
Beiträge: 38
Zugriffe: 6.158 / Heute: 4
Cyberlux 0,0037 $ -5,13% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -99,81%


28.02.07 11:45
soooo. alles einsteigen. so billich wirds nieeeee wieder :-)


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nun gehts ab

22.03.07 13:50
scheint den boden gefunden zu haben - heute 220% für die, die im keller gekauft haben !!!
23.03.07 21:45
kaum gibts mal ne positive meldung aus amiland, schon springt die aktie. achtung ! geheimtip !


25.03.07 22:52
neueste meldung - darum gehts nur vorwärts ! :-)

Cyberlux Corporation Completes Field Testing of BrightEye Portable Lighting System with United States Air Force

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., March 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Cyberlux Corporation (Nachrichten) (BULLETIN BOARD: CYBL), a leading provider of LED lighting solutions, announced today that the Company has successfully completed the field testing of the new BrightEye high-performance solid-state LED lighting system conducted by the United States Air Force Air Mobility Battlelab at Fort Huachuca, AZ. The new BrightEye VaC Portable Illumination System is the latest product developed by Cyberlux to fulfill the recent USAF contract for portable, battery-powered visible and covert lighting systems.

As part of the new product introduction process, the USAF Air Mobility Battlelab conducts rigorous field testing of new products in environments that simulate actual usage. The BrightEye lighting system was tested in both visible and covert lighting modes that demonstrated an advanced security lighting capability for force protection or first responders; operated as an equipment maintenance illumination system; and performed as a ground operations lighting source for a C-130 aircraft. All testing scenarios exceeded Air Mobility Battlelab requirements, including operating surface illumination, system battery-power runtime, deployment set-up times and system weight.

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Gewinne mitnehmen...

14.05.07 09:38
habe gehört endet so wie seamless... hier... also schnell eventuelle Gewinne raus.. ;)
14.05.07 13:05
von wem hast was genau gehört ?

Ich habe gehört ...

14.05.07 13:33
Gottseidank kann ich sehen.
15.05.07 08:32
gut, dann lass alle an deinen seherischen fähigkeiten teilhaben :-)
Anzeige: Kritischer Rohstoff, strategische Wende

Warum diese Aktie jetzt auf das Radar kluger Investoren gehört!

news - es geht vorwärts - ein schnäppchen !

29.05.07 15:53
Cyberlux Corporation Completes First Hybrid Lighting Technology Prototype Demonstration

RESEARCH TRIANGLE, N.C., May 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Cyberlux Corporation (Nachrichten) (BULLETIN BOARD: CYBL), a developer and manufacturer of solid- state lighting solutions, announced today that the Company has produced the first prototype of its Hybrid Lighting Technology (HTL) and demonstrated the initial capabilities in a laboratory environment. The prototype lighting device combined the Scattered Photon Extraction(TM) (SPE) technology acquired from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with the hybrid organic / inorganic white and multi-color lighting technology acquired from the University of California-Santa Barbara to achieve the Company's 'Proof of Principle' milestone. This one-of-a-kind lighting technology is exclusively licensed and proprietarily owned by Cyberlux Corporation.

The prototype lighting device was constructed from an SPE-optimized reflective fixture encapsulating a 465nm solid-state photon pump emitter that excited the downconversion lens to produce visible light in a range of color temperatures. The HTL lighting device was tested with two downconversion lens types, including a luminescent polymer lens and two hybrid inorganic/organic lenses for performance comparison and prototype optimization purposes. As the HTL technology progresses through the next series of commercialization milestones, the Company will publish results that are anticipated to exceed existing lighting fixture efficiencies. Cyberlux will commercialize the resulting proprietary lighting technology as "Hybrid White Light" (HWL) and "Hybrid Multi-color Light" (HML).

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Umätze nehmen zu

29.05.07 16:05
Kurs mit 6% im Plus,
mal sehen wo es heute noch hingeht

warten lohnt

30.05.07 10:04
der laden ist ein geheimtip - lanfristige verträge mit öffentlichen geldgebern - krankenhäusen und vor allem us army !
18.06.08 13:49
es geht wie immer rauf und runter. ist das die konjunktur der amis ?
bei den aufträgen ist cyberlux doch immer noch ein geheimtip ! warum sieht
ma das immer noch nicht am kurs ?

neue zahlen

20.08.08 11:30
ich sehe im geschäftsbericht nur 6 mio mehr schulden gegenüber dem letzten bericht.
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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