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Zugriffe: 25.054 / Heute: 1
NEW ENERGY T. kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar


07.08.13 08:55
NEW ENERGY TECHNOLGS Aktie WKN: A1H8CY ISIN: US6438482035 Symbol: NENE buran


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07.08.13 08:55

Ami SK 2,12 $

07.08.13 11:21
Amitickersatz 06-08

Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
06.08.13 2,08 2,18 2,08  2,12 $ 98.109 205 T

Germany RTK 1,514 € RTP 2,02


:::So, So

07.08.13 20:51
"Bitte warten Sie mindestens 10 Sekunden, bevor Sie das nächste Posting verfassen."

..#2 ..#4 hörma

07.08.13 21:35
wenn der Herr Börsendozent hier was erklärt ..dann kaste die Klappe zu halten ..ansonsten wird Dich der Russische WODKA Dein Schädel spalten

ask / RT / Preis pro share 1,709 € Schleife 1.463 spread 16,18%

buran,Der Russen Börsen Dozent

.                    ...mal nen fxien Gruss an Fidel (Börsenfan) und buran hier ;-)

ich bin ein wuchtiger Geselle

08.08.13 10:49
und oben rum nich janz so helle ..fall deswegen öfters uffen Kopp ..aber datt macht mir nüscht ..hab ja nen Kosmonova Helm uffen Kopp ..und der hat och schon ne dicke Delle

Satz 07-08 mit schick fein grünem SK

Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
07.08.13 2,15 2,18 2,07  2,17 $ 46.187 98 T

Kosmonova buran

..#4 ..#5

08.08.13 10:52
.                     ...noch nen fixen Gruss an Kryptomane und buran hier

hatte Kryptomane gestern übersehen ..der Russische WODKA...

.......RTK Nemetzki 1,495 € ,GrB


08.08.13 21:37
90.014 Stücke unter den Amiticker gefeuert ..RTK 2,00 $ glatt

Kosmonova buran

12 Wochen ohne Bundesliga

09.08.13 10:45
da wird man krank ..da flippt aus ..geht ja nu wieder los ..da wird ein Mann zum Mann zum Kingkong

Satz 08-08

Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
08.08.13 2,17 2,17 2,00  2,02 $ 100.018 206 T


der Genitiv

12.08.13 15:26
ist nicht immer dessen Dativ ne Nasenlänge voraus

Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
09.08.13 2,02 2,02 1,97  2,00 $ 38.261 76 T

deswegen schenk ich Dir das buran im Akkusativ nen schicken Börsen Flieder Strauss

und weiter im sozialistischen Sinne

13.08.13 07:26
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
12.08.13 1,97 2,00 1,88  1,92 $ 115.611 225 T

über Russisch Korn und Rotgardisten Arschkimme

halt alles Zocker ..so ist das

14.08.13 22:17
Zeit  Kurs  Stück  
21:57:36 1,95 $  100  
21:44:04 1,89 $  1.670  
21:43:43 1,89 $  500  
21:43:15 1,89 $  200  
21:32:32 1,85 $  496  
21:30:29 1,87 $  100  
21:30:29 1,878 $  100  
21:12:06 1,92 $  3.100  
21:11:50 1,92 $  1.000  
20:41:38 1,91 $  400  
20:41:20 1,91 $  100  
20:12:39 1,87 $  1.900  
20:11:55 1,90 $  100  
19:53:24 1,87 $  900  
19:50:36 1,85 $  135  
19:50:18 1,85 $  100  
19:47:39 1,86 $  1.000  
19:40:25 1,87 $  1.000  
19:36:21 1,86 $  400  
19:36:12 1,861 $  100  
19:31:04 1,86 $  100  
19:25:13 1,87 $  500  
19:24:52 1,87 $  508  
18:47:02 1,88 $  900  
18:46:16 1,88 $  100  
18:34:47 1,879 $  100  
18:22:45 1,87 $  460  
18:05:35 1,88 $  2.250  
18:02:54 1,87 $  333  
17:58:57 1,88 $  600  
17:58:52 1,879 $  100  
17:46:11 1,88 $  100  
17:20:44 1,88 $  500  
17:19:06 1,88 $  1.500  
17:19:01 1,88 $  500  
17:15:47 1,88 $  100  
16:53:43 1,90 $  170  
16:53:26 1,90 $  730  
16:53:04 1,90 $  100  
16:51:02 1,90 $  100  
16:47:26 1,90 $  1.000  
16:45:25 1,90 $  283  
16:45:11 1,90 $  100  
16:44:52 1,90 $  650  
16:44:36 1,90 $  667  
16:16:54 1,91 $  500  
15:36:43 1,91 $  500  
15:30:26 1,94 $  500  
15:30:25 1,94 $  1.000  
15:30:17 1,91 $  2.000  
15:30:09 1,94 $  217

die war richtig fett funky

15.08.13 22:15
Zeit  Kurs  Stück  
21:54:44 1,85 $  350  
21:41:30 1,85 $  1.000  
21:38:51 1,90 $  500  
21:34:43 1,90 $  1.000  
21:32:15 1,90 $  1.000  
21:23:38 1,90 $  1.000  
21:22:21 1,90 $  1.000  
21:19:27 1,90 $  850  
21:19:19 1,92 $  150  
20:36:58 1,85 $  3.000  
20:24:38 1,85 $  600  
19:51:31 1,85 $  500  
19:22:28 1,85 $  500  
19:13:27 1,85 $  500  
19:04:42 1,92 $  300  
19:04:25 1,90 $  100  
19:04:20 1,90 $  3.000  
19:04:02 1,88 $  1.000  
19:02:05 1,85 $  1.000  
18:33:13 1,87 $  200  
18:20:04 1,85 $  1.000  
18:14:23 1,85 $  500  
18:14:00 1,85 $  100  
18:12:06 1,85 $  200  
16:45:56 1,90 $  500  
16:30:53 1,85 $  300  
16:11:13 1,85 $  1.000  
16:10:58 1,85 $  5.000  
16:10:57 1,85 $  1.000  
16:10:20 1,85 $  100  
15:52:44 1,86 $  1.000  
15:51:45 1,86 $  787  
15:51:37 1,864 $  100  
15:51:07 1,864 $  100  
15:50:37 1,864 $  100  
15:50:07 1,864 $  100  
15:47:59 1,86 $  2.700  
15:47:36 1,86 $  2.500  
15:47:19 1,86 $  2.500  
15:46:25 1,90 $  16.349  ..<<<< guck ma hier ..HAMMER ..buran
15:46:21 1,89 $  100  
15:46:12 1,89 $  200  
15:45:17 1,89 $  1.000  
15:37:18 1,95 $  500  
15:30:13 1,89 $  166

Germanski RTK 1,297 €

19.08.13 12:23
Tickersatz 16-08

Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
16.08.13 1,85 1,90 1,82  1,82 $ 21.023 39.122


