Company: DEAG Entertainment 6)
Rating: Buy (prev. Buy)
Fair Value: 4.90 EUR
Closing price: 5.78 EUR (as of 26 Mar 2014)
ISIN / SIN: DE000A0Z23G6 / A0Z23G
Bloomberg: ERMK GY
Hard Facts:
DEAG released preliminary figures bsligthly below our expectations. Sales grew by 6.3% to EUR 165.5m (DZe: EUR 186m), EBITDA came in at EUR 10.2m (DZe: EUR 11.2m) up by 18.6% and recurring EBIT (before PPA) hiked by 16.0% to EUR 8.7m (DZe: EUR 10.6m). The positive development was due to a solid organic growth of the operative businesses, first time consolidation effects from the acquired companies Wizard Promotions and handwerker promotions e as well as distribution revenues from the ticketing cooperation with Ticketmaster. Thanks to the acquisitions DEAG grew in the region of Western Germany (Handwerker promotion e; Fred Handwerker) and in the field of Rock/Pop (Wizard; Promoter Osssy Hoppe).
The net profit after minorities from continued operations rose by impressive 33.0% to EUR 3.6m. The corresponding EPS from continued operations came in at EPS 0.27. The expenses from the “Qivive” case are reported and qualified as discontinued operations. The expenses might be further reduced in the case the audit company has to pay further damage compensation payments.
The management has proposed a dividend of EUR 0.12 up by 50% against fiscal 2012.
The company has taken a good start into the season 2014, beside others with two sold out concerts of the Rolling Stones (around 66.000 tickets), two reunion concerts of the Böhse Onkels (appr. 200.000 tickets). The company has started some initiatives to fuel growth for example in the field of Family Entertainment (cooperation with Circus Roncali).
On the other hand DEAG will have to compensate decreasing revenues in Switzerland. For 2014 we will see last time revenues and earnings contributions from the cooperation with ABC productions. We assume that DEAG will be able to stabilize the sales and earnings development in Switzerland, bearing in mind the full takeover of Goodnews will reduce the minorities on net profits.
Our Opinion:
DEAG is geared towards profitable growth not at least because of the favourable deal with ticketmaster with respect to the ticket distribution fees. We might have underestimated the positive earnings effect of this business segment so far. Thus we have to adjust our sales and earnings estimates. We reiterate our buy recommendation.