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Ceramic Fuel Cells Die Rakekte kommt! Der Anfang

Beiträge: 6.600
Zugriffe: 1.526.414 / Heute: 898
Ceramic Fuel Cell. kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

Ziemlich ruhig geworden hier.

12.05.11 15:18

Lohnt sich der Einstieg noch, bitte BM.


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CFCL wins 2010-11 CEO`s Award

16.05.11 10:25

Ceramic Fuel Cells - CFCL wins 2010-11 CEO`s Award and DuPont Innovation Award Mon, 16 May 2011 09:36:00 +1000       8 hours, 46 minutes ago

Ceramic Fuel Cells wins 2010-11 CEO’s  Award and DuPont Innovation Award Monday 16 May 2011 Ceramic Fuel Cells  Limited [AIM/ASX:CFU], a leading developer of high efficiency and low  emission electricity generation units for homes and other buildings,  today announced its BlueGen gas-to-electricity generator has won the  2010-11 ‘CEO Award’ – DuPont Australia and New Zealand’s most  prestigious innovation award. BlueGen also won the ‘Design for a  Sustainable Future’ award, one of seven categories at the biennial  DuPont Australia & New Zealand Innovation Awards. The announcement  was made at a dinner on Friday night at Melbourne’s Grand Hyatt Hotel.


The ‘Design for a Sustainable Future’ category – included in the awards  for the first time – attracted entries from throughout Australia and  New Zealand. First held in 2003-04, the DuPont Australia & New  Zealand Innovation Awards recognise the commercialisation of outstanding  science and technology. Categories include Building Innovation,  Agriculture and Food Production and Marketing, Performance Materials,  Design for a Sustainable Future, and Medical and Healthcare.


The  ‘Design for a Sustainable Future’ category is a broad-ranging category  for innovations adopted for commercial use between 1 January 2008 and 31  March 2010 in Australia and/or New Zealand. Entries were judged on  degree of innovation, scope of application (current and potential),  commercial significance and benefit (current and potential), degree of  collaboration, and environmental sustainability. Announcing the award  from the United States, DuPont Chair and CEO Ellen Kullman said Ceramic  Fuel Cells “is helping to reduce dependence on fossil fuels by providing  a source of cleaner, more efficient, low cost energy.


Currently  collaborating with multiple partners across the globe to help bring  cleaner electricity to markets in Europe, the United States and Japan,  as well as Australia, tonight’s winner is a great example of the  important innovation happening in Australia and New Zealand that can  benefit people everywhere.” Ms Kullman said: “Since 2004 these awards  have recognised the commercialisation of outstanding science and  technology solutions that are meeting the big challenges – in Australia  and around the globe. Global population will pass the seven billion mark  in 2011, and exceed nine billion people by 2050 – or about 150,000 more  people on the planet every day. This translates into critical needs in  the areas of feeding the world, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels,  and keeping people and the environment safe.


Dr. Roman Dudenhausen...

19.05.11 14:01

 in den Aufsichtsrat der Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited berufen


Alle rennen wieder los

30.05.11 12:17

...und CFCL bewegt sich absolut nicht. Haben die nicht mal irgendwelche News, oder haben schlicht die Lust auf die eigene Firma verloren?

Heute wurde der Ausstieg aus der Atomkraft beschlossen und hier weht nichtmal ein Lüftchen an Pioniergeist. Leider stecke ich hier mit sehr viel Geld fest und könnte platzen. Alle haben heute 10-20% zugelegt, nur CFCL nicht...



Ceramic Fuel Cells shares jump on new deal

31.05.11 06:21
Ceramic Fuel Cells shares jump on new deal
May 31, 2011 11:20 AM

Shares in Ceramic Fuel Cells Ltd (ASX:CFU) jumped in early trade after the company announced it had sold 25 of its BlueGen gas to electricity units to Ausgrid.

The units will be installed in homes in Newcastle as part of Ausgrid’s $100 million “Smart Grid, Smart City” project, funded by the Australian government.

Ceramic Fuel Cells says it is the second largest BlueGen order it has received.

The news comes just one week after Ceramic Fuel Cells said it had signed its first UK distribution agreement to market, sell, install and service BlueGen units in the UK.

Shares in Ceramic Fuel Cells were over 9 per cent stronger this morning, trading at $0.12.