39.547 Stücke RT durch den Ticker gefeuert

19.08.13 21:28

.......::RTK 1,81 $ ......::Dow 15.020 JOLLYPUNKTE ..buran und danke und weitermachen

die aktuellen Germanski Briefe

20.08.13 12:09
:: Stuttgart 1,419 € :: Berlin 1,452 €

buran und Holla Die Waldfee

96 T (27er Volumen)

28.08.13 14:04
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
27.08.13 1,90 1,90 1,87  1,90 $ 50.906 96 T <<< hier


sechs Wochen lange Weile

29.08.13 15:35
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
28.08.13 1,88 1,93 1,87  1,87 $ 16.287 30.767

..endlich wieder Schule

buran,Die Börsen Sechst Klässerin

1,51 Brief Stuttgart RT ..(günstig)

02.09.13 14:24
und der schicke Satz mit schick fein grünem SK ..schon der Zweite in Folge

Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
30.08.13 1,88 1,90 1,88  1,90 $ 21.228 40.023

......TOP Daten ,GrB

sieh Dir mal die lange Latte an

03.09.13 22:22
...::es haben alle unterschrieben ..::HAMMER ..::buran

Zeit  Kurs  Stück  
21:38:32 1,88 $  200  
21:26:32 1,88 $  1.334  
20:36:07 1,87 $  100  
20:35:26 1,88 $  800  
20:24:01 1,87 $  400  
20:20:33 1,88 $  900  
20:20:24 1,879 $  100  
19:56:52 1,87 $  1.000  
19:34:03 1,87 $  5.550  
19:14:56 1,86 $  100  
19:09:16 1,87 $  2.000  
19:09:14 1,87 $  100  
18:14:44 1,88 $  1.000  
18:13:30 1,87 $  500  
18:05:12 1,87 $  900  
18:04:35 1,87 $  100  
17:43:11 1,87 $  1.000  
17:03:50 1,87 $  3.000  
16:21:12 1,87 $  2.500  
16:10:51 1,88 $  100  
16:04:34 1,88 $  166  
15:44:37 1,89 $  500  
15:44:29 1,89 $  110  
15:44:09 1,889 $  100  
15:43:08 1,89 $  200  
15:43:05 1,88 $  2.199  
15:41:50 1,88 $  100  
15:41:13 1,89 $  100  
15:40:48 1,89 $  100  
15:39:37 1,90 $  1.015  
15:38:00 1,90 $  3.100  
15:35:46 1,89 $  200  
15:33:38 1,90 $  1.820  
15:33:01 1,90 $  500  
15:32:53 1,899 $  100  
15:32:23 1,899 $  100  
15:31:53 1,899 $  100  
15:31:23 1,899 $  100  
15:30:36 1,899 $  100  
15:30:23 1,89 $  4.000  
15:30:12 1,90 $  3.000  
15:30:11 1,90 $  100  
15:30:00 1,90 $  3.200

kommse kommse gehnse gehnse RT Buch:::

04.09.13 21:33
Zeit  Kurs  Stück  
20:58:56 1,83 $  800  
20:56:17 1,83 $  200  
20:34:23 1,83 $  2.000  
19:44:01 1,83 $  1.333  
19:42:18 1,83 $  260  
19:33:22 1,83 $  150  
19:33:14 1,83 $  1.000  
19:14:18 1,85 $  600  
19:10:22 1,85 $  100  
18:14:36 1,85 $  100  
18:14:34 1,85 $  1.500  
18:14:28 1,86 $  100  
18:14:03 1,87 $  300  
17:29:37 1,87 $  435  
16:53:51 1,85 $  2.783  
16:53:47 1,85 $  1.217  
16:53:39 1,85 $  700  
16:53:23 1,85 $  100  
16:53:23 1,853 $  100  
16:52:53 1,85 $  100  
16:52:53 1,853 $  100  
16:52:23 1,85 $  100  
16:52:23 1,853 $  100  
16:52:10 1,87 $  529  
16:45:34 1,85 $  3.600  
16:41:30 1,86 $  400  
16:40:24 1,85 $  1.000  
16:35:17 1,87 $  260  
16:20:44 1,87 $  130  
16:17:43 1,88 $  1.200  
16:15:49 1,88 $  327  
15:57:31 1,89 $  234  
15:56:10 1,89 $  150  
15:49:21 1,89 $  234  
15:47:29 1,89 $  250  
15:37:40 1,881 $  100  
15:36:59 1,89 $  100  
15:32:36 1,88 $  100  
15:31:06 1,89 $  700  
15:30:08 1,89 $  100


1,575 Platz Brief Stuttgart realtime

10.09.13 09:08
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
09.09.13 1,95 1,99 1,92  1,99 $ 95.454 184 T

es regnet es regnet die Tante wird feucht ..das Wetter heute durchwachsen und feucht
....da bleibt man doch lieber an den warmen trockenen Börsenplätzen mit Eierlikörchen

buran,Die Börsen EierlikörchenTante

Stuttgart Lampe RT:: 1,506 € +7,88% +0,11 €

11.09.13 14:13
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
10.09.13 1,99 2,14 1,99  2,14 $ 184.090 379 T

..und schöne 15 US Cent im Ami SK Tickersatz draufgepackt ...TOP

grüner SK im 23er Ticker Satz

24.09.13 12:19
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
23.09.13 2,20 2,39 2,20  2,24 $ 43.572 95 T


Columbia, MD, September 9, 2013

24.09.13 12:26
– New Energy Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: NENE), developer of the world’s first-of-its-kind, see-through technology capable of generating electricity on glass and flexible plastics, announced today that the Company has expanded the use of its SolarWindow™ coatings to include two new product lines. These products are the result of several new inventions — the subject of seven (7) new patent filings — for commercial and military aircraft, and the safety and security of military pilots.

“These product developments allow us strategic entry into flight function and safety, and aircraft power while maintaining focus on the ongoing development of SolarWindow™”, stated Mr. John A. Conklin, President and CEO of New Energy Technologies, Inc. “These are the kinds of products which position the Company as a world-class innovator, using our see-through electricity-generating coatings in high-value applications.”

Aircraft and pilots represent prized, capital intensive resources in both military and commercial sectors. In the United States, nearly $400 billion is slated for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program alone, with approximately $1 trillion in projected maintenance costs for the jets. According to a recent report in the Los Angeles Times, the US Air Force estimates that it costs taxpayers about $6 million to train each fighter pilot. Today’s popular commercial aircraft such as DC-9 and 747 models can cost anywhere from $40 – $360 million; a single United Airlines order accounted for nearly $15 billion in 2012.

Stock Image of Fighter Pilot and Aircraft Canopy

Aircraft windows and fuselage surfaces, and related components; and pilot flight suits, helmets, and visors are among target surfaces included in New Energy’s latest inventions to make use of the Company’s electricity-generating SolarWindow™ coatings. The production of electricity on such surfaces and materials is possible when researchers lightly tint their surfaces with New Energy’s flexible organic, electricity-generating coatings. The result is aesthetically pleasing see-through surfaces, which can have uniquely tailored properties, that generate electricity.

“Unlike traditional PV, New Energy’s SolarWindow™ coatings produce electricity from both natural sunlight and artificial light sources, and the system continues to produce power in low-light or shaded conditions,” explained Dr. Scott Hammond, Principal Scientist of New Energy Technologies, Inc. “Given unknown and uncertain conditions a downed pilot or compromised aircraft could encounter, the Company’s SolarWindow™ technology is an attractive potential source of emergency electricity that could aid in pilot or passenger survival and recovery.”

