Macusani Yellowcake: Uranexplorer mit Potenzial

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danke @Base

22.01.18 11:49
Betrachtet man aber die letzten 5 Jahre des Uranpreises, dann liegt er sogar knapp unter der Hälfte seines Allzeithochs. Zudem bauen viele Länder, darunter z.B. China, Russland und Indien zahlreiche Kernkraftwerke, wofür eine Menge Uran notwendig ist. Zusätzlich haben einige große Uranhersteller ihre Kapazitätsauslastung bei der Erhebung von Uran verringert, um den Bestand zu senken und einen Preisanstieg zu erzielen. Da muss sich doch was tun :/


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23.02.18 19:40
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NEWS: PLU expands potential Falchani Footprint

27.02.18 14:10
to over 1,200m by 1,700m with 80-100m thickness at its High Grade Lithium Prospect through outcrop mapping, sampling and continued drilling


27.02.18 14:50

Ted O’Connor, CEO of Plateau Uranium, commented: “The potential size of the Falchani Lithium project we are growing represents what we believe to be the most significant new lithium discovery of this cycle. We truly believe we are unveiling an extremely large Li deposit, one that is most likely to be a relatively simple, potential open pit mining operation, and could be a significant new source of lithium at truly scalable annual production levels.

Falchani has the best of all non-brine Li project characteristics: low cost open pit potential with depths from surface to 200 m, simple warm sulphuric acid leach processing at atmospheric pressure, with consistently high 80% Li extraction, and consistent high Li grades and thicknesses of 80-100 m in unique volcanic host rocks.

We also should not forget the overlying strong surface uranium mineralization intersected at Falchani within a very large 2 km2 radioactive anomaly, that is the largest of numerous prospecting anomalies in the vicinity.


Einige Insiderkäufe im Februar 2018!

27.02.18 15:16
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