
Beiträge: 84
Zugriffe: 22.812 / Heute: 11
Pixelworks Inc 0,715 € -4,67% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -98,41%


06.04.04 19:21
was denkt ihr über diese aktie.

bei 18 usd ist der weg bis ganz nach oben frei. kursziel so um die 30 usd. hab mir heute mal ein paar ins depot getan.


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12.04.04 21:41
kommen am 19.4.2004 - Q1 2004. könnte sehr interessant werden. dann dürfte die aktie auch mal zünftig über 18 usd schliessen können und dann gehts los bis auf 30 usdollar :-))


02.05.04 18:21
www.stock-alert.org hat in ihrem gratisbörsenbrief von diesem wochenende die aktie der pixelworks zum kauf empfohlen. auf sicht von 18 monaten locken 120% - 150% kurschancen !!!

hier die genaue empfehlung

02.05.04 20:12
Pixelworks Inc.
Die 150%-Chance !

Oregon - Der amerikanische Chiphersteller Pixelworks hat noch viel Aufwärtspotenzial. Der Kurs notierte 2000 bei fast 80 US-Dollar. PXLW produziert Chips für LCD-Bildschirme, welche in den letzten Jahren immer beliebter wurden. Doch die Preise waren überrissen und die Verkaufszahlen niedrig. Doch dies soll sich in den nächsten 3 bis 4 Jahren ändern. Die Preise sollen sinken, aber die Margen für Pixelworks stabil bleiben. PXLW ist ein Musterbeispiel für eine hochprofitable Firma, die eine starke Zukunft für die Firma selber, aber auch für die Aktionäre verspricht. So haben wir keine Zweifel, dass die Aktie die 40er-Marke innerhalb von 18 Monaten schon längst überschritten haben wird. Deshalb: strong buy !

aktueller Kurs    : 17,88 US-$
Kursziel          : 45,00 US-$
Symbol            : PXLW
ISIN              : US72581M1071

quelle: www.stock-alert.org

jetzt wieder nach oben !

11.07.04 11:15
pixelworks hat in den letzten wochen massiv eingebüsst (wie die hl-branche insgesamt). von 20,74$ auf knapp 12$.

nun ist die aktie wieder in den unterstützungsbereich zurückgekehrt und von mir gibts ein ganz klares kaufsignal !

(Verkleinert auf 55%) vergrößern
Pixelworks 292

hier noch der aktuelle at ! o. T.

11.07.04 11:18

Glaube zwar schon

11.07.04 11:33
daß es nächste Woche eine Gegenbewegung geben wird so bis an die 14 USD oder knapp darüber, allerdings wird diese nur von kurzer Zeit sein. PXLW wird sicher noch etwas abkühlen ´, denn momentan liegt sie in einem Abwärtstrendkanal der bis an die USD 10.--geh´t. Hier ist wie in Posting 5 eine wichtige Unterstütung. Wenn die hält geht´s erstmal wieder nach oben. Du mußt bedenken die hatt von Oktober 2002 bis April 2004 unglaubliche 500% gemacht. Ganz klar dass es hier mal nach unten geh´t. Tut der Aktie aber sicher mal ganz gut.


ich denke die 10 hält.

11.07.04 11:36
danke xp für deine einschätzung. bist du wie ich auch investiert ? bin bei fast 18$ eingestiegen.

Bin nicht investiert

11.07.04 11:47
hab aber als sich noch im Aufwärttrend lag überlegt einzusteigen.

Jetzt heißt`s für mich erstmal abwarten bis die 10 USD kommen. Dann sieht man weiter. Außerdem bin ich im Moment nicht so flüssig. Hab meine letzte Reserve für Qlogic aufgehoben.



11.07.04 11:57
vom 07.07.04: Die Analysten von Thomas Weisel bewerten die Aktie von Pixelworks in ihrer Ersteinstufung mit dem Rating "peer perform".


ich bin leider auch nicht flüssig...

11.07.04 15:30
...aber habe momentan auch nicht die absicht was zu kaufen


12.07.04 18:31
kann die 12$ marke toll verteidigen. ich tippe mal auf bodenbildung in den nächsten tagen.


12$ marke hat gehalten

12.07.04 21:01
Pixelworks 1572297chart.bigcharts.com/bc3/quickchart/...45&mocktick=1&rand=9777" style="max-width:560px" >

ab heute könnte es wieder aufwärts gehen

13.07.04 17:33
teilweise +4,5% heute. zurzeit ca. +2%

12$marke hielt.


13.07.04 18:55
echte gegenbewegung

high: +0.79$ / +6.58%

13.07.04 21:30
momentan +4.33%

Wie ich es dir

13.07.04 21:39
gesagt habe.


auch wieder mal schön o. T.

13.07.04 21:39

Klar, du hast ja noch

13.07.04 21:45
einiges gut zu machen.

Aber da du PXLW wahrscheinlich längerfristig hältst kannst du dir schon noch einiges erwarten.


genau !

13.07.04 21:49
wünsch dir einen schönen abend. ciao xp !

Q2-Zahlen am 20.7.

14.07.04 16:56
Pixelworks to Announce Second Quarter 2004 Financial Results July 20, 2004  

TUALATIN, Ore., Jul 13, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Pixelworks, Inc. (Nasdaq: PXLW),
a leading provider of system-on-chip ICs for the advanced display industry, will
release its second quarter 2004 financial results on Tuesday, July 20, 2004,
following the market close.

Following the news release, Allen Alley, Pixelworks CEO, President and Chairman,
and Jeff Bouchard, Pixelworks Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial
Officer, will host a conference call to discuss the company's second quarter
2004 financial results at 2 p.m. PDT on the same day.

The conference call will be open to all interested investors through telephone
and live audio Web broadcast. The conference call can be accessed by calling
719-457-2618 and using pass code 510886. The Web broadcast can be accessed by
visiting the Investor Relations section at www.pixelworks.com. For those unable
to listen to the live Web broadcast, the Web broadcast will be archived through
August 19, 2004. A replay of the conference call will also be available through
July 22, 2004, and can be accessed by calling 719-457-0820 using pass code

About Pixelworks, Inc.

Pixelworks, headquartered in Tualatin, Oregon, is a leading provider of
system-on-chip ICs for the advanced display industry. Pixelworks' solutions
provide the intelligence for advanced televisions, multimedia projectors and
flat panel monitors by processing and optimizing video and computer graphics
signals to produce high quality images. Many of the world's leading
manufacturers of consumer electronics and computer display products utilize our
technology to enhance image quality and ease of use of their products.