Researchers envision applying SolarWindow™ coatings to pilot safety equipment, thus providing much-needed ultra-lightweight emergency power to downed pilots. Researchers further anticipate that supplementary power production from SolarWindow™ coatings could reduce the size and weight of ancillary power systems aboard today’s aircraft, potentially improving fuel consumption while increasing usable aircraft space.

Conventional solar-photovoltaic (PV) technologies are generally heavy, thick, opaque, and rigid. New Energy’s electricity-generating coatings are ultra-thin (less than the thickness of the human hair) and inherently lightweight and flexible, which potentially allows unique applications for moving and non-planar surfaces such as aircraft components, flight suits, and helmets and visors – the subjects of various new inventions and seven (7) new patent filings announced today.

The Company’s IP Portfolio for the world’s first-of-its-kind technology capable of generating electricity on see-through glass windows and plastic, SolarWindow™, and today’s new product development inventions are the subject twenty-one (21) US and International patent filings.

New Energy Technologies, Inc.

24.09.13 12:27
, together with its wholly owned subsidiaries, is a developer of next generation alternative and renewable energy technologies. Among the Company’s technologies under development are:

•MotionPowerTM roadway systems for generating electricity by capturing the kinetic energy produced by moving vehicles – a patent-pending technology, the subject of 45
US and International patent applications. An estimated 250 million registered vehicles drive more than 6 billion miles on America’s roadways, every day; and
•SolarWindowTM technologies which enable see-through windows to generate electricity by ‘spraying’ their glass surfaces with New Energy’s electricity-generating coatings – the subject of 21 patent applications. These solar coatings are less than 1/10th the thickness of ‘thin’ films and make use of the world’s smallest functional solar cells, shown to successfully produce electricity in a published peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy of the American Institute of Physics.
Through established relationships with universities, research institutions, and commercial partners, we strive to identify technologies and business opportunities on the leading edge of renewable energy innovation. Unique to our business model is the use of established research infrastructure owned by the various institutions we deal with, saving us significant capital which would otherwise be required for such costs as land and building acquisition, equipment and capital equipment purchases, and other start up expenses. As a result, we are able to benefit from leading edge research while employing significantly less capital than conventional organizations.

For additional information, please call Ms. Briana L. Erickson toll-free at 1-800-213-0689 or visit: www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com.

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For media inquiries please contact Jerry Schranz at jschranz@beckermanpr.com, or visit our Media Relations page for additional contact information:

For answers to frequently asked questions, please visit our FAQs page:


24.09.13 12:31

Regulation FD Disclosure, Financial Statements and Exhibits

Item 7.01 Regulation FD Disclosure
On September 9, 2013, New Energy Technologies, Inc. (the "Company"), issued a press release announcing that that the Company has expanded the use of its SolarWindow� coatings to include two new product lines. These products are the result of several new inventions -- the subject of seven (7) new patent filings -- for commercial and military aircraft, and the safety and security of military pilots. A copy of the press release is attached as Exhibit 99.1 hereto.

Except for the historical information presented in this document, the matters discussed in this Form 8-K, or otherwise incorporated by reference into this document, contain "forward-looking statements" (as such term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995). These statements are identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believes," "plans," "intend," "scheduled," "potential," "continue," "estimates," "hopes," "goal," "objective," "expects," "may," "will," "should" or "anticipates" or the negative thereof or other variations thereon or comparable terminology, or by discussions of strategy that involve risks and uncertainties. The safe harbor provisions of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, apply to forward-looking statements made by the Registrant. The reader is cautioned that no statements contained in this Form 8-K should be construed as a guarantee or assurance of future performance or results. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including those identified within this Form 8-K. The actual results that the Registrant achieves may differ materially from any forward-looking statements due to such risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, and the Registrant assumes no obligation to update this information. Readers are urged to carefully review and consider the various disclosures made by the Registrant in this Form 8-K and in the Registrant's other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission that attempt to advise interested parties of the risks and factors that may affect the Registrant's business.

Note: Information in this report furnished pursuant to Item 7 shall not be deemed to be "filed" for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or otherwise subject to the liabilities of that section. The information in this current report shall not be incorporated by reference into any registration statement pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. The furnishing of the information in this current report is not intended to, and does not, constitute a representation that such furnishing is required by Regulation FD or that the information this current report contains is material investor information that is not otherwise publicly available.

Item 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits
The following exhibits are furnished as part of this report:

Number Description
99.1 Press Release dated September 9, 2013.


2.24 Sep 23, 3:53PM EDT/Pre-Market : NaN

24.09.13 12:33
Prev Close: 2.24
Open: N/A
Bid: N/A
Ask: N/A
1y Target Est: N/A
Beta: 1.1
Next Earnings Date: N/A
Day's Range: N/A - N/A
52wk Range: 0.75 - 2.74
Volume: 0
Avg Vol (3m): 63,895
Market Cap: 54.19M
P/E (ttm): N/A
EPS (ttm): -0.19
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)

RTK 1,93 $

09.10.13 21:49
RTP -5,85 EK 2,05 $ last shares 100 full 179.970 peak 2,05 ,GrB

NENE Ticker LIVE Lampe::::::

10.10.13 21:03
::::::::::: 2,00 $ +3,09% +0,06 $ In Euro: 1,4779 € | Nasdaq OTC Other ,GrB

peak 2,01

10.10.13 21:04
RTK 2,00  $  RTP +3,09 EK 1,94 $ last 300 full 52.652 ,GrB

Deutschland RTs:::

10.10.13 21:06
::: Stuttgart  1,365  €::: Berlin  1,45  €::: buran und MfG

..::hopshopshopshopshopshopshopshops HALLO

25.10.13 14:48
Satz 24-10

Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
24.10.13 2,11 2,19 2,10  2,12 $ 60.877 129 T

Kosmonova buran

(die Chart)

13.11.13 23:21
SK 3,08  $ SKP +10,00 EK 2,80 $ last shares 900 full 417.109 peak 3,10 ,GrB

NENE 19-11

20.11.13 13:17
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
19.11.13 2,745 2,98 2,60   2,65 $ 359.176 1,02 M


wir arbeiten

26.11.13 15:52

      Kurs               Stück          §
  15:34:39§2,75 $
     5.000          §
  15:32:15§2,80 $
     1.000          §
  15:31:37§2,80 $
     1.700          §
  15:30:14§2,75 $
       104          §
  15:30:12§2,75 $

Kosmonova buran

16 Tausend durch den Ticker gedonnert RT

27.11.13 16:41

      Kurs               Stück          §
  16:22:19§2,63 $
       133          §
  16:21:16§2,63 $
       250          §
  16:17:30§2,635 $
       500          §
  16:16:43§2,64 $
       100          §
  16:14:02§2,63 $
     1.000          §
  16:12:29§2,63 $
       400          §
  16:12:23§2,63 $
       100          §
  16:10:31§2,64 $
       925          §
  16:00:43§2,64 $
     1.000          §
  15:51:47§2,642 $
       200          §
  15:48:43§2,63 $
     1.000          §

  15:45:25§2,63 $
     5.000          §
  15:42:12§2,63 $
       600          §
  15:41:55§2,64 $
       125          §
  15:39:53§2,65 $
     1.000          §
  15:39:49§2,68 $
     1.000          §
  15:39:49§2,666 $
       100          §
  15:39:19§2,675 $
       100          §
  15:38:49§2,675 $
       100          §
  15:38:19§2,675 $
       100          §
  15:37:49§2,675 $
       100          §
  15:33:23§2,69 $
       100          §
  15:33:00§2,69 $
       100          §
  15:33:00§2,684 $
       100          §
  15:32:30§2,69 $
       100          §
  15:32:30§2,684 $
       100          §
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New Energy’s Validated

01.06.14 02:42
SolarWindow™ Sets New Record for Generating Electricity While Remaining See-Through
15:20 08.05.14


New Energy Technologies Inc. (OTCQB: NENE), developer of see-through SolarWindow™ coatings, capable of generating electricity on glass and flexible plastics, today announced that its technology has set a new record for generating electricity while remaining see-through with over 50% greater power than prior attempts publicized by others.

