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Rakuten wesentlich besser als Rocket

Beiträge: 12.300
Zugriffe: 2.940.853 / Heute: 2.357
Rakuten Group In. 5,538 € -2,14% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -55,52%

Die momentane extreme Unterbewertung

03.05.22 13:29
ist m.E. die Furcht vor dem Verkünden des höchsten Quartalverlustes in Q1/2022, die auch selbstverständlich stattfinden wird, weil Rakuten massiv  in Rakuten Mobile investiert.

Wenn durch die Investitionen keine Gegenwert geschaffen würden, wie das schon bei vielen Internetwerten der Fall und auch noch ist, könnte man die Kursentwicklung, weil Anleger ja auch lernfähig sind, nachvollziehen.

Genau das ist bei Rakuten Mobile nicht der Fall - das neue revolutionäre Geschäftsmodell funktioniert auf der technischen Seite wie am Schnürchen, und zwar entgegen vielen Unkenrufen. Und wenn man die in den nächsten vier Jahren geplanten Investitionen schon jetzt durchgezogen hat, sind Verluste unvermeidlich, bis den hohen Abschreibungen genügend Kunden gegenüberstehen. Und die Gebühren für die Nutzung fremder Netz fallen sogar schon ab diesem Jahr dramatisch.

Und es kommt sogar noch viel besser: Man verkauft inzwischen die für Rakuten Mobile entwickelten Softwarelösungen auch an andere Carrier (was ohne das Vorziehen der Investitionen für Rakuten Mobile um vier Jahre nicht möglich gewesen wäre) und kommt so in den in meinem letzten Posting beschriebenen gigantischen Markt.


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03.05.22 13:50
wann kommen die Zahlen ?  

zu 8452

03.05.22 13:55
am Donnerstag nächste Woche

Rakuten Mobile Sales Ranking

03.05.22 21:12
Rakuten Mobile Sales Ranking: Android Oppo and AQUOS be popular [March 2022]

Rakuten hält fast 40% an Cabify

03.05.22 22:50
Shared mobility: Shaping the future of cities

Lucía Chávarri, Vice President of New Business at Cabify, addresses the need to re-think current mobility models as cities battle congestion, carbon emissions and inefficient travel, and explains how shared mobility can act as an enabler for such change.

Technological solutions are fuelling shared mobility

Also, in the context of the pandemic, technology based solutions fuelling shared mobility have proved able to add value with new alternatives. We entered the delivery segment with the launch of our courier service Cabify Envíos in April 2020, making our transport infrastructure available to cities and communities at a time of unprecedented logistical and mobility challenges. Almost a year and a half after the start of these operations, the balance is resoundingly positive and enjoys great success in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Spain. In addition, more recently, we announced that we are working on a number of pilot projects with major Latin American retailers for the activation of an innovative B2B2C retail delivery service. With this decision, we aim to promote efficient, multimodal mobility of objects, delivered on net-zero rides for the first time.

Multi-mobility and innovation are, in our view, the two central ingredients to minimise sustainable impact and respond to the new mobility demands that today’s users of passenger and goods transport services are increasingly expressing. They are looking for flexibility, the power to make informed choices through technology and truly efficient transport options. Our recent survey of thousands of citizens in Spain and Latin America for the report ‘Reimagining Cities’ shows that 43.1 per cent of Spaniards highlight “taking as little time as possible” or “getting to the destination on time” as the most important factors when it comes to getting around.

At Cabify, we have made important commitments and achieved various milestones in terms of environmental, social and economic sustainability. Specifically, in terms of environmental balance, we are committed to a 15 per cent annual emissions reduction and have been the first, and only, carbon-neutral mobility app in Latin America and Europe for three years now. In 2020, we announced the pioneering implementation of blockchain technology for the efficiency and traceability of funds that we allocate to offsetting projects in countries such as Chile and Peru. We also remain determined to advance the electrification of our vehicle fleet, whose average age (two years) is well below the average age of vehicle fleets in all the countries where we operate.

A city only flourishes and evolves when all of its inhabitants can fully participate in its opportunities, when access to mobility is inclusive and real. Based on this conviction, since 2019, we have made our app 100 per cent accessible to blind people, and we are moving towards total accessibility, making transport easily accessible to deaf people, the elderly, people with attention deficits, etc.

Technological innovation is key

Technological innovation is innate to the entrepreneurial projects of start-ups like ours, and in mobility the potential is immense. We have been able to implement improvements in our technological systems to reduce empty kilometres (when the driver travels without a passenger) and also to optimise journeys to the maximum, reducing arrival and waiting times. In addition, with services such as Super (delivery of food products in collaboration with Lola Market) or Bive (bicycle rental by subscription), we avoid the unnecessary use of private vehicles and promote more sustainable mobility.

Electric micro-mobility (motorbikes and scooters) – another of our major commitments – has also proven its impact, avoiding the emission of 90 tonnes of CO2 in 2020. In countries like Spain, where there are over 24 million registered cars – according to the Directorate-General of Traffic – this sort of shared mobility alternatives can be instrumental in achieving a more efficient use of public space and remarkably better air quality.

