Kalani has bought 67,441,201 Shares @ $1.93 ave. $70M left to go! Between the date of the Purchase Agreement, February 17, 2017, and March 3, 2017, the Company has sold an aggregate 67,441,201 Shares to the Investor at an average price of approximately $1.93 per share. The aggregate gross purchase price for these Shares was $130.0 million. The Company's estimated aggregate net proceeds from the sale of these Shares is approximately $128.7 million, after deducting estimated aggregate offering expenses. Following the settlement for all of such Shares sold as of the date hereof, the Company will have a total of 103,974,393 shares of common stock outstanding. As of the date hereof, up to $70.0 million of the Shares is remaining that the Company may sell pursuant to the Purchase Agreement.