Electricity-Generating SolarWindow™ Module, Being Developed in Architecturally-Neutral Colors (Photo ...
Electricity-Generating SolarWindow™ Module, Being Developed in Architecturally-Neutral Colors (Photo: New Energy Technologies, Inc.)

Using today’s certified power-production data, Company engineers estimate that a SolarWindow™ installation on a fifty (50) story commercial building located in Florida could generate enough electricity to power at least 100 homes while eliminating the equivalent carbon emissions produced by vehicles driving approximately 2,750,000 miles per year.

Additional total power production and carbon-offset estimates for skyscraper and tall tower installations are currently being calculated by engineers for public review using today’s validated SolarWindow™ performance results.

The Company’s announcement is based on results of independent testing and certification of its SolarWindow™ modules by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Based on this newly validated data from the high-performance modules unveiled on March 26, 2014, New Energy’s review of prevailing published literature and scientific reports confirmed that SolarWindow™ modules outperform publicized devices of comparable architecture, size, and design by over 53% in terms of power production – a major achievement and new record. The Company’s certified, high-performance module is the most efficient organic photovoltaic (OPV) module ever measured by NREL’s Device Performance Measurement Laboratory.

Typically, OPV performance tests are conducted on small ‘lab-scale’ devices, which generally measure only 1 square inch (in2) or smaller due to the challenging nature of OPV scale-up for see-through (semi-transparent) devices. New Energy’s latest, high-performance SolarWindow™ module measures 36 in² (232 square centimeters or cm2).

“We’ve long been confident that our SolarWindow™ modules are more power efficient and larger than any other like-technology. Now, our target customers - engineers, glass companies, architects, and building developers - know this to be the case,” announced Mr. John A. Conklin, President and CEO of New Energy Technologies, Inc.

“We are engineering our see-through SolarWindow™ products to generate sustainable electricity, and be aesthetically attractive, while being developed at a cost which makes economic sense to our customers,” continued Mr. Conklin. “We also remain mindful of ease-of-manufacturing, scale-up of size, and overall environmental benefits – all important considerations for our potential customers and future commercial partners in the commercial buildings sector.”

Company engineers envision installing SolarWindow™ on the vast areas of tinted glass surfaces on commercial buildings. In contrast, conventional solar power systems are limited to very small rooftop areas on skyscrapers and tall towers, which are already crowded with service systems such as HVAC services and elevators; tenant-amenities such as rooftop gardens and pools; and other high-footprint features.

“We’ve worked hard to achieve both large-scale and high power conversion efficiency,” explained Dr. Scott Hammond, Principal Scientist at New Energy Technologies, Inc. “Our record-breaking SolarWindow™ module is the result of various methods of fabrication and materials, which have helped us overcome numerous challenges unique to our OPV device technology. I’m grateful for the support of the talented scientific team at NREL, who have helped us achieve this very significant milestone.”

The Company’s high-performance, large-area SolarWindow™ has been fabricated through the efforts of New Energy’s Principal Scientist, Dr. Scott Hammond, in collaboration with NREL Researchers, particularly Dr. Maikel van Hest, Dr. Dana C. Olson, and Dr. Scott Mauger.

“As NREL researchers, part of our mandate is to help companies move their renewable energy technologies closer to commercialization,” explained Dr. Maikel van Hest, Senior Scientist at NREL. “It’s wonderful to contribute to breakthroughs such as this latest achievement, an important step in commercialization of their technology.”

NREL is among the world’s most respected and advanced solar-photovoltaic research institutions, and over its 37-year history has been credited for ground-floor support of many of the commercial technologies employed by today’s renewable energy industries.

NREL and New Energy have been working through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement to advance the Company’s SolarWindow™ technology for generating electricity on glass windows. The NREL Device Performance Measurement Laboratory is the premier U.S. Department of Energy research laboratory for testing performance of commercial, developmental, and research photovoltaic (PV) devices. The Device Performance group is one of only two laboratories in the world to hold an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17025 accreditation for primary reference cell and secondary module calibration, in addition to accreditation for secondary reference cell calibration under American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards.

SolarWindow™ researchers have rapidly developed the Company’s technology from its early beginnings as a tiny, experimental lab device to a first-of-its-kind, see-through glass window capable of generating electricity. Today, the technology is the subject of forty-two (42) patent filings, and researchers are on track to advance SolarWindow™ towards full-scale commercial manufacturability – a near term goal.

SolarWindow™ is currently under development for eventual commercial deployment in the estimated 80 million detached homes in America and more than five million commercial buildings. The federal government estimates that by catalyzing private sector investments in commercial and industrial building energy upgrades, may make America’s buildings 20 percent more efficient over the next decade, reducing energy costs for American businesses by nearly $40 billion.

To view additional photographs of our latest, high performance SolarWindow™ modules, click here.

About New Energy Technologies, Inc.

New Energy Technologies, Inc., together with its wholly owned subsidiaries, is a developer of next generation alternative and renewable energy technologies. Among the Company’s technologies under development are:

MotionPower™ roadway systems for generating electricity by capturing the kinetic energy produced by moving vehicles – a patent-pending technology, the subject of 59 US and International patent applications. An estimated 250 million registered vehicles drive more than six billion miles on America’s roadways, every day; and
SolarWindow™ technologies, which generates electricity on see-through glass and flexible plastics with colored tints popular to skyscraper glass. Unlike conventional systems, SolarWindow™ can be applied to all four sides of tall towers, generating electricity using natural and artificial light conditions and even shaded areas. SolarWindow™ uses organic materials, which are dissolved into liquid, ideal for low-cost high-output manufacturing. New Energy’s SolarWindow™ is the subject of 42 patent applications.
Through established relationships with universities, research institutions, and commercial partners, we strive to identify technologies and business opportunities on the leading edge of renewable energy innovation. Unique to our business model is the use of established research infrastructure owned by the various institutions we deal with, saving us significant capital which would otherwise be required for such costs as land and building acquisition, equipment and capital equipment purchases, and other start-up expenses. As a result, we are able to benefit from leading edge research while employing significantly less capital than conventional organizations.

For additional information, please call Ms. Briana L. Erickson toll-free at 1-800-213-0689 or visit: www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com.

