Kein kurzer Trend, sondern langfristig interessante Aussichten.
Ein sehr renommierter BB empfiehlt ARU in den USA.
hier der Text aus HC
Hang on to your hats, hang on to your shares, and get set for an awesome ride as the 21-Sep-2007 edition of The Dines Letter includes a buy recommendation for ARU. A TDL recommendation can often result in a serious rerating of a stock. In ARU's case TDL has added it to Supervised List #2, which is significant in itself. For the non subscribers, the name and description of each TDL Supervised list is presented below. List # 1 = Good grade (moderate capital gains, moderate risk, moderate income, good long term fundamentals) List #2 = Long term growth (large capital gains, moderate risk, low income, strong long term fundamentals) List # 3 = Precious metals (maintain this blue chip core position in all portfolios) List # 4 = Nearer term trading (high risk, high potential gains) List # 5 = Low priced stocks (very high risk, very high potential gains) Want to know more ... subscribe to TDL.
Nochwas zu Mr. Dines:
Biography of James Dines, one of the
world’s foremost financial forecasters
Auf HC und W:O wird darüber gesprochen, ganz interessant. Sollte einen netten Effekt für ARU haben.
Tja Entdecker ausser blackies verteilen kommt nicht mehr sehr viel von dir.;-))
Die Argumente gehen so langsam aus, wenn jetzt auch noch der Kurs mitspielt...
nicht zu sehr ärgern, das dein Short in die Hose ging..." style="max-width:560px" />
Hang on to your hats, hang on to your shares, and get set for an awesome ride as the 21-Sep-2007 edition of The Dines Letter includes a buy recommendation for ARU. A TDL recommendation can often result in a serious rerating of a stock. In ARU's case TDL has added it to Supervised List #2, which is significant in itself. For the non subscribers, the name and description of each TDL Supervised list is presented below.
List # 1 = Good grade (moderate capital gains, moderate risk, moderate income, good long term fundamentals)
List #2 = Long term growth (large capital gains, moderate risk, low income, strong long term fundamentals)
List # 3 = Precious metals (maintain this blue chip core position in all portfolios)
List # 4 = Nearer term trading (high risk, high potential gains)
List # 5 = Low priced stocks (very high risk, very high potential gains) (Aus HC. Keine Garantie für den Wahrheitsgehalt) __________________________________________________ Besitzer von Zinspapieren schlafen gut; Aktienbesitzer dagegen leben gut
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