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$$ Nach Ethanol der nächste Megamarkt $$

Beiträge: 452
Zugriffe: 43.953 / Heute: 33
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kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar
kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

Hat hier irgendjemand nen Link für RT Euro???

02.05.06 14:44
Bzw. Chart RT Euro


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nach dem heutigen tag

02.05.06 14:47
wird auch in berlin mehr umsatz sein, davon bin ich absolut überzeugt. deswegen, wartet mal ab, was in USA los sein wird und dann vielleicht schon heute ab 16 uhr in berlin...

Mal schauen ob hier in 30 Min die Reise weitergeht o. T.

02.05.06 15:01

bin schon ganz aufgeregt.. ;-) o. T.

02.05.06 15:04

Bid 0,042 $ o. T.

02.05.06 15:05

gestern schon 0,049 $$

02.05.06 15:06
heute über 0,05 ???

Aber bitte Euros :-)) o. T.

02.05.06 15:09

Bid 0,043 $ o. T.

02.05.06 15:21

Bid schon 0,045 $ o. T.

02.05.06 15:25

sehr gut.... o. T.

02.05.06 15:25

Bitte Euch um Hilfe

02.05.06 15:26
Hi, wollte gerade bei der comdirect ordern. Die jedoch sagen mir, sie könnten (auch telefonisch nicht) keinen Kauf für mich tätigen, da keine WKN und keine ISIN vergeben sei. Jetzt meine Frage an Euch: "Soll ich in Berlin kaufen?????"

Danke und mit besten Grüßen

Der Aktiensammler :-))


02.05.06 15:29
das ist unsinn...

WKN: A0B7LF ISIN: US4576921013

Und weiter gehts Bid 0,046 $ o. T.

02.05.06 15:29

Open 0,046 $ o. T.

02.05.06 15:31

Danke Dynamischer....

02.05.06 15:35
.... aber das sind die WKN und die ISIN von Berlin.

usa hat symbol

02.05.06 15:38

Jap, danke an Euch. Jetzt hat es geklappt....

02.05.06 15:40
.... mußte allerdings mit der comdirect längere Zeit telefonieren aber dann endlich hatte ich einen, der wußte wie es geht.

Und nun viel Glück für uns alle.


Mal schauen was die Amis heut machen.... o. T.

02.05.06 15:41

Sind wohl Gewinnmitnahmen.... o. T.

02.05.06 15:46

In Berlin eben...

02.05.06 16:12
500.000 Stk zu 0,037 €

immernoch Grün!

02.05.06 16:28
wir sind immernoch im grünen Bereich, und das nach den Anstiegen der letzten beiden Tagen! Das ist ein sehr gutes Zeichen, dass es hier noch weitergehen wird, ich bleibe dabei!


02.05.06 16:42
Innova Holdings CEO to Present at Friedland Investment Micro-Cap Conference in New York City

Chairman and CEO, Walter Weisel, to Explain Significance of Recent Alliance Agreement with Mesa Robotics Inc.

FORT MYERS, Fla. – May 2, 2006 – Innova Holdings Inc. (IVHG:OTCBB), a robotics and automation technology company, announced today that its Chairman and CEO, Walter K. Weisel, will present at Friedland Investment’s Micro-Cap Conference on Wednesday, May 3, 2006, at the Doubletree Metropolitan Hotel in New York City. Innova Holdings provides patented software and hardware systems-based solutions for the service, personal and industrial robotic markets, NASA, and is entering the military and security markets.

Weisel will elaborate on the significance of the Innova Holdings agreement with Mesa Robotics Inc. He will discuss the integration of Innova Holdings’ control software and enhancements with Mesa Robotics’ fleet of unmanned ground vehicles and the impact of this alliance on current and future markets.

Weisel has more than 30 years’ experience, and is recognized as a pioneer and leader in the robotics industry. An original founding member of the Robotic Industries Association (RIA), the U.S. robot manufacturers’ trade association, Weisel served three terms as president. He served on the RIA Board of Directors and Executive Committee and, as a spokesperson for the industry, served as an advisor to members of the U.S. Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Commerce. He was awarded the Joseph F. Engelberger Award, which recognizes the most significant contribution to the advancement of robotics and automation in the service of mankind. He has a long record of advancing technology and growing companies that develop and commercialize technology, including 13 years with Prab Robots, Inc. as chief executive officer, president and chief operating officer.

Friedland Capital brings together publicly traded global companies at events with the financial community in a variety of industry sectors across the United States and Europe.

About Innova Holdings
Innova Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB:IVHG), Fort Myers, Florida, builds shareholder value by developing and acquiring technology-differentiated solutions with extraordinary potential for profitable and sustainable growth. Innova is chartered to continue expanding its growing suite of technologies through acquisitions and organic growth.

About Robotics Workspace Technologies, Inc.
Robotic Workspace Technologies (RWT), Fort Myers, Florida, is a subsidiary of Innova Holdings, Inc. and a leading provider of open architecture, patent-protected, PC controls, software, and related products that improve the performance, applicability, and productivity of robots and other automated equipment. RWT holds three pioneer utility patents issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)and patents pending pertaining to the interface of a general use computer and the mobility of robots, regardless of specific applications. The first patent, 6,442,451 was issued in 2002. The second patent, 6,675,070, was issued in 2004. Patent number 6,922,611, issued in 2005. Its technology has been applied in industries ranging from agriculture to automotive, to medical and R&D. RWT is recognized internationally for its pioneering contributions to the robotics industry. Its founder, Mr. Walter Weisel, has been a driving force in the robot industry for the past 32 years, and is a recipient of the prestigious Joseph F. Engelberger Award recognizing his contributions to the advancement of robotics and automation.

Innova Robots, Inc.
Innova Robotics, Inc. Fort Myers, Florida, is a subsidiary of Innova Holdings, Inc. founded specifically to enable development of technologies, applications, and markets in the service robot international markets that include service robots for the military, space and undersea exploration, and homeland security. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Innova Holdings, Inc., Service Robots will leverage the patented products, technology, and robotics expertise of RWT, as well as strategic relationships with system integrators and third-party developers to earn a leadership position in this emerging industry.


RWT™, Universal Robot Controller™, URC™ RobotScript®, and TeachPoint File Creator™ are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Innova Holdings, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.

The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Forward-looking statements such as "anticipate," "believe," "expect," "may," "will," "should," "plan," "projected," "intend," etc. contained herein are within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements involve risks and uncertainties and are based on the Company's beliefs and assumptions it made using information currently available to it and which reflect current views concerning those future events. Actual results could differ materially. Therefore, undue reliance should not be placed on any forward-looking statements, since they apply only as of today's date, and accordingly, reference should be made to the Company's periodic filings with the SEC.

For more information, contact:

Joseph Gonzales
Director of Corporate Communications
Innova Holdings, Inc.
Tel: (239) 466-0488, extension 202


Die Aktie war 2003 mal bei 2,25 $

02.05.06 18:00
Würde mal gern wissen, warum dann so bergab ging....

jetzt wird´s

02.05.06 18:13
aber wieder hoch gehen. die paar gewinnmitnahmen sind normal und gut für den chart. ansonsten stehen sämtliche vorzeichen auf norden gerichtet. es gibt gute deals und die news sind auch wieder gut. ich denke es wird richtung 10 cent-marke gehen.

Pendelt sich wohl zwischen

02.05.06 18:40
0,042 und 0,043 ein.....
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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