For more information, please visit the company's Web site at www.pixelworks.com.

Pixelworks is a trademark of Pixelworks, Inc. All other trademarks and
registration marks are the property of their respective corporations.

SOURCE: Pixelworks, Inc.


aktie bricht um 10% ein

14.07.04 19:19
alles einzig und allein wegen intel !

Autsch, daß tut weh!

14.07.04 19:33
PXLW wird ganz schön in die Knie gezwungen. Aber bei diesem Tech-Abverkauf heute.

Intel hat ganz schön miese Stimmung reingebracht.

Jetzt kann´s mal schnell an die 10$ geh´n. Obwohl ich es dir nicht wünsche.


ist mir doch scheissegal...

14.07.04 19:38

...oder doch nicht ? Pixelworks 341

aber eine sicherheit haben wir ja immer noch !

die 10$ marke.

hier wieder meine altbekannte chart:

(Verkleinert auf 55%) vergrößern
Pixelworks 341

allgemeine frage

14.07.04 19:50

kann man das auch noch als aufwärtstrend werten ? Experten und "Pfeiffen"Pixelworks 342 gefragt.


(Verkleinert auf 69%) vergrößern
Pixelworks 342

keiner ne meinung ?

14.07.04 20:26
zu posting 25


21.07.04 19:52
nach Rekordzahlen ! Wahnsinnig wie der Markt SPINNT.  

heute über 10$

21.07.04 20:15
dann kann man guten gewissens auf einen tech-turnaround spekulieren.


30.07.04 20:57
die zweite unterstützung bei etwas über 9$ hat gehalten nun die 10 nachhaltig knacken und dann richtung 14$


USA +10.91%

17.08.04 18:33
high: +19.35%

Deutschland Schlusskurs: +18.79%


18.08.04 18:42
Pixxi hat soeben den 2,5 Monatingen Minorabwärstrend durchbrochen. Schnappt sich Pixxi nun noch die Untere Bandbreite des Major könnte sie bis 12$ laufen und ab dieser Marke wäre der nexxte Widerstand bei 16$. LASS MAS LAUFN - KAUFN !!!

(Verkleinert auf 96%) vergrößern
Pixelworks 808

gelungener ausbruch

19.08.04 18:46
in den breiteren abwärtskanal. nun sind noch schnelle 30% drinn ! bis 12 $ dürfte pixxi laufen. wenn auch dieser abwärtstrend nach oben durchbrochen werden könnte, wäre bei 16 $ der nächste wiederstand. nun meine chartanalyse

(Verkleinert auf 96%) vergrößern
Pixelworks 823

der ausbruch ist nun tiptop gelungen

21.08.04 11:15

10.96 $ aktuell. nun scheint die 12er marke endgültig  den nächsten widerstand darzustellen. ich finde es einfach gut, dass das volumen relativ normal geblieben ist, aber die aktie diese woche +2%, +12%, +6%, +4% und +17% machte (oder soo...).

übrigens liegt der faire wert bei pixelworks immer noch bei 23.67 $


(Verkleinert auf 96%) vergrößern
Pixelworks 865

Hätte ich nicht gedacht,

21.08.04 11:26
daß es wieder so schnell bergauf geh´t mit PXLW.

Hab letzten Freitag überlegt einzusteigen. Wäre perfekt gewesen. Aber war mir etwas zu viel Risiko dabei (fallendes Messer ist ja ziemlich schmerzlich!)


P.S. Lance@ hast BM !

pixelworks weiterhin interessant

24.08.04 18:17
teil 1: aufwärtstrend letzter woche interessant.
(Verkleinert auf 96%) vergrößern
Pixelworks 931


24.08.04 18:19
unterstützung um 10$. heute kauftag !!!
(Verkleinert auf 96%) vergrößern
Pixelworks 932

vectorvest analyse vom 27.8.2004 !!!

