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* Matamec Expl. Heavy REO (hREO) in Kanada *

Beiträge: 362
Zugriffe: 61.000 / Heute: 9
Matamec Explorat. kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

The Metals Report mit Patrick Wong:

21.08.13 23:52
The Metals Report:
What are some examples of companies with low capex that could be successful?

Patrick Wong:
On the heavy rare earth element (HREE) side, [u]Matamec Explorations Inc. (MAT:TSX.V; MRHEF:OTCQX)[/u] and Tasman Metals Ltd. (TSM:TSX.V; TAS:NYSE.MKT; TASXF:OTCPK; T61:FSE). A bit further down the road is Namibia Rare Earths Inc. (NRE:TSX, NMREF:OTCQX). Having access to a refinery is key, especially for HREE projects.


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es spricht

22.08.13 08:41
sich langsam rum , welches Backup diese Firma hat.
Auch die Großanleger sind immer in der Lage einige $$ einzuschießen!

die firma ist auf einem guten weg

22.08.13 15:25
nur fehlt es aktuell an fantasie. überlege, vor der FS am 4. september nochmal nachzulegen. andererseits waren explorer in der vergangenheit ja eher fallende messer.

entweder glaubst du

22.08.13 15:49
an steigende Rohstoffpreise oder du darfst gar nicht rein .

mein problem ist eher

29.08.13 09:43
das ich an steigende rohstoffpreise glaube, aber nicht mehr daran, dass die aktienkurse von explorern daran gekoppelt sein könnten.


29.08.13 09:44
eher davon profitieren würden.

ich hatte noch keinen kaffee.


29.08.13 10:18
ist nicht mehr lange Explorer :-)

Das Volumen zieht allmählich an...

30.08.13 18:45;chton=false&chpcon=true

matamec sieht

30.08.13 18:51
in den nächsten 24 Monaten Kurse um einen Dollar-so nicht alle Explorer -abkacken!

A. Mariano: Calling Next-Generation REE Investors

31.08.13 00:20
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (8/27/13)

Matamec: Fokus auf schwere seltene Erden

02.09.13 17:05 - 18 Jul 2013

Morgen, Kinder,

03.09.13 08:52
wird's was geben.


03.09.13 08:57
host fei Recht!

Es geht los...

03.09.13 15:45;chton=false&chpcon=true

Matamec estimates Kipawa pretax NPV at $260Million

04.09.13 15:47
2013-09-04 08:20 ET - News Release

Kurs fällt zurück auf das Niveau von Mitte August

04.09.13 16:35^mat&p=1&t=39&vol=1

Da waren die Erwartungen offenbar erheblich grösser...

ist gut

04.09.13 16:43

2 Faktoren

04.09.13 19:50
1. müssen noch prüfen ob es eine Mine gibt
2. IRR 21%
Fazit :Abstrafung

schon hart

05.09.13 09:06
hat jemand referenzwerte, auf welchem IRR niveau vergleichbare projekte (in china) liegen?

die erwartungen des marktes kann ich mal wieder nicht nachvollziehen. der kurs gibt in keiner weise annähernd den wert der firma wieder, nicht mal des projektes. außerdem ist matamec das einzige unternehmen ausserhalb chinas, das ein projekt in diesem stadium hat und obendrein mit toyotsu bereits einen partner und general-abnehmer des produktes hat.

die kleinen

05.09.13 09:27
Firmen sind noch nicht soweit.
Zuerst werden die großen Produzenten hochgehen.
Das war ein ehrliches Statement der Firma und die IRR ist
auf einem schmalen Grat.
Nichtsdestotrotz gibt es eine Mine , davon bin ich-dank des Partners- 100%ig überzeugt.
Es wird schneller als die kleinen Explorer und die kleinen Produzenten hochgehen!

Der hauptunterschied

05.09.13 09:33
war ganz einfach die Differenz zur PEA die wesentlich besser war.
Das ist auf die niedrigen Rare Earth Preise zurückzuführen.
Aber das Ding ist robust!
“The economics are not the best ever seen for a mining project, but the fact that they were able to produce a positive feasibility using modest LREE prices is pretty good,” she adds.

Schrieb eine Analystin.

Interview with Andre Gauthier,

11.09.13 18:06

Quartalsbericht 3/2013 is in the house!

03.12.13 10:16
Montreal, December 2, 2013- Matamec Explorations Inc. ("Matamec" or the "Company") today reported its financial results for the third quarter and nine-month period ended September 30, 2013.  All numbers are reported in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.

Financial Highlights

   Net earnings for the third quarter of $1,069,047or ($0.009 per share), compared to net earnings of $2,369,141 or ($0.02 per share) in the third quarter of 2012;
   Net earnings of $161,218 or ($0.001 per share) for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2013 compared to net earnings of $806,840 ($0.007 per share) for the same period in 2012;
   Working capital of $2.78 million including cash and cash equivalents of $1.71 million and tax credits to be received of $1.79 million;
   Current assets for the third quarter totalled $4.01 million compared to $6.96 million in the third quarter of 2012;

“The Company made considerable progress this quarter in executing its strategic plan and advancing the Kipawa project to the next level,” said Andre Gauthier, President and CEO of Matamec Explorations.  “With the completion of the feasibility study and the launch of the second pilot plant well underway, we are now in a favourable position to focus in on strengthening our business plan to build stronger economics for the Kipawa project.  We look forward in the near future to announcing the many positive developments in progress by the Company.”