In the first half of the 2011 financial year, Ceramic Fuel Cells recorded an $8.4 million net loss.


31.05.11 08:37
wurde dieser Aktie,wieder ein wenig leben eingehaucht.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


31.05.11 10:14

Eine Schwalbe macht noch keinen Sommer,
aber es ist ein Anfang.


7 Mio Stücke in Australien...

01.06.11 08:11

Kommt da jetzt etwa wieder Schwung in die Aktie ? War ja fast ein Jahr Ruhe und vom Hoch bei 0,20 hat die Aktien ziemmlich verloren.

Marshall Zhuk.:

schon gesehen?

10.06.11 18:11
ist aber kein bluegen !


14.06.11 17:56
Aus für Brennstoffzellengeschäft
14.06.2011 | Redakteur: Stefan Liebing

Der Motorenbauer Tognum hat am Freitag die Beschäftigten über das endgültige Aus für das Brennstoffzellengeschäft informiert. Etwa 60 fest angestellte Mitarbeiter am Standort Ottobrunn bei München werden wegen der Schließung bis Ende Juni 2011 eine betriebsbedingte Kündigung erhalten.

Das Aus für Tognums Brennstoffzellengeschäft bedeutet für ca. 60 fest angestellte Mitarbeiter am Standort Ottobrunn bei München die Kündigung.

So heißt es in einem Schreiben im Tognum-Intranet, das der Nachrichtenagentur dpa vorliegt. Die Tognum-Führung verhandelt mit dem Betriebsrat über einen Interessenausgleich und Sozialplan.

Das endgültige Aus für das Tognum-Brennstoffzellengeschäft ist seit Donnerstagabend besiegelt: Auch der britische Motorenbauer Rolls-Royce, der gemeinsam mit Daimler neuer Tognum-Großaktionär ist, will die Entwicklung von stationären Brennstoffzellen nicht übernehmen. Die Briten kamen nach dpa-Informationen nach einer ausführlichen Prüfung zu dem Schluss, dass das Geschäft auf Dauer nicht rentabel ist. Auch mit den eigenen Brennstoffzellen-Aktivitäten von Rolls-Royce passe das Tognum-Geschäft nicht zusammen.

(Quelle: dpa)

Ist doch gut für CFC

Wird schon seine Gründe haben...

15.06.11 17:39

Nachdem ich knapp drei Jahre hier mitlese, habe ich mich nun auch mal angemeldet. Ich habe cfcl schon recht lange im Depot, mit einer für mich doch recht großen Position. Aktuell bin ich leicht im Minus und hoffe ständig auf einen nachhaltigen Ausbruch... Bin da recht geduldig, aber manchmal zweifle ich schon, ob hier tatsächlich so viel Potenzial drin steckt.

Bei der Meldung von/über Tognum habe ich auch erst gedacht, dass das gut für cfcl ist. Andererseits muss man sich fragen, warum die aus dem Geschäft ausgestiegen sind und RR das nicht weiterführen will. Das wird schon seine Gründe haben...


CFCL BlueGen wins UK Microgeneration Award

23.06.11 09:34
Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited CFCL BlueGen wins UK Microgeneration Award

London Stock Exchange Aggregated Regulatory News Service (ARNS)
June 23, 2011
RNS Number : 9644I Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited 23 June 2011 Ceramic Fuel Cells' BlueGen gas-to-electricity technology wins Microgeneration UK 2011 Technical Innovation Award Thursday 23 June 2011 Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited, [AIM/ASX:CFU] a leading developer of high efficiency and low emission electricity generation units for homes and other buildings, today announced its BlueGen gas-to-electricity unit has won the Microgeneration UK 2011 Technical Innovation Award, announced at the culmination of the Microgeneration UK 2011 conference in London.