28.08.04 11:39
Analysis SummaryPXLW is undervalued compared to its Price of $10.90 per share, has somewhat below average safety, and is currently rated a Sell. In-Depth AnalysisBusiness: PIXELWORKS INC, (PXLW) designs, develops and markets system-on-a-chip semiconductors and software that enable the visual display of broadband content through a wide variety of electronic devices. Price: PXLW closed on 8/27/2004 at $10.90 per share  Value: Value is a measure of a stock's current worth.  PXLW has a current Value of $17.05 per share. Therefore, it is undervalued compared to its Price of $10.90 per share.  Value is computed from forecasted earnings per share, forecasted earnings growth, profitability, interest, and inflation rates. Value increases when earnings, earnings growth rate and profitably increase, and when interest and inflation rates decrease. VectorVest advocates the purchase of undervalued stocks. At some point in time, a stock's Price and Value always will converge.   RV (Relative Value): RV is an indicator of long-term price appreciation potential. PXLW has an RV of 1.50, which is excellent on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. This indicator is far superior to a simple comparison of Price and Value because it is computed from an analysis of projected price appreciation three years out, AAA Corporate Bond Rates, and risk. RV solves the riddle of whether it is preferable to buy High growth, High P/E stocks, or Low growth, Low P/E stocks. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks with RV ratings above 1.00.  RS (Relative Safety): RS is an indicator of risk. PXLW has an RS rating of 0.85, which is fair on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. RS is computed from an analysis of the consistency and predictability of a company's financial performance, debt to equity ratio, sales volume, business longevity, price volatility and other factors. A stock with an RS rating greater than 1.00 is safer and more predictable than the average stock in the VectorVest database. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks of companies with consistent, predictable financial performance.  RT (Relative Timing): RT is a fast, smart, accurate indicator of a stock's price trend. PXLW has a Relative Timing rating of 0.63, which is poor on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00.  RT is computed from an analysis of the direction, magnitude, and dynamics of a stock's price movements over one day, one week, one quarter and one year time periods. Once a stock's price has established a strong trend, it is expected to continue in that trend for the short-term. If a trend dissipates, RT will gravitate toward 1.00. RT will explode from bottoms, dive from tops, and reflect changes in price momentum. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks with RT ratings above 1.00.  VST (VST-Vector):  VST is the master indicator for ranking every stock in the VectorVest database. PXLW has a VST rating of 1.01, which is fair on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. VST is computed from the square root of a weighted sum of the squares of RV, RS, and RT. Stocks with the highest VST ratings have the best combinations of Value, Safety and Timing. These are the stocks to own for above average, long-term capital appreciation. VectorVest advocates the purchase of safe, undervalued stocks rising in price.  CI (Comfort Index): CI is an indicator which reflects a stock's ability to resist severe and/or lengthy price declines. PXLW has a CI rating of 0.42, which is very poor on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. CI is quite different from RS in that it is based solely upon a stock's long-term price history. VectorVest advocates the purchase of high CI stocks.  GRT (Earnings Growth Rate): GRT reflects a company's one to three year forecasted earnings growth rate in percent per year. PXLW has a forcasted Earnings Growth Rate of 32.00%, which VectorVest considers to be excellent. GRT is computed from historical, current and forecasted earnings data. It is updated each week for every stock in the VectorVest database. GRT often foretells a stock's future price trend. If a stock's GRT trend is upward, the stock's price will likely rise. If GRT is trending downward, the stock's Price will probably fall. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks whose GRT is rising and is greater than the sum of current inflation and interest rates, (8.72%).  Recommendation (REC): VectorVest gives a Buy, Sell, Hold recommendation on every stock, every day. PXLW has a Sell recommendation. REC reflects the cumulative effect of all the VectorVest parameters working together. These parameters are designed to help investors buy safe, undervalued stocks rising in price. They also help investors avoid or sell risky, overvalued stocks falling in price. VectorVest recommends that investors buy high VST-Vector, Buy-rated stocks in rising markets.  Stop (Stop-Price): Stop is an indicator of when to sell a long position or cover a short position.  PXLW has a Stop of $11.25 per share. This is $0.35 above PXLW's current closing Price. A stock's Stop is computed from a 13 week moving average of its closing prices, and is fine-tuned according to the stock's fundamentals. High RV, high RS stocks have lower Stops, and low RV, low RS stocks have higher Stops. In the VectorVest system, a stock gets a 'B' or 'H' recommendation if its Price is above its Stop and an 'S' recommendation if its Price is below its Stop. EPS (Earnings per Share):  EPS stands for leading 12 months Earnings Per Share.  PXLW has a forecasted EPS of $0.55 per share. VectorVest determines this forecast from a combination of recent earnings performance and traditional fiscal and/or calendar year earnings forecasts.  P/E (Price to Earnings Ratio): P/E is a popular measure of stock valuation which shows the dollars required to buy one dollar of earnings.  PXLW has a P/E of 19.82. This ratio may be deemed to be high or low depending upon your frame of reference. The average P/E of all the stocks in the VectorVest database is 27.85. P/E is computed daily using the formula: P/E = Price/EPS.  EY (Earnings Yield): EY reflects earnings per share as a percent of Price. EY is related to P/E via the formula, EY = 100 / (P/E), and may be used in place of P/E as a measure of valuation. EY has the advantages that it is always determinate and can reflect negative earnings. PXLW has an EY of 5.05 percent. This is above the current average of 3.59% for all the stocks in the VectorVest database. EY equals 100 x (EPS/Price).  GPE (Growth to P/E Ratio): GPE is another popular measure of stock valuation. It compares earnings growth rate to P/E ratio. PXLW has a GPE rating of 1.62.  High growth stocks are believed to be able to justify high P/E ratios. A stock is commonly considered to be undervalued when GPE is greater than 1.00 and overvalued when GPE is below 1.00. Unfortunately, this rule of thumb does not take into account the effect of interest rates on P/E ratios. The operative GPE ratio of 1.00 is valid when and only when interest rates equal 10%. With long-term interest rates currently at 5.72%, the operative GPE ratio is 0.33. Therefore, PXLW may be considered to be undervalued.  DIV (Dividend): VectorVest reports annual, regular, cash dividends as indicated by the most recent payments. Special distributions, one-time payments, stock dividends, etc., are not generally included in DIV. PXLW does not pay a dividend.  DY (Dividend Yield): DY reflects earnings per share as a percent of Price. PXLW does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a Dividend Yield rating. . DY equals 100 x (DIV/Price). It is useful to compare DY with EY. If DY is not significantly lower than EY, the dividend payment may be in jeopardy.  DS (Dividend Safety): DS is an indicator of the assurance that regular cash dividends will be declared and paid at current or at higher rates for the foreseeable future. PXLW does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a Dividend Safety rating . Stocks with DS values above 75 typically have RS values well above 1.00 and EY levels that are much higher than DY.  DG (Dividend Growth Rate): Dividend Growth is a subtle yet important indicator of a company's financial performance. It also provides some insight into the board's outlook on the company's ability to increase earnings. PXLW does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a Dividend Growth rating .  YSG (YSG-Vector): YSG is an indicator which combines DIV, DY and DG into a single value, and allows direct comparison of all dividend-paying stocks in the database. PXLW does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a YSG rating . Stocks with the highest YSG values have the best combinations of Dividend Yield, Safety and Growth. These are the stocks to buy for above average current income and long-term growth.  Open: PXLW opened trading at a price of $10.59 per share on 8/27/2004. High: PXLW traded at a High price of $11.18 per share on 8/27/2004. Low: PXLW traded at a Low price of $10.50 per share on 8/27/2004 Close: PXLW closed trading at price $10.90 per share on 8/27/2004. (Close is also called Price in the VectorVest system) Range: Range reflects the difference between the High and Low prices for the day. PXLW traded with a range of $0.68 per share on 8/27/2004.  $Change: PXLW closed up 0.42 from the prior day's closing Price.  %PRC: PXLW's Price changed 4.01% from the prior day's closing price. Volume: PXLW traded 1,262,000 shares on 8/27/2004. AvgVol: AvgVol is the 50 day moving average of daily volume as computed by VectorVest. PXLW has an AvgVol of 1,418,000 shares traded per day. %Vol: %Vol reflects the percent change in today's trading volume as compared to the AvgVol. %Vol equals 100 x (Volume/AvgVol). PXLW had a %Vol of -11.00% on 8/27/2004 Sales: PXLW has annual sales of $170,000,000 Sales Growth: Sales Growth is the Sales Growth Rate in percent over the last 12 months. PXLW has a Sales Growth of 49.00% per year. This is excellent. Sales Growth is updated each week for every stock. It is often useful to compare Sales Growth to Earnings Growth to gain an insight into a company's operations.  Sales Per Share (SPS): PXLW has annual sales of $3.70 per share. SPS can be used as a measure of valuation when comparing stocks within an Industry Group.  Price to Sales Ratio (P/S): PXLW has a P/S of 2.94. This ratio is also used as a measure of valuation. Here, too, it is useful when comparing stocks within an Industry Group. Shares: PXLW has 45,000,000 shares of stock outstanding. Market Capitalization: PXLW has a Market Capitalization of $500,000,000. Market Capitalization is calculated by multiplying price times shares outstanding. Industry Group: PXLW has been assigned to the Electronic (Semicndtr Mfg) Industry Group. VectorVest classifies stocks into over 200 Industry Groups and 40 Business Sectors. Business Sector: PXLW has been assigned to the Electronic Business Sector. VectorVest classifies stocks into over 200 Industry Groups and 40 Business Sectors. The basic strategy of VectorVest is to buy Low risk, High reward stocks. We suggest that Prudent investors buy enough High Relative Value, High Relative Safety stocks to keep the overall RV and RS ratings of their portfolios above 1.00. As you do this, you'll find that your risk will go down and your investment performance will improve. Graph Pixelworks Inc  Electronic (Semicndtr Mfg)  

