Docket #28637, 06/13/2012: Opposition AKF Engineers, LLPs Response in Opposition to Debtors Two Hundred Eighty-Sixth Omnibus Objection to Claims (Assigned Contract Claims) filed by Scott S. Markowitz on behalf of AKF Engineers, LLP. with hearing to be held on 6/28/2012 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 601 (JMP) (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Proof of Claim# (2) Exhibit B - Summary of Unpaid Invoices) (Markowitz, Scott).
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related: none.
Main Document:
Exhibit B - Summary of Unpaid Invoices:
Die Auseinandersetzung um DIESEN Streit-Gegenstand wird sicherlich spannend!
Case: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.
Related: none.
Main Document:
Exhibit B - Summary of Unpaid Invoices:
Die Auseinandersetzung um DIESEN Streit-Gegenstand wird sicherlich spannend!