To receive future press releases via email, please visit: http://www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/investor_alert.

To view the full HTML text of this release, please visit: http://www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/NENE20140508.

For media inquiries, please contact Jerry Schranz at jschranz@beckermanpr.com, or visit our Media Relations page for additional contact information: http://www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/media_relations.

For answers to frequently asked questions, please visit our FAQs page: http://www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/investors/faqs.

Legal Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

No statement herein should be considered an offer or a solicitation of an offer for the purchase or sale of any securities. This release contains forward-looking statements that are based upon current expectations or beliefs, as well as a number of assumptions about future events. Although New Energy Technologies, Inc. (the “Company” or “New Energy Technologies”) believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements and the assumptions upon which they are based are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations and assumptions will prove to have been correct. Forward-looking statements, which involve assumptions and describe our future plans, strategies, and expectations, are generally identifiable by use of the words “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “believe,” “intend,” or “project” or the negative of these words or other variations on these words or comparable terminology. The reader is cautioned not to put undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, as these statements are subject to numerous factors and uncertainties, including but not limited to adverse economic conditions, intense competition, lack of meaningful research results, entry of new competitors and products, adverse federal, state and local government regulation, inadequate capital, unexpected costs and operating deficits, increases in general and administrative costs, termination of contracts or agreements, technological obsolescence of the Company's products, technical problems with the Company's research and products, price increases for supplies and components, litigation and administrative proceedings involving the Company, the possible acquisition of new businesses or technologies that result in operating losses or that do not perform as anticipated, unanticipated losses, the possible fluctuation and volatility of the Company's operating results, financial condition and stock price, losses incurred in litigating and settling cases, dilution in the Company's ownership of its business, adverse publicity and news coverage, inability to carry out research, development and commercialization plans, loss or retirement of key executives and research scientists, changes in interest rates, inflationary factors, and other specific risks. There can be no assurance that further research and development will validate and support the results of our preliminary research and studies. Further, there can be no assurance that the necessary regulatory approvals will be obtained or that New Energy Technologies, Inc. will be able to develop commercially viable products on the basis of its technologies. In addition, other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are discussed in the Company's most recent Form 10-Q and Form 10-K filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These reports and filings may be inspected and copied at the Public Reference Room maintained by the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. You can obtain information about operation of the Public Reference Room by calling the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330. The U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission also maintains an Internet site that contains reports, proxy and information statements, and other information regarding issuers that file electronically with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at http://www.sec.gov. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly release the results of any revisions to these forward looking statements that may be made to reflect the events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: http://www.businesswire.com/multimedia/home/20140508005145/en/

(c)Business Wire. All of the news releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other applicable laws, treaties and conventions. Information contained in the releases is furnished by Business Wire's members, who warrant that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. All reproduction, other than for an individual user's personal reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.http://www.ariva.de/news/...icity-While-Remaining-See-Through-5030690

15:25 03.06.14 COLUMBIA, Md. --(BUSINESS WIRE)--

04.06.14 09:07
New Energy’s See-Through SolarWindow™ Estimated to Generate Ten-Fold Greater Electrical Energy & Environmental Benefits Over Today’s Rooftop Solar
15:25 03.06.14


New Energy Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: NENE), developer of see-through SolarWindow™ coatings capable of generating electricity on glass and flexible plastics, today released first-ever power modeling estimates of its SolarWindow™ prototype modules. Engineers estimate that SolarWindow™ modules could conservatively produce at least ten times the electrical energy of conventional rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems, and in some instances, exceed power performance by as much as 50-fold. SolarWindow™ modules could also eliminate the equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced by vehicles driving more than 2 million miles per year.

Recently, New Energy’s largest, high-performance SolarWindow™ module set a new “certified” record for generating electricity while remaining see-through; SolarWindow™ high-performance prototype produced over 50 percent greater power than prior attempts publicized by others of comparable organic photovoltaic (OPV) prototype device architecture, size and design.

Using the independently tested and certified power production data for its SolarWindow™ modules from the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Company engineers have since developed a model for estimating the amount of electrical energy and environmental benefits SolarWindow™ prototype modules may provide.

In every instance where New Energy’s high-performance prototype SolarWindow™ modules have been modeled for performance against today’s typical rooftop solar PV module systems, the modeling estimates show significantly greater generation of electrical energy and multiple-fold environmental benefits.

By way of illustration, the Company model estimates show that when installed on all four sides of a 50-story building in:

Phoenix, Arizona – SolarWindow™ modules could generate enough electricity to power 130 homes each year. Today’s rooftop systems could only produce enough for 3 to 11 homes per year.
Amarillo, Texas – SolarWindow™ modules could provide the equivalent of avoiding the CO2 emissions produced by vehicles driving over 2.2 million miles each year. Today’s rooftop systems could only avoid the equivalent CO2 emissions produced from 49,000 to 180,000 miles of vehicle miles per year.
Miami, Florida - SolarWindow™ modules could generate over 1.3 million kWh (kilowatt hours) of energy. Today’s rooftop systems could only generate from 28,000 to 102,000 kWh.
Denver, Colorado – SolarWindow™ modules could provide the equivalent reductions in CO2 emissions produced by as much as 770 acres of forest sequestering CO2. Today’s rooftop systems could only provide the equivalent CO2 reductions produced by 20 to 70 acres of forest sequestering CO2.
(New Energy’s summary estimates are rounded. View actual model estimates at: www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/powermodel.)

“High power output and meaningful environmental benefits are among the most important drivers for our potential commercial customers, strategic partners, and end consumers,” explained Mr. John Conklin, President and CEO of New Energy Technologies, Inc. “We now have a model that estimates SolarWindow™ module performance in these key areas, and compares these estimates to today’s conventional rooftop solar PV module systems.”

“Importantly, we’ve long believed in the electrical power production and environmental benefits of applying our see-through SolarWindow™ coatings to the many acres of glass windows on all four sides of commercial tall towers and skyscrapers, rather than relying on limited rooftop space available for today’s conventional solar PV rack-mounted systems. Our decision to pursue vast glass surfaces on buildings to create environmentally friendly energy producing power plants shows its benefits in our latest modeled estimates.”

Today’s modeled estimates were developed exclusively by New Energy Technologies’ engineers and researchers. The Company’s internal teams modeled their calculations based on results of independent testing and certification of its record-setting SolarWindow™ high-performance modules by the NREL Device Performance Measurement Laboratory. The Device Performance group is one of only two laboratories in the world to hold an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17025 accreditation for primary reference cell and secondary module calibration, in addition to accreditation for secondary reference cell calibration under American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards.

SolarWindow™ is currently under development for eventual commercial deployment in the estimated 80 million detached homes in America and more than five million commercial buildings. The technology is the subject of 42 patent filings, and researchers are on track to advance SolarWindow™ towards full-scale commercial manufacturability – a near-term goal.

To view photographs of New Energy’s latest high performance SolarWindow™ modules, click here.