sorry, diese ist besser aufgestellt

28.08.04 11:40
Analysis Summary
PXLW is undervalued compared to its Price of $10.90 per share, has somewhat below average safety, and is currently rated a Sell.
In-Depth Analysis
Business: PIXELWORKS INC, (PXLW) designs, develops and markets system-on-a-chip semiconductors and software that enable the visual display of broadband content through a wide variety of electronic devices.
Price: PXLW closed on 8/27/2004 at $10.90 per share  
Value: Value is a measure of a stock's current worth.  PXLW has a current Value of $17.05 per share. Therefore, it is undervalued compared to its Price of $10.90 per share.  Value is computed from forecasted earnings per share, forecasted earnings growth, profitability, interest, and inflation rates. Value increases when earnings, earnings growth rate and profitably increase, and when interest and inflation rates decrease. VectorVest advocates the purchase of undervalued stocks. At some point in time, a stock's Price and Value always will converge.  
RV (Relative Value): RV is an indicator of long-term price appreciation potential. PXLW has an RV of 1.50, which is excellent on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. This indicator is far superior to a simple comparison of Price and Value because it is computed from an analysis of projected price appreciation three years out, AAA Corporate Bond Rates, and risk. RV solves the riddle of whether it is preferable to buy High growth, High P/E stocks, or Low growth, Low P/E stocks. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks with RV ratings above 1.00.

RS (Relative Safety): RS is an indicator of risk. PXLW has an RS rating of 0.85, which is fair on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. RS is computed from an analysis of the consistency and predictability of a company's financial performance, debt to equity ratio, sales volume, business longevity, price volatility and other factors. A stock with an RS rating greater than 1.00 is safer and more predictable than the average stock in the VectorVest database. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks of companies with consistent, predictable financial performance.
RT (Relative Timing): RT is a fast, smart, accurate indicator of a stock's price trend. PXLW has a Relative Timing rating of 0.63, which is poor on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00.  RT is computed from an analysis of the direction, magnitude, and dynamics of a stock's price movements over one day, one week, one quarter and one year time periods. Once a stock's price has established a strong trend, it is expected to continue in that trend for the short-term. If a trend dissipates, RT will gravitate toward 1.00. RT will explode from bottoms, dive from tops, and reflect changes in price momentum. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks with RT ratings above 1.00.  
VST (VST-Vector):  VST is the master indicator for ranking every stock in the VectorVest database. PXLW has a VST rating of 1.01, which is fair on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. VST is computed from the square root of a weighted sum of the squares of RV, RS, and RT. Stocks with the highest VST ratings have the best combinations of Value, Safety and Timing. These are the stocks to own for above average, long-term capital appreciation. VectorVest advocates the purchase of safe, undervalued stocks rising in price.  
CI (Comfort Index): CI is an indicator which reflects a stock's ability to resist severe and/or lengthy price declines. PXLW has a CI rating of 0.42, which is very poor on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. CI is quite different from RS in that it is based solely upon a stock's long-term price history. VectorVest advocates the purchase of high CI stocks.  
GRT (Earnings Growth Rate): GRT reflects a company's one to three year forecasted earnings growth rate in percent per year. PXLW has a forcasted Earnings Growth Rate of 32.00%, which VectorVest considers to be excellent. GRT is computed from historical, current and forecasted earnings data. It is updated each week for every stock in the VectorVest database. GRT often foretells a stock's future price trend. If a stock's GRT trend is upward, the stock's price will likely rise. If GRT is trending downward, the stock's Price will probably fall. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks whose GRT is rising and is greater than the sum of current inflation and interest rates, (8.72%).  
Recommendation (REC): VectorVest gives a Buy, Sell, Hold recommendation on every stock, every day. PXLW has a Sell recommendation. REC reflects the cumulative effect of all the VectorVest parameters working together. These parameters are designed to help investors buy safe, undervalued stocks rising in price. They also help investors avoid or sell risky, overvalued stocks falling in price. VectorVest recommends that investors buy high VST-Vector, Buy-rated stocks in rising markets.  
Stop (Stop-Price): Stop is an indicator of when to sell a long position or cover a short position.  PXLW has a Stop of $11.25 per share. This is $0.35 above PXLW's current closing Price. A stock's Stop is computed from a 13 week moving average of its closing prices, and is fine-tuned according to the stock's fundamentals. High RV, high RS stocks have lower Stops, and low RV, low RS stocks have higher Stops. In the VectorVest system, a stock gets a 'B' or 'H' recommendation if its Price is above its Stop and an 'S' recommendation if its Price is below its Stop.
EPS (Earnings per Share):  EPS stands for leading 12 months Earnings Per Share.  PXLW has a forecasted EPS of $0.55 per share. VectorVest determines this forecast from a combination of recent earnings performance and traditional fiscal and/or calendar year earnings forecasts.  
P/E (Price to Earnings Ratio): P/E is a popular measure of stock valuation which shows the dollars required to buy one dollar of earnings.  PXLW has a P/E of 19.82. This ratio may be deemed to be high or low depending upon your frame of reference. The average P/E of all the stocks in the VectorVest database is 27.85. P/E is computed daily using the formula: P/E = Price/EPS.  
EY (Earnings Yield): EY reflects earnings per share as a percent of Price. EY is related to P/E via the formula, EY = 100 / (P/E), and may be used in place of P/E as a measure of valuation. EY has the advantages that it is always determinate and can reflect negative earnings. PXLW has an EY of 5.05 percent. This is above the current average of 3.59% for all the stocks in the VectorVest database. EY equals 100 x (EPS/Price).  
GPE (Growth to P/E Ratio): GPE is another popular measure of stock valuation. It compares earnings growth rate to P/E ratio. PXLW has a GPE rating of 1.62.  High growth stocks are believed to be able to justify high P/E ratios. A stock is commonly considered to be undervalued when GPE is greater than 1.00 and overvalued when GPE is below 1.00. Unfortunately, this rule of thumb does not take into account the effect of interest rates on P/E ratios. The operative GPE ratio of 1.00 is valid when and only when interest rates equal 10%. With long-term interest rates currently at 5.72%, the operative GPE ratio is 0.33. Therefore, PXLW may be considered to be undervalued.  
DIV (Dividend): VectorVest reports annual, regular, cash dividends as indicated by the most recent payments. Special distributions, one-time payments, stock dividends, etc., are not generally included in DIV. PXLW does not pay a dividend.  
DY (Dividend Yield): DY reflects earnings per share as a percent of Price. PXLW does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a Dividend Yield rating. . DY equals 100 x (DIV/Price). It is useful to compare DY with EY. If DY is not significantly lower than EY, the dividend payment may be in jeopardy.  
DS (Dividend Safety): DS is an indicator of the assurance that regular cash dividends will be declared and paid at current or at higher rates for the foreseeable future. PXLW does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a Dividend Safety rating . Stocks with DS values above 75 typically have RS values well above 1.00 and EY levels that are much higher than DY.

