NMC had previously called the allegations "unfounded, baseless and misleading".
The Independent Review Committee ("the Committee") formed by NMC Health plc (LSE: NMC), the leading private healthcare operator in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) with international services across 19 countries, announced that it has retained Louis Freeh, former Federal Judge and FBI Director, and his firm Freeh Group International Solutions, LLC ("FGIS"), to examine and compile a report regarding allegations raised in the 17 December 2019 report from short seller Muddy Waters and by certain other third parties.
"The Committee chose Freeh Group to provide a completely independent, unbiased, comprehensive and transparent report that will address all of these allegations," said Jonathan Bomford, Chairman of the Independent Review Committee.
In the meantime, NMC remains focused on our business, strategy and wider stakeholders and on continuing to generate long-term returns and value for our shareholders.
What are the allegations against NMC?
Insufficient disclosure of related-party transactions, manipulation of the balance sheet and inflated asset purchases are some of Muddy Waters’s most serious allegations. NMC’s $107 million redevelopment of NMC Royal Women’s Hospital in Abu Dhabi “contains numerous red flags,” the short seller said. NMC also appears to have paid too much for a stake in Premier Care Home Medical and Health Care LLC, based in the same city, the report alleged.
NMC’s margins are “too good to be true” relative to peers, said Muddy Waters, which is shorting the company’s stock. “We are unsure how deep the rot at NMC goes, but we do not believe that its insiders or financials can be trusted.”
How has NMC responded?
NMC said the report was “false and misleading.” The company approached the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority with evidence it says shows that a number of hedge funds acted together to bring down the share price. It announced share buyback of as much as $200 million and hired former FBI Director Louis Freeh to look into Block’s claims.
Noch interessant
in kurz
Muddy Waters und andere haben Zweifel an den Bilanzen. Von Beweisen habe ich nichts gefunden.Nur das sie glauben , das man nmc nicht trauen kann.
nmc bestreitet. kurs fällt heftig
Am 17 Jan
NMC bestreitet, und hat ne unanbhängigr Prüfung in Auftrag gegeben. Am 17 Jan.
Bis dahin wollen sie sich weiter auf ihr starkes Geschaeft konzentrieren
4 Feb
nmc kann sich den weiteren Kursverfall nicht nicht erkären, und verweisst nochmal auf die unabhängige Prüfung. Und bestreiten nochmals alles