New Energy Technologies' Proprietary Power Production Model (Power Model) uses Photovoltaic (PV) modeling calculations that are consistent with renewable energy practitioner standards for assessing, evaluating and estimating renewable energy for a PV project. The Power Model estimator takes into consideration building geographic location, solar radiation for flat-plate collectors (SolarWindow™ irradiance is derated to account for 3600 building orientation and vertical installation), climate zone energy use and generalized skyscraper building characteristics when estimating PV power and energy production, and carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents. Actual power, energy production and CO2 equivalents modeled may vary based upon building-to-building situational characteristics and varying installation methodologies.

About New Energy Technologies, Inc.

New Energy Technologies, Inc., together with its wholly owned subsidiaries, is a developer of next generation alternative and renewable energy technologies. Among the Company’s technologies under development are:

MotionPower™ roadway systems for generating electricity by capturing the kinetic energy produced by moving vehicles – a patent-pending technology, the subject of 59 US and International patent applications. An estimated 250 million registered vehicles drive more than six billion miles on America’s roadways, every day; and
SolarWindow™ technologies, which generates electricity on see-through glass and flexible plastics with colored tints popular to skyscraper glass. Unlike conventional systems, SolarWindow™ can be applied to all four sides of tall towers, generating electricity using natural and artificial light conditions and even shaded areas. SolarWindow™ uses organic materials, which are dissolved into liquid, ideal for low-cost high-output manufacturing. New Energy’s SolarWindow™ is the subject of 42 patent applications.
Through established relationships with universities, research institutions, and commercial partners, we strive to identify technologies and business opportunities on the leading edge of renewable energy innovation. Unique to our business model is the use of established research infrastructure owned by the various institutions we deal with, saving us significant capital which would otherwise be required for such costs as land and building acquisition, equipment and capital equipment purchases, and other start-up expenses. As a result, we are able to benefit from leading edge research while employing significantly less capital than conventional organizations.

For additional information, please call Ms. Briana L. Erickson toll-free at 1-800-213-0689 or visit: www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com.

To receive future press releases via email, please visit:


To view the full HTML text of this release, please visit:


For media inquiries, please contact Jerry Schranz at jschranz@beckerman.com, or visit our Media Relations page for additional contact information:


For answers to frequently asked questions, please visit our FAQs page:


Legal Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

No statement herein should be considered an offer or a solicitation of an offer for the purchase or sale of any securities. This release contains forward-looking statements that are based upon current expectations or beliefs, as well as a number of assumptions about future events. Although New Energy Technologies, Inc. (the “Company” or “New Energy Technologies”) believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements and the assumptions upon which they are based are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations and assumptions will prove to have been correct. Forward-looking statements, which involve assumptions and describe our future plans, strategies, and expectations, are generally identifiable by use of the words “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “believe,” “intend,” or “project” or the negative of these words or other variations on these words or comparable terminology. The reader is cautioned not to put undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, as these statements are subject to numerous factors and uncertainties, including but not limited to adverse economic conditions, intense competition, lack of meaningful research results, entry of new competitors and products, adverse federal, state and local government regulation, inadequate capital, unexpected costs and operating deficits, increases in general and administrative costs, termination of contracts or agreements, technological obsolescence of the Company's products, technical problems with the Company's research and products, price increases for supplies and components, litigation and administrative proceedings involving the Company, the possible acquisition of new businesses or technologies that result in operating losses or that do not perform as anticipated, unanticipated losses, the possible fluctuation and volatility of the Company's operating results, financial condition and stock price, losses incurred in litigating and settling cases, dilution in the Company's ownership of its business, adverse publicity and news coverage, inability to carry out research, development and commercialization plans, loss or retirement of key executives and research scientists, changes in interest rates, inflationary factors, and other specific risks. There can be no assurance that further research and development will validate and support the results of our preliminary research and studies. Further, there can be no assurance that the necessary regulatory approvals will be obtained or that New Energy Technologies, Inc. will be able to develop commercially viable products on the basis of its technologies. In addition, other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are discussed in the Company's most recent Form 10-Q and Form 10-K filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These reports and filings may be inspected and copied at the Public Reference Room maintained by the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. You can obtain information about operation of the Public Reference Room by calling the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330. The U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission also maintains an Internet site that contains reports, proxy and information statements, and other information regarding issuers that file electronically with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at http://www.sec.gov. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly release the results of any revisions to these forward looking statements that may be made to reflect the events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: http://www.businesswire.com/multimedia/home/20140603006082/en/

(c)Business Wire. All of the news releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other applicable laws, treaties and conventions. Information contained in the releases is furnished by Business Wire's members, who warrant that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. All reproduction, other than for an individual user's personal reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.http://www.ariva.de/news/...nefits-Over-Today-s-Rooftop-Solar-5059440

New Energy Appoints Solar PV System Design

08.08.14 17:31
and Installation Expert to Board of Advisors
15:20 02.07.14


New Energy Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: NENE), developer of see-through SolarWindow™ coatings capable of generating electricity on glass and flexible plastics, is pleased to announce the appointment of solar PV design and installation expert, and North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) Certified Professional, Mr. Kelly Provence, to the Company’s Board of Advisors.

Mr. Kelly Provence Member, Board of Advisors New Energy Technologies, Inc. (Photo: Business Wire)
Mr. Kelly Provence Member, Board of Advisors New Energy Technologies, Inc. (Photo: Business Wire)

Mr. Provence has nearly 20 years of expertise, has designed and installed over 200kW of battery based PV systems, and has designed, installed or consulted on over 10MW of grid interactive PV systems. He provides design consulting and inspection services to PV installation professionals, holds three NABCEP certifications as a Certified PV Installation Professional, Certified PV Technical Sales Professional and Certified Solar Thermal Installer, is a Licensed Master Electrician, and has a Marketing and Management degree from Bainbridge State College. He has become one of the most respected and highly certified solar PV Installers and Trainers in the US, and is one of a small number of people in the US who holds three certificates from NABCEP. He was also awarded Master Certified PV Trainer status from the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC), making him the first PV Trainer in the US to achieve all four certifications.

“I’m pleased to welcome Kelly to the team as we continue advancing New Energy’s SolarWindow™ technology toward commercialization,” stated Mr. John A. Conklin, President and CEO of New Energy Technologies, Inc. “Kelly has an intimate knowledge of electrical systems design and installation. His expertise in solar PV will be invaluable to our efforts in developing commercially viable products and systems utilizing our see-through SolarWindow™ coatings in commercial glass products and integrating them with building infrastructures to provide a source of renewable electricity generation.”

Mr. Provence founded a PV focused renewable energy design and installation company, Solairgen, the first privately held solar PV training company in the eastern US. Recognizing the need for the highest standards of integrity in the growing solar industry, he began training for and obtaining national certification in PV installation from the NABCEP, a national program that awards professional certification to photovoltaic installers in the U.S.

His passion as an environmentalist led him to involvement in the structuring of the Georgia Solar Energy Association (GSEA), volunteering as a director for three years, advocating for solar energy and lobbying state and federal politicians on environmental issues.

Realizing a need for competent and professional solar PV training, particularly in his home state of Georgia, he transitioned Solairgen into a solar training company and has developed nine PV courses, from entry level PV design, to technical sales, to advanced design and installation. He also obtained accreditation from the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) for program certification and as a Master Certified PV Trainer.