DG (Dividend Growth Rate): Dividend Growth is a subtle yet important indicator of a company's financial performance. It also provides some insight into the board's outlook on the company's ability to increase earnings. PXLW does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a Dividend Growth rating .  
YSG (YSG-Vector): YSG is an indicator which combines DIV, DY and DG into a single value, and allows direct comparison of all dividend-paying stocks in the database. PXLW does not pay a dividend, so it does not have a YSG rating . Stocks with the highest YSG values have the best combinations of Dividend Yield, Safety and Growth. These are the stocks to buy for above average current income and long-term growth.  
Open: PXLW opened trading at a price of $10.59 per share on 8/27/2004.
High: PXLW traded at a High price of $11.18 per share on 8/27/2004.
Low: PXLW traded at a Low price of $10.50 per share on 8/27/2004
Close: PXLW closed trading at price $10.90 per share on 8/27/2004. (Close is also called Price in the VectorVest system)
Range: Range reflects the difference between the High and Low prices for the day. PXLW traded with a range of $0.68 per share on 8/27/2004.  
$Change: PXLW closed up 0.42 from the prior day's closing Price.  
%PRC: PXLW's Price changed 4.01% from the prior day's closing price.
Volume: PXLW traded 1,262,000 shares on 8/27/2004.
AvgVol: AvgVol is the 50 day moving average of daily volume as computed by VectorVest. PXLW has an AvgVol of 1,418,000 shares traded per day.
%Vol: %Vol reflects the percent change in today's trading volume as compared to the AvgVol. %Vol equals 100 x (Volume/AvgVol). PXLW had a %Vol of -11.00% on 8/27/2004
Sales: PXLW has annual sales of $170,000,000
Sales Growth: Sales Growth is the Sales Growth Rate in percent over the last 12 months. PXLW has a Sales Growth of 49.00% per year. This is excellent. Sales Growth is updated each week for every stock. It is often useful to compare Sales Growth to Earnings Growth to gain an insight into a company's operations.  
Sales Per Share (SPS): PXLW has annual sales of $3.70 per share. SPS can be used as a measure of valuation when comparing stocks within an Industry Group.  
Price to Sales Ratio (P/S): PXLW has a P/S of 2.94. This ratio is also used as a measure of valuation. Here, too, it is useful when comparing stocks within an Industry Group.
Shares: PXLW has 45,000,000 shares of stock outstanding.
Market Capitalization: PXLW has a Market Capitalization of $500,000,000. Market Capitalization is calculated by multiplying price times shares outstanding.
Industry Group: PXLW has been assigned to the Electronic (Semicndtr Mfg) Industry Group. VectorVest classifies stocks into over 200 Industry Groups and 40 Business Sectors.
Business Sector: PXLW has been assigned to the Electronic Business Sector. VectorVest classifies stocks into over 200 Industry Groups and 40 Business Sectors.
The basic strategy of VectorVest is to buy Low risk, High reward stocks. We suggest that Prudent investors buy enough High Relative Value, High Relative Safety stocks to keep the overall RV and RS ratings of their portfolios above 1.00. As you do this, you'll find that your risk will go down and your investment performance will improve.
Pixelworks Inc
Electronic (Semicndtr Mfg)


heute +9.8% o. T.

09.09.04 21:24
schöne bodenbildung um 10 $. Ganz klar: EINSTEIGEN


01.10.04 16:05
jetzt wäre es sehr wichtig, die $10-Marke nachhaltig zu überwinden !
(Verkleinert auf 96%) vergrößern
Pixelworks 1620

+6.09% aktuell auf tageshoch o. T.

01.10.04 18:05

über 11 $ - jetzt zieht sie davon !

04.10.04 19:39
Pixelworks 1661875bigcharts.marketwatch.com/charts/...;mocktick=1&rand=1886" style="max-width:560px" border=0>

Stimme dir zu lance..

04.10.04 21:45
..Chart sieht gut aus!

die 11 hat gehalten ! o. T.

06.10.04 10:56

Pixelworks sieht schwächere Umsätze

07.10.04 12:50
07.10.2004 / 09:16
Pixelworks sieht schwächere Umsätze, aber höhere Gewinne

Der US-Chiphersteller und Display-Spezialist Pixelworks (Nasdaq: PXLW, WKN: 936000) rechnet für das vergangene dritte Quartal mit niedrigeren Umsätzen, wobei die Gewinne jedoch höher ausfallen sollen als zunächst erwartet.
So rechnet Pixelworks für das dritte Quartal nur mehr mit Erlösen von 43,5 bis 44,0 Mio. US-Dollar, nachdem das Unternehmen im Vorfeld noch Einnahmen von 47 bis 50 Mio. Dollar in Aussicht gestellt hat. Dabei hält Pixelworks aber einen Nettogewinn von elf bis zwölf US-Cent je Anteil für erreichbar, nachdem der Chip-Spezialist im Vorfeld nur einen Nettogewinn von acht bis elf US-Cent je Anteil prognostiziert hat.