Microgeneration UK 2011 - which brings together policymakers, investors, suppliers and customers - celebrates the best of the UK microgeneration industry. It is run by Micropower Council, the British Photovoltaic Association and the British Heating and Hot Water Industry Council. The Technical Innovation Award, one of five categories, was announced at a gala dinner on Tuesday 21 June in London and was presented by Baroness Maddock of Christchurch, President of the Micropower Council. Baroness Maddock said: "CFCL is playing a key role in pioneering technology that can help provide a source of cleaner, more efficient, low cost energy. Currently collaborating with multiple partners across the globe to help bring cleaner electricity, CFCL is a great example of how innovation within the microgeneration sector can deliver tangible benefits." Brendan Dow, Managing Director of Ceramic Fuel Cells, said: "We are thrilled to accept this prestigious award, and are delighted that our ground-breaking technology has been recognised by Microgeneration UK 2011. More and more Ceramic Fuel Cells is being recognised as a world leader in the development of fuel cell technology to provide reliable, low-emission electricity from widely available natural gas." In May 2011, BlueGen won both the 2010-11 'CEO Award' - DuPont Australia and New Zealand's most prestigious innovation award - as well as the 'Design for a Sustainable Future' award, one of seven categories at the biennial DuPont Australia & New Zealand Innovation Awards. BlueGen uses ceramic fuel cells to turn natural gas into electricity and heat for hot water, with each unit capable of producing more than three times the electricity needed to power the average United Kingdom home. Surplus electricity can be exported back to the power grid. BlueGen also provides heat for domestic hot water use. BlueGen units operate constantly, generating 1.5 kilowatts of electricity plus heat for hot water, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, regardless of weather. BlueGen has the highest electrical efficiency of any small-scale power generation system in the world, reducing energy bills as well as making significant carbon savings. For further information please contact:

Ceramic Fuel Cells  Andrew Neilson                      Tel: +613 9554 2300  Email: Nomura Code Securities (AIM         Tel: +44 (0) 207 776  Nomad)                              1200  Juliet Thompson, Chris Golden Australia Media enquiries  Richard Allen, Oxygen Financial     Tel: +613 9915 6341  Public Relations UK Media enquiries                  Tel: +44 (0) 7786  Mark Way                            116 991
About Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited: Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited is a world leader in developing fuel cell technology to provide highly efficient and low-emission electricity from widely available natural gas. Ceramic Fuel Cells is developing fully integrated power and heating products with leading energy companies E.ON UK in the United Kingdom, GdF Suez in France and EWE in Germany. Ceramic Fuel Cells has also sold more than 90 BlueGen gas-to-electricity generators to major utilities and other foundation customers in Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Italy, Japan, Australia and the USA. Ceramic Fuel Cells recently won the 2010-11 DuPont Design for a Sustainable Future innovation award. The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM market and the Australian Securities Exchange (code CFU). Register to receive email alerts of CFCL announcements and industry news, at

was ist hier los?

29.06.11 23:16

Gute Frage

30.06.11 08:35

Gute Frage, 10 Millionen Stücke werden in Sydney auch nicht jeden Tag gehandelt... Mir solls recht sein. Wir aber bestimmt nicht lange halten. Aber ich habe beim letzten downer nochmal nachgelegt :-)


Hoffe mal

30.06.11 09:05
Es hängt mit einem großen Auftrag und guten News zusammen. Bin/war eigentlich überzeugt von Unternehmen und Produkt aber in letzter Zeit ging's stetig bergab:-(


08.07.11 11:32

As Australia's carbon debate heats up, one company says it has a solution to offset growing energy demands.

A box the size of a bar fridge could save up to 75 per cent of household power bills and significantly reduce carbon emissions, says Ceramic Fuel Cells group (ASX:CFU) general manager Andrew Neilson.

The Melbourne company's BlueGen fuel cell unit converts natural gas and renewable fuels into high-quality power and heat.

Ceramic Fuel Cells, listed on the Australian stock exchange, supplies to governments and energy companies in Australia and overseas, including Germany, France, the UK, Japan and the United States.

In Germany, one of the company's biggest customers, utility firms supply the BlueGen unit free of charge to households, which then pay for the natural gas they use.

In Australia, solar energy technology can be hooked up to energy grids via a feed-in tariff, allowing the home owner to potentially earn money from their energy company.

But this isn't allowed for fuel cell technologies.

The restrictions make it extremely difficult to crack the residential market in Australia, Mr Neilsen says.

"It's something we're lobbying the state governments about at the moment. So far, we've seen lots of nodding heads, but no action."

Mr Neilson says a carbon tax will encourage the switch to gas as grid electricity becomes more expensive.

"To be frank, it's a good thing for us, because it makes onsite generation from gas far more cost-effective."

