die Wartezeit hat ein Ende!
Die nächsten Wochen werden sehr spannend!
Ni´s und Börsenwechsel stehen unmittelbar bevor!
Anbei die gestern Abend veröffentlichte Studie über die kompletten Claim-Areale HyLake´s sowie die genauen Diagnosen zukünftiger Drill-Targets!
Sehr ausführlich!
Die komplette Studie hier, 133 Seiten, reich bebildert, eine sehr gute Analyse!
HY LAKE GOLD INC. (CNSX: HYL, FRANKFURT: HYK) is pleased to announce that it has
completed a complex structural study of Hy Lake Gold’s Red Lake operational area.
The study was commissioned by Hy Lake Gold and was conducted by Vadim Galkin, Ph.D., Dr.Sc.,
P.Geo. Entitled “Complex Structural Study of the West Red Lake Area, Northwest Ontario, Canada”, the
study covers all of Hy Lake’s Red Lake properties including the Mount Jamie, Rowan Lake and Red
Summit mine properties. A comprehensive Method of Complex Structural Analysis (CSA) report
consequentially applies and synthesizes the results of the following techniques:
- delineation, density and directional analysis of hierarchic linear structures using high resolution
aerial and satellite data results in contour density and orientation maps of main, secondary, tertiary
and circular structures and their intersections
- analogue modeling (in elastic and plastic field) of the major structural frame mechanical response to
the different deformational conditions. Maps of plastic and brittle deformation intensity, dilation
zones and spatial distribution are obtained
- analyzing and synthesizing the resulted maps with geological/geophysical/geochemical data and
Target Map generation for further ground exploration and drilling
The areas on the property where high density of linear structures, high deformation/dilation, favorable
geological and geophysical features (e.g. proximity of the regional unconformity or high conductivity
zones), recorded gold mineralization/occurrences and other similar favorable features come together are
considered as Primary Targets for further exploration activities. As a result of our analysis, several
Primary Target areas have been delineated on Hy Lake’s Red Lake properties. Among them are two areas
at approximately 1 km to the SE and NE of the Rowan Lake Mine; two areas close to the northern and
southern limits of the property at the Mount Jamie Mine longitude; the area located immediately to the
south of the east end of Pipestone Bay and a zone at approximately 1 km to the south of Red Summit
The study also revealed the existence of a strong set of east-west trending linear structures, which in the
Rowan Lake area are supplemented by an east-north-east trending set of structures. Both sets coincide
directionally with the Rowan Main Zones gold-bearing veins and provide several additional promising
zones for further investigation. Prospecting and sampling of some of these highly prospective zones, as
well as of other Primary Target areas, is planned for October 2010.
It is well established in the Red Lake region that the intersections of certain linear structures may play a
determinant role in gold mineralization. One such zone was discovered on the Newman-Todd property
south of the Rowan Lake property. The northeast trending Newman-Todd Structural Zone hosts highgrade
gold zones over a two kilometer strike to a depth of over 300 m. The highest gold values occur
close to the intersections of main structural zone with the secondary (second order) northwest trending
structures. The Complex Structural Study conducted by Dr. Galkin has outlined two similar intersection
zones on the Rowan property. Hy Lake’s recent drilling at Rowan Lake (see news release dated August
10, 2010) tested the northeast trending gold system from Newman-Todd on to the Rowan Lake property
with primary targeting consideration given to the main/secondary structures intersections.
Hy Lake Gold is currently incorporating the conclusions of the CSA into a comprehensive structural
model of the West Red Lake area for use in targeting and planning of its next phase of exploration. The
complete Complex Structural Study can be read on, or downloaded from, the Hy Lake website.
Vadim Galkin, Ph.D., Dr.Sc., P.Geo., who is a qualified person under the definition of National
Instrument 43-101, has reviewed the technical information contained in this press release which was
provided by Hy Lake Gold Inc.
Dr. Vadim Galkin was a full professor at Moscow State University, Dynamic Geology Faculty, and was a
Research Associate at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Geology. He has worked on projects for Unor
Inc., Inco’s Creighton Deposit, Falconbridge Exploration, Ontex Resources and others. In September
2000, Dr. Galkin was a semi-finalist of The Goldcorp Challenge gold discovery contest and in 1......................
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