Insgesamt wurden im vergangenen Quartal weniger Chips an LCD-Bildschirmhersteller ausgeliefert als erwartet. Allerdings konnte Pixelworks durch niedrigere Ausgaben in Forschung und Entwicklung diesen Rückgang kompensieren. (ami)
Pixelworks Announces Preliminary Financial Results for the Third Quart
06.10.2004 22:44:00

Pixelworks Announces Preliminary Financial Results for the Third Quarter 2004

   Business Editors

   TUALATIN, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Oct. 6, 2004--Pixelworks, Inc. (Nasdaq:PXLW), a leading provider of system-on-chip ICs for the advanced display industry, today announced preliminary financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2004.

   Revenue for the third quarter is expected to be approximately $43.5 to $44.0 million, a 22 to 24 percent year-over-year increase. This compares to the previous outlook of $47 million to $50 million. Earnings per share for the third quarter on a GAAP basis are expected to be 10 to 11 cents per share, still within the company's previously outlooked range of 8 to 11 cents. On a pro forma basis(a), earnings per share are expected to be 11 to 12 cents, also within the company's previous estimate of 9 to 12 cents.
   The lower revenue estimate for the third quarter reflects lower than expected turns business, which are orders received within the quarter for shipment within the quarter. In particular, preliminary estimates for shipments to LCD monitor manufacturers in the third quarter reflected a significantly greater than expected sequential decline with virtually no turns business in the quarter. Advanced television business in the third quarter was also slower than expected, with revenue estimates reflecting a modest decline from the second quarter compared to the company's previous expectations for 5 to 10 percent sequential growth. Preliminary estimates for projector business in the third quarter indicate revenue was up slightly from the second quarter and was in line with the low end of the company's previous expectations.
   Due to weaker than expected orders in the third quarter, the book-to-bill ratio was below one, resulting in lower than expected backlog entering the fourth quarter. "Although we saw a pick-up in September order rates after a particularly slow August, order rates at this time do not reflect the seasonal strength we were previously expecting, leading us to believe that fourth quarter revenue will be relatively flat with the third quarter," said Allen Alley, President, CEO, and Chairman of Pixelworks.
   Projected third quarter earnings remained within the company's previous outlook range due to better than anticipated performance in several operational areas. A favorable product mix is expected to result in gross profit margins in the third quarter of 49 to 51 percent on a GAAP basis, up from 48.2 percent in the second quarter and better than the previous outlook of 45 to 47 percent. Combined R&D and SG&A expenses in the third quarter are expected to be $14.5 million to $15.0 million, which is slightly lower than previous expectations. As a result of better than expected yields on invested cash, net interest income in the third quarter is expected to be approximately $600,000, compared with the previous outlook of $250,000.
   The company is scheduled to release its third quarter 2004 financial results and its fourth quarter 2004 outlook on October 20, 2004 after market close and will hold a conference call shortly after the earnings release.

   (a) Pro forma gross profit, income before income taxes, and net income, which differs from gross profit, income before income taxes, and net income in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP), excludes merger-related and restructuring expenses, and non-cash expenses for amortization of purchased developed technology, and stock-based compensation and amortization of assembled workforce. Pixelworks' management believes the presentation of these non-GAAP financial measures provides useful information to investors regarding Pixelworks' results of operations as these non-GAAP financial measures allow investors to better evaluate ongoing business performance. Pixelworks' management also uses these non-GAAP financial measures internally to monitor performance of the business. Pixelworks, however, cautions investors to consider these non-GAAP financial measures in addition to, and not as a substitute for, financial measures prepared in accordance with GAAP.

   About Pixelworks, Inc.

   Pixelworks, headquartered in Tualatin, Oregon, is a leading provider of system-on-chip ICs for the advanced display industry. Pixelworks' solutions provide the intelligence for advanced televisions, multimedia projectors and flat panel monitors by processing and optimizing video and computer graphics signals to produce high quality images. Many of the world's leading manufacturers of consumer electronics and computer display products utilize our technology to enhance image quality and ease of use of their products.
   For more information, please visit the company's Web site at www.pixelworks.com.
   Pixelworks is a trademark of Pixelworks, Inc. All other trademarks and registration marks are the property of their respective owners.

   Safe Harbor Statement

   The statements by Allen Alley and the statements in the Preliminary Financial Results for Third Quarter 2004 above are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about the company's business. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Actual results could vary materially from the description contained herein due to further standard financial review of preliminary third quarter results that are still in process and many factors including those described above and the following: business and economic conditions, changes in growth in the flat panel monitor, multimedia projector, and advanced television industries, changes in customer ordering patterns, competitive factors, such as rival chip architectures, pricing pressures, insufficient, excess or obsolete inventory and variations in inventory valuation, continued success in technological advances, shortages of manufacturing capacity from our third-party foundries, litigation involving antitrust and intellectual property, the non-acceptance of the combined technologies by leading manufacturers, and other risk factors listed from time to time in the company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they are made, and the company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release. If the company does update one or more forward-looking statements, investors and others should not conclude that the company will make additional updates with respect thereto or with respect to other forward-looking statements.


CONTACT: Pixelworks, Inc. Jeff Bouchard, 503-454-1771 (Investor Inquiries) jeffb@pixelworks.com Chris Bright, 503-454-1770 (Media Inquiries) cbright@pixelworks.com www.pixelworks.com


Copyright Business Wire 2004


Spezialchip-Hersteller gibt Umsatzwarnung ab

06.10.04 23:21

Pixelworks hat heute seine Umsatzprognose für das laufende Quartal von 47 bis 50 auf 43,5 bis 44 Millionen Dollar zurückgenommen. Wie der Hersteller von Schaltkreisen für Spezialanwendungen bei Displays und Bildschirmen dargelegte, habe sich vor allem die Nachfrage von Seiten der LCD-Bildschirmhersteller schlechter als erwartet entwickelt.Das operative Ergebnis, so das Unternehmen, bleibe mit 11 bis 12 Cents pro Aktie aber innerhalb der in Aussicht gestellten Prognosen. Man habe in verschiedenen Bereichen eine höhere Produktivität als erwartet erzielt.Die aufatmenden Marktteilnehmer haben sich heute vor allem über den positiven Teil dieser Mitteilung gefreut. Pixelworks, die im regulären Handel noch 2,0 Prozent abgegeben hatten, können sich nachbörslich um 5,37 Prozent auf 11,38 Dollar verbessern.

+10% auf $11.88 o. T.

07.10.04 18:20

schaut gut aus..

07.10.04 18:53
tradingziel könnte man glatt im bereich von 13 ansetzen.. dort befindet sich das formationsziel..

(Verkleinert auf 54%) vergrößern
Pixelworks 1780


08.10.04 10:48
dankevielmals für den schönen chart !

