Etwas Verspätung wird angekündigt wegen Covid, aber bis Q4-2020 soll eine 80%ige Sicherheit bezgl des Erreichens der Studienziele erlangt werden, also das wären schon ziemlich gute Nachrichten. Aus dem Annual Report für 2019 (Seite 17):
"We must acknowledge that COVID19 has created worldwide disruptions. With this in mind, even though the structure we have implemented in the USA permits MagForce to continue its clinical registration trial, we will surely experience some delays. As far as we can foresee, this would amount to an adjustment of around two to three months.By the fourth quarter of 2020, we believe we will have sufficient data to reinforce the initial finding that our streamlined procedure continues to show minimal patient side effects, achieve the required 80 percent confidence that the clinical objectives can be met and start commercial preparations while we finish the trial. With this in mind, commercialization will commence during the second quarter of 2021."