"It will become more economically attractive to make the switch away from grid power towards other sources.

"And it does this with the highest electrical efficiency of any generating technology in the world."

He says Australia's yet to grasp the full benefit as government approval has not yet been granted for a feed-in tariff for fuel cell technologies.

"In Europe, they recognise feed-in tariffs for a variety of technologies including fuel cells, but in Australia we don't have that," Mr Neilson says.

The Victorian government is conducting a review of feed-in tariffs, with results expected in 2012, and the NSW government also asked the Regulatory Tribunal of NSW in July to review feed-in tariffs for solar power.

Ceramic Fuel Cells has called for both reviews to extend to low-emission technologies such as fuel cells.

The company has decided to focus on exports because of domestic government inaction on feed-in tariffs, says Mr Neilsen.

The CSIRO says a two-kilowatt BlueGen unit, currently retailing at $45,000, can save up to 33 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year when replacing power derived from brown coal.

If widely implemented, the system could save governments cash, reducing the need for billions of dollars in infrastructure and also reducing carbon emissions, Mr Neilson says.

The company recently won a contract to supply 25 BlueGen units to Ausgrid for installation in Australia's largest grid project, based in Newcastle, NSW.

Other domestic customers include the Victorian government, Adelaide City Council and Canberra Institute of Technology.

Ceramic Fuel Cells began selling BlueGen units in May 2009, and posted a loss of $8.4 million for the six months to December 31, 2010, due to a 37 per cent drop in sales revenue and the impact of a stronger Australian dollar.

"We're in the process of starting to ramp up sales and that will deliver revenue to get us cash-flow positive and then ultimately profitable," Mr Neilson says.

Ceramic Fuel Cells is headquartered in Melbourne, has manufacturing plants in Germany and the UK, and employs 125 staff across its business.

German Government approves funding for 200 unit or

20.07.11 06:27
CERAMIC FUEL CELLS : German Government approves funding for 200 unit order

20 July 2011

Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited (AIM/ASX: CFU), the world?s leading developer of high efficiency and low emission power products for homes and other buildings, is pleased to announce that the German Government has formally approved funding for an order of up to 200 Ceramic Fuel Cells? integrated power and heat generators from German energy service provider EWE.

The previously announced order from EWE is the largest order the Company has received, with total revenue of up to EUR 4.9 million over two years. Part of the funding for the order is being provided by the German government?s national hydrogen and fuel cell technology innovation program.

Ceramic Fuel Cells is supplying the core Gennex fuel cell module and related components to its local manufacturing partner, Gebrüder Bruns Heiztechnik GmbH, which is integrating the fuel cell module with a boiler into an integrated power and heating product for supply to EWE. EWE will then install the units in homes in the Lower Saxony region in northern Germany.

EWE is the Company?s longest standing utility customer and one of the largest and most innovative utilities in Germany, with 6,400 staff and revenues of EUR 5.8 billion. Based in Northern Germany, EWE also has operations in other German states as well as Poland and Turkey.

Apart from the project in Germany with EWE, the Company is also developing and deploying integrated mCHP units in France and the United Kingdom, and has sold its BlueGen modular power and heating products in Europe, Japan, Australia and the USA.


20.07.11 19:33

200 Einheiten klingt gut.


1000 Stück

21.07.11 11:44

Kann mir mal jemand erklären, warum hin und wieder nur 1000 Stücke (z.B. in Frankfurt) gehandelt werden? Da kann man doch kein Geld mit verdienen. Und selbst für Teilausführungen ist das doch viel zu wenig, oder?


Hi Achim,

25.07.11 10:15
Wie wärs mit Karibik?


25.07.11 12:22

wo kommt der kursanstieg her?


Blogger berichtet über Chartechnik von CFU

25.07.11 13:28

: )

25.07.11 13:59
endlich passiert hier mal wieder was!
Wir haben aber auch lange genug warten müssen!
Charttechnisch sieht es alles sehr gut aus.
Um 0,2 - 0,3 Cent sollte es hier die Tage noch nach oben gehen.
Die Rakete nimmt wieder ein bischen Fahrt auf.