Resist @ 13$

08.10.04 10:50
Composite Indicator   Trend Spotter TMBuy Short Term Indicators   7 Day Average Directional IndicatorBuy   10 - 8 Day Moving Average Hilo ChannelBuy   20 Day Moving Average vs PriceBuy   20 - 50 Day MACD OscillatorBuy   20 Day Bollinger BandsBuy Short Term Indicators Average:  100% - Buy20-Day Average Volume - 1227805 Medium Term Indicators   40 Day Commodity Channel IndexBuy   50 Day Moving Average vs PriceBuy   20 - 100 Day MACD OscillatorSell   50 Day Parabolic Time/PriceBuy Medium Term Indicators Average:  50% - Buy50-Day Average Volume - 1221872 Long Term Indicators   60 Day Commodity Channel IndexBuy   100 Day Moving Average vs PriceSell   50 - 100 Day MACD OscillatorSell Long Term Indicators Average:  33% - Sell100-Day Average Volume - 1285462 Overall Average:  56% - Buy Price Support Pivot Point Resistance 12.05 10.73 11.91 13.09  

gute zahlen

21.10.04 21:05

auf zu 13$
(Verkleinert auf 64%) vergrößern
Pixelworks 2054

ende jahr bei 15 $ ? o. T.

27.10.04 18:42
(Verkleinert auf 64%) vergrößern
Pixelworks 2155

PXLW hat die 12 $ genommen.

12.11.04 21:08
ziel für die nächsten 14 tage: 13,2 $

pxlw marschiert stolz weiter !

15.11.04 19:22
12,57 $ (knappe 6% plus)

Pixelworks buy

03.01.05 13:41


Update PixelWorks Inc.: Buy (Banc of America Sec.)
Aktien & Co

In ihrer Analyse vom Montag, 3. Januar 2005 stufen die Analysten von Banc of America Sec. die Aktie des Unternehmens PixelWorks Inc. von "Neutral" auf "Buy" herauf. Ein Kursziel geben die Analysten nicht an.

Analyst: Banc of America Sec.
Rating des Analysten: Buy
Quelle: Aktien & Co   03.01.2005 12:50:00

© in 2004 Cortal Consors S.A.

+7.58% in Amiland

03.01.05 19:20
das ist erst der anfang von den upgrades.

orginal aus usa !

03.01.05 19:22
12:36pm 01/03/05Pixelworks 1762181
Pixelworks surges amid analyst upgrade (PXLW) By Tomi Kilgore
NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- Pixelworks (PXLW) surged nearly 7 percent with help from an upgrade to "buy" by Banc of America, which cited solid design activity for Photopia chip, improved industry dynamics and potential upcoming catalysts such as the consumer electronics show. Analyst John Lau also raised his stock price target to $15 from $9.50, his 2005 earnings estimate to 42 cents a share from 33 cents and his revenue forecast to $193 million from $180.9 million. The chipmaker's stock was last up 77 cents at $12.11.

fast 20% in 2 tagen!

11.07.05 20:14

Chartichart.finance.yahoo.com/w?s=PXLW" style="max-width:560px" border=0>


Hey lance!

11.07.05 20:19
Lange nicht von dir gehört! Wie geht´s denn so? Wo treibst du dich immer herum?

Bist du noch in PXLW ?


die schiesst immer noch in die höhe

13.07.05 15:14

Last Trade:10.18 9:07AM ET
After Hours Change:N/A
Today's Change:Up 0.34 (3.46%)
This is a free Real-Time ECN quote.



25.07.05 18:40

ja von dir hab' ich auch schon lange nichts mehr gehört. war die letzte woche in den ferien.

klar, bin immer noch in PXLW drin. Da bleib ich längerfristig dran.

lg lance

heute kommen zahlen! weiter up?

27.07.05 13:17
Forbes Names Pixelworks to 2005 List of Fastest Growing Technology Companies

Tualatin, Ore., February 7, 2005 — Pixelworks, Inc. (NASDAQ:PXLW), a leading provider of system-on-chip ICs for the advanced display industry, earned a listing in Forbes Magazine’s prestigious list of 25 Fastest Growing Technology Companies that appears in the February 14, 2005 issue. Pixelworks ranked fourth on the list with a five-year annualized growth of 147 percent.

"We are very proud of this national recognition that Pixelworks has earned. I am particularly pleased that it not only recognizes the success of our products but also the quality of the company that we are building," said Allen Alley, President, CEO and Chairman of Pixelworks, Inc. “It is especially rewarding considering that we have been able to achieve this exceptional growth over the past 5 years and the adoption of new flat panel and high definition televisions is only in its infancy. The future is even more exciting.”

The 25 Fastest Growing Technology Companies list is comprised of publicly traded technology companies with “at least a 10 percent sales gain in each of the last five years, $25 million in sales, a positive net income over the last 12 months and no large legal problems or open-ended liabilities,” according to the article. The complete list and accompanying article can be read online at www.forbes.com/business/forbes/2005/0214/...l?_requestid=10436 (free registration required).

About Pixelworks

Pixelworks, headquartered in Tualatin, Oregon, is a leading provider of system-on-chip ICs for the advanced display industry. Pixelworks' solutions provide the intelligence for advanced televisions, multimedia projectors and flat panel monitors by processing and optimizing video and computer graphics signals to produce high quality images. Many of the world 's leading manufacturers of consumer electronics and computer display products utilize our technology to enhance image quality and ease of use of their products.

Pixelworks, DNX, Digital Natural Expression, Photopia and Gigacolor are trademarks of Pixelworks, Inc. Any other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.xt for legal descriptions look like this.


Das wars wohl erstmal für dieses Jahr...6,3 Euro!! o. T.

30.07.05 11:46

das nenn ich gute news

01.02.06 19:01
der alte hat ja auf ganzer front versagt!!!!

Pixelworks says CFO resigns
Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:31 PM ET
Jan 31 (Reuters) - Pixelworks Inc. (PXLW.O: Quote, Profile, Research) on Tuesday said Chief Financial Officer and Vice President Jeff Bouchard has resigned, effective Feb. 10.

In a statement, the company said its board has named Chief Operating Officer Hans Olsen as the acting CFO. It said a search has begun to replace Bouchard.

Pixelworks, which provides chips for the advanced display industry, said Bouchard has accepted the position of CFO at a private technology company in Silicon Valley. (Reporting by Saumyadeb Chakrabarty in Bangalore)  

heute könnte Pixelworks überraschen

25.04.06 19:33
Aktie steigt auf jeden Fall heute bereits 6.84% und nach Closing kommen die Zahlen!

insider kaufen - Chart schreit nach einem Rebound!