Currently, Mr. Provence is the CEO of Solairgen. He provides design consulting and inspection services to PV installation professionals. He also continues to develop accredited solar PV courses and trains students from across the world with the goal to strengthen the solar industry by providing a full spectrum of training programs for solar design, installation and sales.

NABCEP is the most respected, well-established, and widely recognized certification organization for North American solar professionals. NABCEP was founded with the mission to support and work with the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries, professionals and stakeholders to develop and implement quality credentialing programs for practitioners. NABCEP’s certification programs are administered to the highest standards for testing and certification. The NABCEP PV Installation Professional and Solar Heating Installer Certifications have been accredited to the ISO/IEC 17024 standard by ANSI.

Currently under development for eventual commercial deployment in the estimated 85 million commercial buildings and homes in America, SolarWindow™ is the world’s first-of-its-kind technology capable of generating electricity on see-through glass windows and flexible plastics.

About New Energy Technologies, Inc.

New Energy Technologies, Inc., together with its wholly owned subsidiaries, is a developer of next generation alternative and renewable energy technologies. Among the Company’s technologies under development are:

MotionPower™ roadway systems for generating electricity by capturing the kinetic energy produced by moving vehicles – a patent-pending technology, the subject of 59 US and International patent applications. An estimated 250 million registered vehicles drive more than six billion miles on America’s roadways, every day; and
SolarWindow™ technologies, which generates electricity on see-through glass and flexible plastics with colored tints popular to skyscraper glass. Unlike conventional systems, SolarWindow™ can be applied to all four sides of tall towers, generating electricity using natural and artificial light conditions and even shaded areas. SolarWindow™ uses organic materials, which are dissolved into liquid, ideal for low-cost high-output manufacturing. New Energy’s SolarWindow™ is the subject of 42 patent applications.
Through established relationships with universities, research institutions, and commercial partners, we strive to identify technologies and business opportunities on the leading edge of renewable energy innovation. Unique to our business model is the use of established research infrastructure owned by the various institutions we deal with, saving us significant capital which would otherwise be required for such costs as land and building acquisition, equipment and capital equipment purchases, and other start-up expenses. As a result, we are able to benefit from leading edge research while employing significantly less capital than conventional organizations.

For additional information, please call Ms. Briana L. Erickson toll-free at 1-800-213-0689 or visit: www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com.

To receive future press releases via email, please visit: http://www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/investor_alert.

To view the full HTML text of this release, please visit: http://www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/NENE20140702.

For media inquiries, please contact Jerry Schranz at jschranz@beckermanpr.com, or visit our Media Relations page for additional contact information: http://www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/media_relations.

For answers to frequently asked questions, please visit our FAQs page: http://www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/investors/faqs.

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No statement herein should be considered an offer or a solicitation of an offer for the purchase or sale of any securities. This release contains forward-looking statements that are based upon current expectations or beliefs, as well as a number of assumptions about future events. Although New Energy Technologies, Inc. (the “Company” or “New Energy Technologies”) believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements and the assumptions upon which they are based are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations and assumptions will prove to have been correct. Forward-looking statements, which involve assumptions and describe our future plans, strategies, and expectations, are generally identifiable by use of the words “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “believe,” “intend,” or “project” or the negative of these words or other variations on these words or comparable terminology. The reader is cautioned not to put undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, as these statements are subject to numerous factors and uncertainties, including but not limited to adverse economic conditions, intense competition, lack of meaningful research results, entry of new competitors and products, adverse federal, state and local government regulation, inadequate capital, unexpected costs and operating deficits, increases in general and administrative costs, termination of contracts or agreements, technological obsolescence of the Company's products, technical problems with the Company's research and products, price increases for supplies and components, litigation and administrative proceedings involving the Company, the possible acquisition of new businesses or technologies that result in operating losses or that do not perform as anticipated, unanticipated losses, the possible fluctuation and volatility of the Company's operating results, financial condition and stock price, losses incurred in litigating and settling cases, dilution in the Company's ownership of its business, adverse publicity and news coverage, inability to carry out research, development and commercialization plans, loss or retirement of key executives and research scientists, changes in interest rates, inflationary factors, and other specific risks. There can be no assurance that further research and development will validate and support the results of our preliminary research and studies. Further, there can be no assurance that the necessary regulatory approvals will be obtained or that New Energy Technologies, Inc. will be able to develop commercially viable products on the basis of its technologies. In addition, other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are discussed in the Company's most recent Form 10-Q and Form 10-K filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These reports and filings may be inspected and copied at the Public Reference Room maintained by the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. You can obtain information about operation of the Public Reference Room by calling the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330. The U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission also maintains an Internet site that contains reports, proxy and information statements, and other information regarding issuers that file electronically with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at http://www.sec.gov. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly release the results of any revisions to these forward looking statements that may be made to reflect the events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: http://www.businesswire.com/multimedia/home/20140702005474/en/

(c)Business Wire. All of the news releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other applicable laws, treaties and conventions. Information contained in the releases is furnished by Business Wire's members, who warrant that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. All reproduction, other than for an individual user's personal reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.http://www.ariva.de/news/...ation-Expert-to-Board-of-Advisors-5088845


08.08.14 17:33
New Energy Appoints Global Technology Development Expert to Board of Advisors
15:20 05.08.14


New Energy Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: NENE), developer of see-through SolarWindow™ coatings capable of generating electricity on glass and flexible plastics, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Curtis Watkins, an energy advocate with deep industry ties and experience promoting the energy economy through leading initiatives, and connecting and collaborating with energy companies and professionals, to the Company’s Board of Advisors.

Mr. Curtis Watkins Member, Board of Advisors New Energy Technologies, Inc. (Photo: Business Wire)
Mr. Curtis Watkins Member, Board of Advisors New Energy Technologies, Inc. (Photo: Business Wire)

Mr. Watkins currently works in the Emerging Technology Office at Duke Energy, where he is responsible for testing and verifying new technologies that have the potential to become part of a new emerging energy portfolio of solutions. He works with a range of technologies, from smaller-scale applications for individual homes, to larger-scale grid technologies and distributed energy resources. Prior to his joining the Emerging Technology Office in 2010, Curtis worked in the IT area developing secure solutions to allow 3rd party vendors access to sensitive, internal data.

Mr. Watkins not only works with one of the United States’ largest utilities, but began his career as an entrepreneur, helping build a high-tech startup focused on mobile technology solutions aimed at improving municipality process and procedures for code enforcement operations, and also starting an energy incubator program, CLT Joules, as a way to combine his passion for energy technology and entrepreneurism. Through his leadership, the CLT Joules program has raised significant corporate sponsorships to fund the operations and taken in 9 energy companies as part of the program, donating professional service work to energy innovators and small businesses to further their development. CLT Joules was noted by then Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers as “one of the top 3 energy developments in Charlotte” in 2012.

“I’m pleased to have Curtis as a member of our Advisory Board team,” stated Mr. John A. Conklin, President and CEO of New Energy Technologies, Inc. “Curtis is a proven entrepreneur and energy professional. As we continue to develop our SolarWindow™ technology toward commercialization, we look forward to utilizing his experience with driving innovative technology solutions in the utility and municipal energy industries, and guidance in the development of strategic partnerships.”