Dies ist keine Kauf- bzw. Verkaufsempfehlung

CFCL appoints German Distributor: Initial order fo

25.07.11 17:51
Ceramic Fuel Cells appoints German Distributor: Initial order for 100 BlueGen units
25 July 2011

Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited (AIM/ASX: CFU), the world?s leading developer of high efficiency and low emission power products for homes, has received an initial order for 100 BlueGen units from sanevo Lizenz-GmbH & Co. KG. Ceramic Fuel Cells has also signed a distribution agreement with sanevo to market, sell, install and service BlueGen gas-to-electricity products in regions of Germany and Austria.

Sanevo has placed an initial order for 100 BlueGen units to be delivered in the first year, with a target minimum order of 500 units for delivery in the second year and a target of 2000 units over years three and four.

Provided sanevo orders these agreed minimum numbers of BlueGen units during 2012 to 2014, sanevo has exclusive rights to distribute BlueGen to commercial and residential customers in the German States of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, and in Austria. Ceramic Fuel Cells retains full rights to sell BlueGen units to utilities and energy service companies.

The order for 100 units is the largest order so far for the Company?s BlueGen product, and builds upon the recent order for 25 units from Ausgrid in Australia. Ceramic Fuel Cells has now received orders for a total of 206 BlueGen units and up to 200 integrated mCHP products.

Based in Offenbach, near Frankfurt, sanevo has substantial experience in marketing and selling new technology power and heating products in Germany through more than 120 qualified sales partners.

Sanevo has partnered with SAG GmbH ? one of Germany?s largest independent service and system providers for electricity, gas, water and telecommunications products and networks ? to provide installation and after sales service for BlueGen products. SAG has more than 8,300 staff in operations across Germany and Europe. With sales revenue of one billion euro, SAG has over

120 locations throughout Germany to provide a high level of service availability.

In April 2011 sanevo and SAG each purchased a BlueGen unit for their own buildings.

BlueGen uses ceramic fuel cells to turn natural gas into electricity and heat for hot water, with each unit capable of producing more than three times the electricity needed to power the average German home. (In Germany the average home consumes an estimated 4,100 kilowatt hours of electricity per year.)

Surplus electricity is sold back to the grid or used in supplementary applications such as charging an electric car. In addition, surplus heat is captured for domestic hot water use. BlueGen units generate electricity with the highest electrical efficiency of any small scale generating technology in the world, reducing energy bills and cutting carbon emissions.

BlueGen customers in Germany are eligible to receive a feed in tariff for the power exported back to the grid.

BlueGen receives MCS accreditation and is eligibl

25.08.11 09:58
BlueGen® receives MCS accreditation
and is eligible for UK Feed in Tariff
Thursday 25 August 2011
Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited (ASX / AIM: CFU) a leading developer of high efficiency and low emission electricity generation units for homes and other buildings, is pleased to announce that its BlueGen® Microgeneration Heat and Power (mCHP) product has received final Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) product and factory accreditation, enabling BlueGen customers to benefit from the UK government’s feed in tariff financial incentive scheme.

BlueGen is the first fuel cell product to receive MCS certification and be eligible for the UK feed in tariff.

BlueGen customers will now be able to use their BlueGen to export electricity into the national grid and earn revenue during the process. The feed in tariffs are 10.5 pence per kilowatt hour of electricity generated, plus an additional 3.1 pence per kilowatt hour of electricity exported to the grid.

BlueGen uses ceramic fuel cells to turn natural gas into electricity and heat for hot water, with each unit capable of producing more than three times the electricity needed to power the average UK home. Surplus electricity can be sold back to the grid. BlueGen also provides heat for domestic hot water use. BlueGen units generate electricity at up to double the efficiency of the current UK power grid, reducing energy bills as well as making significant carbon savings.

The MCS certifies microgeneration technologies used to produce electricity and heat from renewable and low emission sources. All microgeneration products must be accredited under MCS in order to be eligible for the UK feed in tariffs. The MCS accreditation process involves an extensive and rigorous third party review of all the procedures involved in manufacturing, installing and maintaining a microgeneration product. MCS accreditation recognises the quality of the highly efficient BlueGen units and gives consumers a financial incentive to migrate to efficient energy production.

Brendan Dow, Managing Director of Ceramic Fuel Cells said,

"Feed in tariffs play an important part in the UK’s clean energy policy and becoming eligible for the feed in tariffs is a significant step forward for sales of our BlueGen product in the UK market.”
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