03.08.06 20:06
ich bin mal zu 2,25$ rein!
Pixelworks 49724

Auf das würd ich mich nicht verlassen

03.08.06 20:33
Kann mich noch gut an Proxim erinnern.

Da gings auch von über 30 USD runter auf 10 dann auf 5 dann auf 2, 1, 0,50 ... usw. heut notieren sie bei 0,015 oder so - Rebound Fehlanzeige

Das du dir bei diesen " falling knife" nicht die Finger verbrennst.


2007 könnte PXLW ganz gut performen!

31.12.06 13:30
- Die Zeit der Negativüberraschungen könnte passé sein.
- Charttechnisch solid unterstützt (2,30$) und ohne starke Widerstände bis 10,65$


ich bin euch noch ein chart schuldig o. T.

03.01.07 16:11
(Verkleinert auf 46%) vergrößern
Pixelworks 74850

Neuer Schwung?

29.07.07 19:54

Pixelworks - Kommt Sie doch noch in Fahrt?



Chartanalyse von Stefan Roth, tradersdaily.net

Pixelworks 3459026

Pixelworks Inc.
aktueller Kurs: $1,44Ziel (Szenario Blau): $2,50 (+73.6%)
Stop: $1,30 (-9.7%)
aktuelle Kurs-/Unternehmensinformationen: [klick]

Kommentar: Trotz schwachen Zahlen des angeschlagenen Chip-Herstellers Pixelworks stehen die Analysten hinter dem Konzern. Der neuerliche Ausbruch über einen mittelfristigen Abwärtstrend zog interessierte Trader an Bord. Diese Woche wurde das Gap um 1,45 Dollar geschlossen. Es besteht nun die gute Möglichkeit, dass Pixelworks in den kommenden Wochen Richtung 2 Dollar und später sogar in die Gegend um 2,50 Dollar zieht. Nach unten sollte bei 1,30 $ ein relativ enger Stoploss gesetzt werden.

Copyright 2007 http://www.tradersdaily.net/



28.10.07 17:38
Kennt jemand von euch hier die aktuellen Quartalszahlen ?  


28.10.07 17:45
PIXELWORKS INC (PXLW.O: Quote, Profile, Research): * Third quarter gaap per share loss
* Third quarter revenue fell 22.5 percent to $28.1 million *
Forecasts fourth quarter 2007 gaap per share loss $0.05 to
* Forecasts fourth quarter revenue $25 million to $27 million
* Forecasts fourth quarter non-gaap net income of $0.02 to loss
of $0.03 per share
* Third quarter non-gaap net loss $0.02 per share
* Reuters Estimates third quarter per share loss view $0.03,
revenue view $27.73 million * Reuters Estimates fourth quarter
per share loss view $0.03, revenue view $27.75 million


28.10.07 18:10
Klingt nicht berauschend.
Ich denke ich bleib trotzdem dabei. Orientiere mich hier eher langfristig.

und wieder raus...

25.11.07 20:06
Bin hier doch wieder raus,schon bei 0,84 €, nachdem der Kurs wieder nen Bogen nach unten machte.
Schade, war kurz davor nach oben durchzubrechen.
Viel Glück euch noch. Vielleicht nextes Jahr wieder.
Moe Szyslak:

Strong Guidance...

07.08.13 16:18

Wie immer das gleiche Spiel...

06.03.14 18:46
... hier wussten andere mehr, als wir. Keine Chance da zeitnah einzusteigen.


06.03.14 21:25
nicht schlecht, vermutlich ist aber nun der Zug wieder abgefahren ...


06.03.14 21:33
Richtig! Erstaunlicherweise hatte ich schon wieder den Finger auf dem Kaufknopf und habe es dann doch gelassen. 80% ist Irrsinn und schreit nach Korrektur durch Gewinnmitnahmen und Konsolidierung. Ich denke mal, dass die meisten Investierten hier noch gar nichts von ihrem Glück wissen :-)


07.03.14 17:12
Ich wollte gestern 300 Stücke zu 5,95 kaufen, traute dem Braten aber nicht. Heute morgen wären sie für EUR 6,60 bis 7,00 weggegangen. Die aktuelle Korrektur durch die Amis war zu erwarten. Ich bin gespannt, wo sich der Kurs einpendeln wird.

buy time

13.03.14 09:29
this afternoon.

Der Rücksetzer dürfte ausgestanden sein und jetzt geht's dann zu neuen Höhen.

Kennt sich hier jemand mit den Fundamentaldaten ..

28.07.14 20:19
... aus und kann mal einen kurzen Abriss geben?
Gelöschter Beitrag. Einblenden »


Pixel heute 6.44 % im +

17.12.14 23:49

Pixel bei + 6.44 % bei 4.13 $

Ja sensationell positiv für die Börse der FED-Entscheid, jetzt kann Plug erst recht

über die 6 $ wieder steigen. Wir werden es erleben.

Pixelworks 19066564Pixelworks 19066564Pixelworks 19066564Pixelworks 19066564

Jedenfalls tanzt pro 3.5 % Kursaufschlag endlich wieder einmal je ein Luigi für

alle Investierten ein Freudentänzchen;

Pixelworks 19066564Pixelworks 19066564

Ich hoffe für Euch ihr habt auch noch günstig zugekauft, denn Pixel hat Zukunft.
Allen Apple-Investierten schöne & besinnliche Adventstage & Weihnachten Pixelworks 19066564. heute

So wie einem das Licht nicht ohne die Dunkelheit bewusst würde, so gibt es keine Situation, in der nicht etwas POSITIVES zu entdecken wäre.

Frei nach I Ging

Geht ganz schön up!

09.03.17 12:34


15.02.24 10:58
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

Seite: Übersicht Alle 1 2 3 4

Börsen-Forum - Gesamtforum - Antwort einfügen - zum ersten Beitrag springen

Neueste Beiträge aus dem Pixelworks Inc Forum

Wertung Antworten Thema Verfasser letzter Verfasser letzter Beitrag
  83 Pixelworks lancerevo7 Balu4u 15.02.24 10:58
  31 Seriöse Aktie gesucht tzadoz tzadoz 02.06.04 00:35
    mega-aktie: Pixelworks ! lancerevo7   29.05.04 20:39
  3 lcd,plasma, hdtv fernseher zb.wkn 936000 azel azel 08.03.04 18:42
