@Nyul, danke für den Link
Nominalwert sind 0,30 Cent. Lest Ihr jeden Tag im Titel Eurer Aktien (EUROBANK ERGASIAS EO-,30). ;-p
a) Resplit 1:100 mit Abrundung des Nominalwertes erneut auf 0.,30 Euro. Die Abrundung wird als Notfallreserve gebucht. ("The decrease of the Bank’s ordinary share capital, currently amounting to €4,412,362,962.60, by the amount of €4,368,239,333.10 (“Decrease Amount”) with concurrent: i. Increase of the nominal value, currently at €0.30, of each of the 14,707,876,542 existing ordinary registered shares of the Bank through a reverse split resulting to 147,078,765 ordinary registered shares at a new nominal value of €30.0000000856684, i.e. at a ratio of 100 existing to 1 new ordinary registered share, and ii. The decrease of the new nominal value of each of the said 147,078,765 ordinary registered shares from €30.0000000856684 to €0.30.
(all above referred as «Capital Decrease») ")
b) Koordinatoren fürs Bookbuilding:
"Merrill Lynch International, HSBC Bank Plc and Mediobanca-Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A. (the “Joint Global Coordinators”)"
c) Das bookbuilding ist nur Verbindlich, wenn das Minimum EZB Szenario von 339m Euro gezeichnet wird (" Offering will be entitled to withdraw their subscriptions for New Shares in the event that the funds raised pursuant to the Institutional Offering and/or the application of the proceeds from the Liability Management Exercise towards subscribing for New Shares is less than the Bank’s implied capital shortfall of €339 million identified under the baseline scenario of the Comprehensive Assessment. ")
c1) In einem anderen Dokument - siehe unten - stehen noch mehr Beteiligte und der Zeitraum bis Ende November:
("BofA Merrill Lynch, HSBC and Mediobanca will act as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners for the Institutional Offering. AXIA, Barclays, BNP PARIBAS, Eurobank Equities and Nomura will also act as Joint Bookrunners for the Institutional Offering. COMMERZBANK, Euroxx Securities, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods and WOOD&Co will act as Co-Lead Managers for the Institutional Offering.
It is expected that the Institutional Offering will be completed by end-November 2015, subject to obtaining required approvals.")
d) Für eine eventuelle Kapitallücke zu den 2,1 MDR springt der br. Bankenrettungsfond ein ("If, notwithstanding (i) above, the Capital Requirement shortfall is not fully covered, a portion of the remaining Unsubscribed Shares will be allocated to the HFSF at the Offer Price in exchange for cash")
e) NUR für den Fall, dass die 2,1 MDR nicht institutionell gezeichnet werden, lässt sich das Bord bereits autorisieren, weitere Maßnahmen zu setzen. Die wesentliche ist die Ausgabe von Cocos bis Max ("Having regard to the terms of the proposed Increase set out above, if the Capital Requirement is not fully satisfied through the issuance and offering of New Shares to investors, including following implementation of the Burden Sharing Measures, the Board of Directors recommends to the General Meeting that it be authorised
(a) approve the issuance of up to €1,338 million principal amount of CoCos, which is the maximum principal amount of the Capital Requirement shortfall which the HFSF would be permitted to cover through its subscription for CoCos, as set out in the Cabinet Act 36")
Happy trading!