Dear Shareholders,
We at GoIP Global are excited and optimistic about the upcoming launch. We believe Twitter functions as a public social directory for the world, and we seek to become the World’s Social Operator.
As you’ve seen, we’ve hired IF Communications as our PR firm, and they will be directing much of the launch which consists of three rollouts. We did not hire IF Communications to raise money for us, and they are not doing venture capital for us. (Generally, venture capital is for companies before they become public.) That isn’t to say some financial alliance or future synergy might happen due to their many resources and connections, but for now they are focused on spearheading our GO800 public relations and launch campaign.
On Feb 14th IF Communications will be sending out invites through various media forms to industry people, for example, techies, journalists, bloggers, and various VIPs to try our new service. The new GO800 platform will be fully functional, though we may fine-tune some technicals depending on feedback. You might compare this to a Hollywood movie screening.
Over the next two weeks, a second rollout will include more industry users and then, a few days before public launch, shareholders and dedicated followers/fans will be given full access.
On March 1st, our new platform will be open to the world. At this time, any user can register their Twitter name on the platform, free of charge and taking only a few minutes, and then within minutes (if not seconds) their Twitter username will be active as a keyword throughout the United States and Canada. You simply enter in the phone number that you would like connected to your username. Each registered user will have 100 free minutes per month. For additional use, we will have packages to choose from, similar to cell phone packages. You don’t have to be a regular Twitter user to enjoy our service, just signed-up and registered.
We believe we are entering a new social media matrix of remembering names, not numbers. You will be able to connect to friends, family, and brands through names, which we find more memorable than numbers. If any of us lost our cell phone right now, would we be able to recall the numbers of our best friends, family members, or business contacts? Probably not. Phone numbers are slowly becoming outdated, similar to how IP Addresses now hide behind domain names. Welcome to Go800, the World’s Social Operator.
These next few weeks--and months--are incredibly important for us. We are trying to build a user base and enormous consumer audience that will in turn bring brands and businesses, step by step. Think of how many other successful social networks got started: free basic services, build a wide user base, then capture larger clients and charge money for additional usage/services. We are giving away the razor, while charging for blades, as it were. People will get the service for free, try it for free, then decide if they want more minutes and what package might work best for them. Same with businesses, companies, groups, and brands.
As mentioned, the next few weeks and months are very important. There are several voices developing in the market place. For now, the investor/shareholder voice is talking the loudest in the room; in many places this is the only voice. Soon, we hope, a shift will occur. The consumer voice of Go800 will start talking, as in authentic voices who use and enjoy the service. Eventually this voice will become the biggest. The shareholder voice and the user/consumer voice are very different, with different goals. In this early stage, we want to be careful not to drown out the emerging consumer voice. In this regard, it is best to let Go800 and IF Communications do most of the marketing; let us guide the launch.
Here is what helps us, and what will ultimately assist the goals of both voices:
1. Follow GO800 on Twitter.
2. If you follow us on Twitter, put a picture on your profile, and try to round out your profile by following other users, for example, your interests, hobbies, stars, etc. Enjoy Twitter and use the service; see what’s out there; it’s free. (If potential users, clients, and brands look at GO800’s followers, and see just empty profiles/eggs that follow a few users & have few followers, it will look like spam or fake profiles that are setup just to spam/pimp the product.)
3. Retweet GO800 tweets. You might notice that GO800 isn’t tweeting much, not yet. We are building up to it; please follow our lead. Don’t worry, there will be much more soon…
4. Tell family and friends about our new service. They, like you, can register a username on Twitter so as to prepare for securing that keyword; and they can follow GO800.
All that said, I think the things to avoid are obvious. Please don’t spam or pimp GO800 on Twitter or anywhere else. Telling others about GO800 in clever, short, and occasional ways can be great, using a variety of social media; tweeting every hour with exclamation marks or all caps, not so much; doing drive by Facebook posts, haphazardly and poorly-written, not so much. If people continually spam GO800 this puts the logo and company in jeopardy, puts potential relationships in jeopardy, and we could be reported as spam and shut down. Let’s let the emerging consumer drive Twitter sign-ups, then will come brands and businesses.
A last note akin to this point, I will continue to handle investor relations as in-house IR. IF Communications has been very gracious in answering some shareholder questions lately, but please, let’s let them handle GO800 public relations and the launch, and let them focus on building our GO800 user base. Soon, they will handle the GO800 Facebook (Michelle in particular), which has been dormant for awhile; but remember the GO800 Facebook is for consumers and clients. We have our page for shareholders, GOIG, as in GoIP Global the company.
Turning to the consumer voice again, as our free user base grows, we add value to our network and company. We could have access to a tremendous community of people. This will translate to myriad business benefits, I believe. As the shareholder voice is quieted by the emerging wave of consumer voices, we hope shareholders will reap substantial financial rewards. We are hoping for hockey stick growth, as in step by step then fast.
That’s it for now, more details forthcoming. We hope to release audited financials this Friday; our apology for the delay.
We hope you join us in this revolution and turning point. I’ve been here for over a year, have witnessed the ups & downs, have battled the bashers, the IR firm who must not be named, external challenges along with internal complications, and am still doing all I can for this company and its vision. I still believe we can become a household name.
Remember names, not numbers. As people share their stories, our new story will grow…
Cheers, Brendan Magone