as Keynote Speaker at the 29th Annual EnerCom Denver - The Energy Investment Conference
Amplify Energy Corp
08.05.24 PHX Minerals Reports Results for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2024
PHX Minerals A
08.05.24 Ardmore Shipping Corporation Announces Financial Results For The Three Months Ended March 31, 2024
Ardmore Shipping
07.05.24 Ovintiv Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial and Operating Results
Ovintiv Inc.
06.05.24 Ovintiv Announces Results of Annual Meeting
Ovintiv Inc.
06.05.24 Talos Energy Announces First Quarter 2024 Operational and Financial Results
Talos Energy
01.05.24 EnerCom Announces Mike Wirth, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chevron, as Keynote Speaker at the 29th Annual EnerCom Denver - The Energy Investment Conference
Amplify Energy Corp
Talos Energy
Talos Energy Announces New Discovery and Adds Additional 2024 Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico
Talos Energy
Talos Energy Announces CEO Transition
Talos Energy
Talos Energy Announces Participation at Upcoming Investor Conferences
Amplify Energy Corp
EnerCom's 29th Annual Energy Investment Conference is Set to be Held August 18-21, 2024 in Denver, Colorado
Talos Energy
Talos Energy Announces Second Quarter 2024 Operational and Financial Results
PHX Minerals A
PHX Minerals Reports Record Royalty Volumes for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2024; Increases Fixed Quarterly Dividend Payment 33%
Ardmore Shipping
Ardmore Shipping Corporation Announces Financial Results For The Three and Six Months Ended June 30, 2024
Ovintiv Inc.
Ovintiv Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial and Operating Results
Amplify Energy Corp
Investor One-on-One Meeting Requests Open for 29th Annual EnerCom Denver - The Energy Investment Conference, to be held August 18-21, 2024 in Denver, Colorado
Ovintiv Inc.
Energiekonzern Ovintiv: Viel Luft nach oben
PHX Minerals A
PHX Minerals Inc. to Announce Quarterly Financial Results on Aug. 7 and Host Earnings Call on Aug. 8
Talos Energy
Talos Energy Announces Share Repurchase Program Updates and Ongoing Debt Paydown
CoreCivic Inc.
Trumps Wirtschaftspolitik: Mögliche Trump-Präsidentschaft: 8 Gewinner und 7 Verlierer
Ardmore Shipping
Ardmore Shipping Announces Second Quarter 2024 Conference Call and Webcast
Amplify Energy Corp
Presentation Times and Schedule for Participating Companies Now Posted on the Conference Website for 29th Annual EnerCom Denver - The Energy Investment Conference
Ovintiv Inc.
Ovintiv to Host its Second Quarter 2024 Results Conference Call and Webcast on July 31, 2024
Talos Energy
Talos Energy to Announce Second Quarter 2024 Results on August 7, 2024 and Host Earnings Conference Call on August 8, 2024
Ardmore Shipping
Ardmore Shipping Announces Leadership Transition
Amplify Energy Corp
The 29th Annual EnerCom Denver - The Energy Investment Conference to Host The Energy Transition and Emerging Technology Session Featuring Start-Up Energy and Technology Companies
Amplify Energy Corp
EnerCom Announces Unparalleled Networking Opportunities at the 29th Annual EnerCom Denver - The Energy Investment Conference, Including Charity Golf Tournament, Monday Cocktail Mixer, Casino Night, and Last Day Reception
Talos Energy
Talos Energy Announces Participation at Upcoming Investor Conferences and Webcast of Fireside Chats
PHX Minerals A
PHX Minerals Declares Regular Dividend of $0.03 Per Share
Talos Energy
Talos Energy President and CEO to Participate in Water Tower Research Fireside Chat on May 16, 2024
Amplify Energy Corp
EnerCom Announces Chris Wright, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Liberty Energy, as Keynote Speaker at the 29th Annual EnerCom Denver - The Energy Investment Conference
PHX Minerals A
PHX Minerals Reports Results for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2024
Ardmore Shipping
Ardmore Shipping Corporation Announces Financial Results For The Three Months Ended March 31, 2024
Ovintiv Inc.
Ovintiv Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial and Operating Results
Ovintiv Inc.
Ovintiv Announces Results of Annual Meeting
Talos Energy
Talos Energy Announces First Quarter 2024 Operational and Financial Results
Amplify Energy Corp
EnerCom Announces Mike Wirth, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chevron, as Keynote Speaker at the 29th Annual EnerCom Denver - The Energy Investment Conference
Musterdepot - © Ismagilov / Shutterstock

Das kostenlose Musterdepot von ARIVA.DE

Bei einem niedrigen Kurs einsteigen, bei einem hohen Kurs wieder verkaufen – es klingt einfach, an der Börse Erfolg zu haben. Tatsächlich brauchen Aktionäre gute Nerven, wenn die Kurse auf und ab schwanken. Realistische Anlageziele, eine klare Linie bei der Auswahl der Wertpapiere und das clevere Einsetzen bestimmter Ordertypen gehören zum Handwerk beim Handel mit Wertpapieren.

Um ein Gefühl dafür zu bekommen, welche Strategien in welchen Börsenphasen fruchten, können Nutzerinnen und Nutzer bei ARIVA.DE kostenlos ein Musterdepot anlegen und Wertpapiere wie Anleihen, Aktien, Derivate oder Fonds virtuell im Musterdepot handeln. Die Orders werden zum Schein ausgeführt und finden sich dann in einem virtuellen Musterdepot, ohne dass die Papiere tatsächlich ge- oder verkauft werden. So lassen sich Anlagestrategien testen, ohne Geld zu riskieren.

Viele Nutzer bauen auf ARIVA.DE im Musterdepot ihr reales Depot nach, das ein Broker für sie führt. Grund: Beim Musterdepot auf ARIVA.DE ist jede Position mit den zugehörigen News, dem Forum und der Profilseite verlinkt. Über die Aktien auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, ist durch das Musterdepot sehr einfach. Möglich ist es auf ARIVA.DE auch, interessante Wertpapiere in eine Watchlist aufzunehmen, um ihre Entwicklung im Auge zu behalten. Nutzer können dabei Kursgrenzen vorgeben und sich bei Erreichen benachrichtigen lassen.

Übrigens: Wer ein virtuelles Musterdepot im Rahmen eines der Börsenspiele von ARIVA.DE eröffnet, hat einen weiteren Lerneffekt: Beim Börsenspiel wird ein Budget vorgegeben, und für jede Transaktion fallen virtuelle Gebühren an. Das macht den „Scheinhandel“ noch realistischer.