Kipawa JV Operational Highlights

    Filed the first feasibility study technical report for a heavy rare earth project outside of China which demonstrated the Kipawa JV project is both economically and technically positive;

   Toyotsu Rare Earth Canada Inc. (“TRECan”) acquired its remaining 24% undivided interest in the Kipawa JV property giving them a total of 49%;
   Second pilot plant initiated for beneficiation on September 24, 2013, with the expectations of achieving higher rare earths recovery rates which would be a first step toward building stronger economics for the project. The Beneficiation pilot plant was completed in November 2013, and will be followed by the Hydrometallurgical and Purification pilot plant in the first quarter of 2014;
   In parallel the development of the purification circuit is ongoing, for producing a high purity heavy and light rare earth product.  It is planned to pilot this last circuit at the end of the first quarter 2014;
   An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) conducted by Golder Associates initiated in May 2012 for the Kipawa project continues to advance with completion planned for Q1 2014. However an important part of the ESIA, the baseline study and the restoration plan will be completed by Q4 2013; and
   Meetings continue with the Band councils and populations of the two Algonquin communities involved in the project, Eagle Village First Nation and Wolf Lake First Nation.


Matamec Provides Update on its Timmins Gold Proper

17.12.13 09:34

Die Mine

16.01.14 09:43

Matamec Explorations Inc.'s MD and A (September 30, 2013)

According to Matamec Explorations Inc.’s Management Discussion and Analysis for the nine month period ended September 30, 2013:
As of September 30, 2013, the Corporation had a working capital of $2,781,726 ($4,292,287 on December 31, 2012) including cash and cash equivalents of $1,714,460 ($1,592,280 at December 31, 2012). The working capital includes $1,793,810 in tax credits receivable on September 30, 2013 ($3,640,379 on December 31, 2012).
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared using generally accepted accounting principles applicable to a going concern, which contemplates the realization of assets and settlement of liabilities in the normal course of business as they come due. In assessing whether the going concern assumption is appropriate, Management takes into account all available information about the future, which is at least, but not limited to, twelve months from the end of the reporting period. Management is aware in making its assessment of material uncertainties related to events and conditions that lend a significant doubt upon the Corporation ability to continue as a going concern and accordingly, the appropriateness of the use of accounting principles applicable to a going concern, as described in the following paragraph. These financial statements do not reflect the adjustment to the carrying values of assets and liabilities, expenses and financial position classifications that would be necessary were the going concern assumption would not be appropriate. These adjustments could be material.
Management estimates that these funds will not be sufficient to meet the Corporation’s obligations and budgeted expenditures through September 30, 2014. Any funding shortfall may be met in the future in a number of ways, including but not limited to, the issuance of new debt or equity instruments, expenditures reductions and/or the introduction of joint venture partners and/or business combinations. While Management has been successful in securing financing in the past, there can be no assurance it will be able to do so in the future or that these sources of funding or initiatives will be available for the Corporation or that they will be available on terms which are acceptable to the Corporation. If Management is unable to obtain new funding, the Corporation may be unable to continue its operations, and amounts realized for assets might be less than amounts reflected in these financial statements.
The Company’s operating activities used $45,239 in the nine-month period ended September 30, 2013 ($98,794 for the same period in 2012).
Investment activities of the Company are mainly used to fund exploration and evaluation details of which are disclosed in the table on page 6, the addition of mineral properties and the acquisition of property.
The Company is entitled to a refundable tax credit for resources up to 38.75% of qualifying expenditures, and a credit on mining duties refundable for losses of 16% of 50% of qualifying expenditures incurred using non tax renounced flow-through funds. During the period ended September 30, the Company has received $2,000,000 in advance on 2012 tax credits.

The Company does not have any investments in asset-backed commercial paper.
With the feasibility study now completed for the Kipawa JV, the Company still intends to concentrate on developing its strategic and green energy metal properties namely the Zeus, Tansim, and Vulcain properties. The Company will not yet transfer its gold properties into a 100% owned subsidiary but will wait to further develop them and for stock market conditions to become more favourable for financing. The gold properties are Matheson JV/Matheson-Pelangio, Montclerg, Sakami, Wachigabau, and Valmont.
The main corporate goal in 2013 was achieved by the completion of the feasibility study for the Kipawa JV. The feasibility study cost $16 million to complete. With the feasibility study now completed, we plan to spend approximately $5-$6 million for additional environmental assessments, social acceptability, metallurgical optimization including a second series of pilot plant tests planned for the fall 2013 and Q1 2014 and detailed engineering.
Continuing exploration on the Zeus property will concentrate to evaluate by drilling the lateral extension of the deposit on the claims outside of the Matamec-TRECan joint venture and on the Makwa, Certitude, Surprise and Pakwa showings. These showings show the potential of becoming future deposits and are also located in the Kipawa Alkalic Complex. Dr. Mariano and Tony Mariano Jr. are world experts in rare earth exploration. They will be studying the mineralization of all these showings. Additional work will include ground traverses, mechanical trenching, channel sampling, line cutting, and geophysical and geochemical surveys in order to define future drill targets and determine the relationship between the parallel mineralization trends.
The Company holds several other properties located in Quebec and Ontario unrelated to the rare earth properties. The Company’s focus is on strategic and rare metals and to fulfill this goal, the exploration teams are working on other types of strategic metals. On the Tansim property, located to the north of Belleterre, Quebec, strategic metals such as lithium, niobium, and tantalum were found. Copper, nickel, cobalt and platinum group metals were found on the Vulcain property, located in the region of Maniwaki. Five properties are gold projects, some associated with base metal mineralization.

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