GMG E-Auto Akku Revolution?

Beiträge: 244
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Graphene Manufac. 0,444 $ +11,00% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -75,77%

Erste Testergebnisse positiv

29.12.21 09:31


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GMG Recent News Overview with CEO MD

29.12.21 09:41
Vom 28.12.2021
GMG CEO & Managing Director, Craig Nicol, joins Cory Fleck of the KE Report to provide a detailed overview of recent news from the Company.

News Releases Covered Include:
November 30th, 2021: Global Patent Application Filed for Graphene Aluminium-Ion Battery Technology
December 9th, 2021: GMG Commences Graphene Aluminium-Ion Battery Plant Operations
December 22nd, 2021: Graphene Aluminium-Ion Battery Prototypes Sent to Customers for Testing and Evaluation


10.01.22 14:50
im Post #96 findest du die Patente


10.01.22 14:53
Patente findest du in Post #96


12.01.22 05:34
schaue ich mir an

harter Rutsch

17.01.22 15:59
Hi, gibt's irgendwelche news?  

Neuigkeiten ?

17.01.22 16:43
Man kann nur raten. Offenbar kommt die Alubatterie doch nicht so gut bei der Kundschaft an.
Wahrscheinlich hat sie doch ihre Macken, die der Anlegerschaft verschwiegen wurden.

Vor Ende

17.01.22 19:15
Januar rechne ich aufgrund von den Feiertagen und Betriebsferien hier nicht mit einer News.  

News ?

17.01.22 20:23
Australische Insider haben die news offenbar schon.

Charttechnisch die Unterstützung gerissen

18.01.22 10:06

“GMG hopes to go into commercial production..."

18.01.22 13:26
Interview vom 10.01.2022

AlCircle: With the G+AI batteries already sent to the customers for testing, what are your anticipations or expectations about it?

Mr Craig Nicol:  Anticipations on customer feedback are amongst other items focused on their response on the G+AI battery charging and discharging cycle – as it is so fast and not like lithium and this changes the paradigm on how these batteries can be used and therefore there are expected wider applications.

AlCircle: How do you think, the customers are going to take it up?

Mr Craig Nicol: Generally Customers are quite excited about how they can use this new technology – but also looking to see the limitations and how these will work within potential applications – existing and new. Overall we have had quite high demand and expectations from customers for testing and we look forward to their response.


we look forward to their response

18.01.22 16:57
die "response" war wohl nicht so doll :(

GMG webinar am 31.01

01.02.22 10:14
Folgend die Aufzeichnung:

Persönliche Einschätzung:
Grundsolide Präsentation
Inhaltlich spannend da mehr ins Detail gegangen wurde
Coin Cell Prototypen bei potentiellen Kunden: GMG erhält positives Feedback. Spannend ist hier dass die Kunden die Anforderung an die Coin Cell definieren und GMG spezifisch pro Kunde diese erstellt. Hier gibt es wohl immer wieder Anpassungen hinsichtlich Anwendungsgebiete.

Spannend fand ich die Aussage zum Thema Skalierung: Es ist wohl so, dass GMG dieselben Komponenten / Module zur Produktion von GMG Coin Cells nutzen kann wie die die für Lithium Batterien verwendet werden

Zusammenarbeit mit Bosch: Es gibt wohl weltweit ca. 40 Unternehmen die in der Lage sind solche Anlagen zu bauen, laut GMG hat es eine wichtige Bedeutung dass Bosch dies mit GMG umsetzen wird

Pouch Cells: Aussage dass diese für EV genutzt werden können wurde bestätigt
Pouch Cells: Bau der Prototyp Anlage bis Mitte 2022 (Juni ist angepeilt)