Mr. Watkins also serves on the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s Energy and Infrastructure Production Center (EPIC) Implementation Committee as well as on the Emerging Technologies Coordinating Council (ETCC) Advisory Council. Curtis was named by the Charlotte Business Journal to the top ‘Forty Under Forty’ for 2013 and was the Young Professionals in Energy ‘Person of the Year’ for the Charlotte chapter in 2011. He holds a B.S. in Business Administration from the Virginia Commonwealth University.

Currently under development for eventual commercial deployment in the estimated 85 million commercial buildings and homes in America, SolarWindow™ is the world’s first-of-its-kind technology capable of generating electricity on see-through glass windows and flexible plastics.

About New Energy Technologies, Inc.

New Energy Technologies, Inc., together with its wholly owned subsidiaries, is a developer of next generation alternative and renewable energy technologies. Among the Company’s technologies under development are:

MotionPower™ roadway systems for generating electricity by capturing the kinetic energy produced by moving vehicles – a patent-pending technology, the subject of 59 US and International patent applications. An estimated 250 million registered vehicles drive more than six billion miles on America’s roadways, every day; and
SolarWindow™ technologies, which generates electricity on see-through glass and flexible plastics with colored tints popular to skyscraper glass. Unlike conventional systems, SolarWindow™ can be applied to all four sides of tall towers, generating electricity using natural and artificial light conditions and even shaded areas. SolarWindow™ uses organic materials, which are dissolved into liquid, ideal for low-cost high-output manufacturing. New Energy’s SolarWindow™ is the subject of 42 patent applications.
Through established relationships with universities, research institutions, and commercial partners, we strive to identify technologies and business opportunities on the leading edge of renewable energy innovation. Unique to our business model is the use of established research infrastructure owned by the various institutions we deal with, saving us significant capital which would otherwise be required for such costs as land and building acquisition, equipment and capital equipment purchases, and other start-up expenses. As a result, we are able to benefit from leading edge research while employing significantly less capital than conventional organizations.

For additional information, please call Ms. Briana L. Erickson toll-free at 1-800-213-0689 or visit: www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com.

To receive future press releases via email, please visit: http://www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/investor_alert.

To view the full HTML text of this release, please visit: http://www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/NENE20140805.

For media inquiries, please contact Jerry Schranz at jschranz@beckermanpr.com, or visit our Media Relations page for additional contact information: http://www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/media_relations.

For answers to frequently asked questions, please visit our FAQs page: http://www.newenergytechnologiesinc.com/investors/faqs.

Legal Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

No statement herein should be considered an offer or a solicitation of an offer for the purchase or sale of any securities. This release contains forward-looking statements that are based upon current expectations or beliefs, as well as a number of assumptions about future events. Although New Energy Technologies, Inc. (the “Company” or “New Energy Technologies”) believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements and the assumptions upon which they are based are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations and assumptions will prove to have been correct. Forward-looking statements, which involve assumptions and describe our future plans, strategies, and expectations, are generally identifiable by use of the words “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “believe,” “intend,” or “project” or the negative of these words or other variations on these words or comparable terminology. The reader is cautioned not to put undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, as these statements are subject to numerous factors and uncertainties, including but not limited to adverse economic conditions, intense competition, lack of meaningful research results, entry of new competitors and products, adverse federal, state and local government regulation, inadequate capital, unexpected costs and operating deficits, increases in general and administrative costs, termination of contracts or agreements, technological obsolescence of the Company's products, technical problems with the Company's research and products, price increases for supplies and components, litigation and administrative proceedings involving the Company, the possible acquisition of new businesses or technologies that result in operating losses or that do not perform as anticipated, unanticipated losses, the possible fluctuation and volatility of the Company's operating results, financial condition and stock price, losses incurred in litigating and settling cases, dilution in the Company's ownership of its business, adverse publicity and news coverage, inability to carry out research, development and commercialization plans, loss or retirement of key executives and research scientists, changes in interest rates, inflationary factors, and other specific risks. There can be no assurance that further research and development will validate and support the results of our preliminary research and studies. Further, there can be no assurance that the necessary regulatory approvals will be obtained or that New Energy Technologies, Inc. will be able to develop commercially viable products on the basis of its technologies. In addition, other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are discussed in the Company's most recent Form 10-Q and Form 10-K filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These reports and filings may be inspected and copied at the Public Reference Room maintained by the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. You can obtain information about operation of the Public Reference Room by calling the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330. The U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission also maintains an Internet site that contains reports, proxy and information statements, and other information regarding issuers that file electronically with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at http://www.sec.gov. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly release the results of any revisions to these forward looking statements that may be made to reflect the events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: http://www.businesswire.com/multimedia/home/20140805005738/en/

(c)Business Wire. All of the news releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other applicable laws, treaties and conventions. Information contained in the releases is furnished by Business Wire's members, who warrant that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. All reproduction, other than for an individual user's personal reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.http://www.ariva.de/news/...pment-Expert-to-Board-of-Advisors-5123936

1.650 Übersee 1.650

08.08.14 17:34
Zeit    Kurs Stück
  16:32:03§1,85 $ 500
  16:31:45§1,88 $ 250
  16:29:44§1,88 $ 900

Mario Meierhof 29. September um 21:38 ,

03.11.14 20:42
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Deutsche Bundesbank - Startseite
Die Deutsche Bundesbank ist die Zentralbank der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Zentrales Geschäftsfeld ist die Geldpolitik des Eurosystems.

Nicht notierte Aktien

26.12.14 14:36
Aktien, für die kein amtlicher Kurs an der Börse oder im Geregelten Markt festgestellt wird. Diese werden im Freiverkehr gehandelt. http://www.ariva.de/extras/lexikon.m?begriff=Nicht_notierte_Aktien

RTK 1,255 € RTP +0,40 ,GrB

03.03.15 10:08

18:59 26.03.15 NEW YORK

26.03.15 21:15
NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - Die US-Börsen haben am Donnerstag ihre Verluste abgeschüttelt und trotz der Eskalation im Jemen wieder leicht zugelegt. Angesichts der kräftigen Verluste im Technologiesektor am Vortag hätten Anleger wieder Kaufgelegenheiten gewittert, begründete ein Marktanalyst die im Verlauf einsetzende Erholung. Der Dow Jones Industrial stieg rund zwei Stunden vor Handelsschluss um 0,11 Prozent auf 17 738,02 Punkte. Tags zuvor hatte er noch kräftige 1,6 Prozent eingebüßt. Der breiter angelegte S&P-500-Index gewann 0,18 Prozent auf 2064,69 Punkte. An der technologielastigen Börse Nasdaq rückte der Auswahlindex Nasdaq 100 (Nasdaq 100) um 0,14 Prozent auf 4335,54 Zähler vor. http://www.ariva.de/news/...-wittern-wieder-Kaufgelegenheiten-5322176

Tickerhilfe Brutalos

26.06.15 23:10


21.09.16 10:56
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12.03.17 20:45
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bestätigt, kein Kurs verfügbar

13.03.17 12:07

danke Börsenfan weitermachen #62

08.05.17 20:28
somit kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar ,GrB

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16.11.17 19:39
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