further notes from the webinar

01.02.22 16:58

Some notes of the webinar
Cash position remains strong at $14 million, with $13 million in derivatives if the holders exercise them. Significant revenue on the horizon, but that remains the pursuit of the Thermal-XR team at GMG; Currently in conversations with OEM providers.
"GMG is about 30 people"
not a big team, yet.
"Need to increase (size) to deliver on commitments to large companies."
The battery team at GMG has made strides and it was seen that the Pouch pack prototype plant has quietly moved up in schedule to June of this year more or less. Significant timeline acceleration there as it was previously expected toward the end of 2022.
Internal testing show prototypes have high area capacity vs lithium ion batteries, One large customer has said, indeed, that the volume equivalent capacity of the battery is quite high vs lithium batteries,
"Clearest feedback would be a battery contract" Suggesting something?.. Brings forward a good point, if the feedback is good, there will be a contract rather than a vague announcement of expected feedback.
"Personal electronics are biggest market right now"
"House and grid storage and aviation is another market, 10 aviation companies talking to us"
"I have been told, eventually people will just come and say, "I will design my product around your battery"
"..There was a picture of medium-grade graphene and high-grade graphene, Craig said the medium grade graphene byproduct is perfect for grid storage and applications where density isn't terribly important, but the high grade graphene will work perfectly with manufacturing high-density batteries for continuation of this battery tech. The medium grade graphene batteries alone are "an enormous business opportunity"
"engaging some of the world's biggest battery buyers"
In terms of compatibility with existing power grid, the amperage and can be solved with a bigger cable. Your phone will need a bigger cable for the amperage, but EV cables should be able to handle the amps, as is.
Regarding Thermal-XR:
"Thermal-XR data has shown us that its a high performing product that can save a lot of energy in many climates" 10% savings on a brand new air conditioner. Performance range data has shown a 5%-60% performance increase in a range of AC products. Common denominator for the lower end of the performance is bottlenecking of the AC itself, such as the evaporator, condenser and cooling fins, etc. Big ac producers will "chase that 10% and open another market for us" as appropriate. Unfortunately, time favours the patient here. Big things are coming eventually for this branch though, it sounds.
Regarding GMG's Graphene:
The production cost of GMG graphene is near that of the cost to purchase graphite itself, in the components of methane, electricity and labour. But at same time being highest quality.
"Once you've got repeatable graphene, the process to scale up, people will be surprised of how quick we can bring this to market"
"No supply chain issues, no natural gas price hikes in Australia
"unlike other countries which see volatile natural gas prices.
"WHEN we are a big battery company we WILL be a hydrogen producer" although this is not a priority, it shows what scale the management is seeking..
Casually seeking a graphene supplier for a plug and play solution to bring the batteries to market faster, ideally without the expenditure of scaling up their own graphene production, or maybe doing that at the same time if ideal circumstances are provided.
"Want to come out with some supply chain partners in 2022."
Over 100 inquiries during the meeting, will have a follow-up as there were too many and will need to be addressed in the coming weeks in another meeting.
Presentation (timestamped to quotes below)
"We'll bring this (G+AL batteries) to scale with companies that are already at scale, and we will be basically surrounded by companies who can lift us through to scaling faster."
"We put together these very large multi-billion dollar value chains at a previous company (Shell) and that's what we're trying to do here."
"We're going to plug us in as best as we can with supply chains that can operate at scale, rather than trying to learn it ourselves or work with smaller companies."


01.02.22 21:40
vielen Dank für das Teilen der Infos.

Hat jemand ne Info...

10.02.22 16:33
...was hier abgeht ?

Graphene in Energy Storage Applications

10.02.22 16:47
Es hat gestern ein webinar stattgefunden "Graphene in Energy Storage Applications" ....die dort geteilten Informationen scheinen wohl auf Interesse gestoßen sein...

Graphene Manufacturing Group

9. Feb.
Craig Nicol discusses the 4 key activities that GMG is focusing on currently:
Customer & Industry Partner Engagement
Battery Pilot Plant Development
Revenue from THERMAL
Battery-Grade #Graphene Production & Tuning


@Olli - Danke

10.02.22 17:12
hast du teilgenommen ?


10.02.22 17:19
Leider nein. Ich habe auch noch keine Aufzeichnung gefunden....  


28.02.22 08:53
Hat jemand was mitbekommen ob GMG auch abgesoffen ist ?

lebt hier noch jemand ?

23.03.22 11:23
Oder bin ich hier allein mit meiner Freude über den steigenden Kurs ?


23.03.22 12:09
auch noch da.

Habe aber keine neuen Nachrichten...

neueste Meldung

23.03.22 21:10
die neueste Meldung auf GMG Homepage ist vom 1.3.

Nicht zu wissen warum es steigt ist besser als nicht zu wissen warum es fällt...

ich staune und freue mich

23.03.22 21:53
da wirds schon Gründe geben.

Der Kavalier genießt und schweigt

23.03.22 22:04
Mein Eindruck:
Der Kurs wurde nach Bekanntgabe der Prototypenprüfung gedrückt.
Es wurde aggressiv eingesammelt. Das Unternehmen hat eine echte Energie Innovation erstellt.
Es gibt nicht viele Aktien. Das Ergebnis sind jetzt schon wetteifernde Investoren.

Dies ist eine Vermutung, die mir der Chart signalisieren möchte.
Keine Empfehlung zum Kauf….

Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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  137 GMG - Aluminium Graphen Batterie Mike_Oxlong Mike_Oxlong 21.11.24 17:16
  243 GMG E-Auto Akku Revolution? Testthebest Testthebest 15.02.24 13:37