Shared mobility plays a key role in finding solutions to the challenges ahead. We must therefore guarantee the future of cities by protecting environmental balance and social cohesion through a transport model that is truly compatible with that future. This is how we can make our cities better places to live in, where people and the planet are the most important things.

zu 8455

03.05.22 23:01
Warum Rakuten diese Beteiligung nicht zu Cash macht, lässt m.E. nur folgende Schlüsse zu:

Rakuten hat auch ohne diese nach meiner Einschätzung zu erzielende Cash von ca. einer Milliarde Dollar ausreichend Finanzierungmittel zur Verfügung.

Und während ich vom zuvor angesprochenen Grund noch überzeugt bin, bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher, ob das Halten von Cabify dazu führt, dass man den erzielbaren Erlös da besser steigern kann als bei alternativen Investitionsmöglichkeiten. Allerdings kann ich das Know How, in das Cabify ja immer massiv investiert hat, auch nicht genau genug beurteilen.

The Standalone-trend is Rakuten Symphony's Friend

04.05.22 09:13

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., May 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Viavi Solutions Inc.(VIAVI) VIAVtoday released new industry data revealing that the number of cities with 5G networks now stands at 1,947 globally. Despite the pandemic, 5G cities came online at a rate of nearly two per day, with the addition of 635 new 5G cities in 2021, according to the new VIAVI report The State of 5G, now in its sixth year.

Currently, most 5G networks deployed are Non-Standalone (NSA) networks, meaning that 5G equipment is added to existing 4G network infrastructure. There are currently 24 Standalone (SA) 5G networks globally, meaning that they have been built using a new 5G core network. It is widely considered that many of the next-generation use cases and monetization models associated with 5G, beyond enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) will only be possible when Standalone 5G networks built on new 5G core networks are in place.

Deployment networks should be a single-touch

05.05.22 11:45
For private enterprises the deployment of wireless networks should be a single-touch operation

Automated network deployment
For private enterprises the deployment of wireless networks should be a single-touch operation. After doing radio planning, the only human intervention should be to physically deploy the radio units. Once the radio unit is powered, its configuration and connectivity to the baseband and onboarding into the network should be fully automated. Open RAN- based open radio units (O-RU) support automatic DHCP-based discovery of the network management system’s (called service and management orchestrator – SMO) address and subsequent NETCONF configuration protocols to call the SMO. The SMO can then push the configuration of the gNB-DU’s address to the O-RU. The O-RU then connects to the gNB-DU, which can then push the carrier configuration to the O-RU. If the network functions as shown in Figures 5 and 6 are deployed as cloud native functions, deployment can be automated by a cloud infrastructure manager such as Kubernetes.

Private 5G using NR as radio technology and 3GPP defined 5G core finds its niche in many use cases. The flexible design of physical-layer features such as multiple numerologies, flexible slot formats, mini-slot scheduling and flexible uplink/downlink configuration provides a rich set of features that you can use in many applications.

Schnelle Wachstum für Auftragsabwicklungsdienste

05.05.22 22:02
Das schnelle Wachstum des Marktes für Auftragsabwicklungsdienste wird voraussichtlich bis 2028 eine hohe CAGR erreichen Rakuten Super Logistics, Amazon, FedEx
Mai 5, 2022

Es wird erwartet, dass der Markt für Auftragserfüllungsdienste im Prognosezeitraum einen Anstieg bei einer CAGR von 7 % erreichen wird.

Ein Artikel auf Seeking Alpha als Ursache?

06.05.22 09:02
Ich gehe einmal davon aus, der nachstehende Artikel ein Grund für den Preisrückgang gewesen sein könnte. Auf Seeking Alpha schreiben selbständige Autoren, die ihre oder die von wem auch immer beauftragte Meinung vertreten. Es gibt auf Seeking Alpha daher auch genau extrem entgegengesetzte Meinungen.

Ich kann daher die nachstehenden Ausführungen des Artikels, der den Kursrückgang m.E. vermutlich beeinflusst hat, absolut nicht nachvollziehen.

Rakuten: Mobile Investment Is Jeopardizing The Overall Company
May 03, 2022 8:00 AM

Rakuten's capital allocation for its mobile business is high-risk, resulting in cash burn.

Management is not being disciplined enough over the pace of capital allocation and is jeopardizing the overall company.

Underlying fundamentals are set to weaken in our view, resulting in excess leverage. We remain sellers of the shares.

zu 8460

06.05.22 09:09
Und ich kann dazu nur Teile meine Ausführungen in 845 wiederholen:^

"Genau das ist bei Rakuten Mobile nicht der Fall - das neue revolutionäre Geschäftsmodell funktioniert auf der technischen Seite wie am Schnürchen, und zwar entgegen vielen Unkenrufen. Und wenn man die in den nächsten vier Jahren geplanten Investitionen schon jetzt durchgezogen hat, sind Verluste unvermeidlich, bis den hohen Abschreibungen genügend Kunden gegenüberstehen. Und die Gebühren für die Nutzung fremder Netz fallen sogar schon ab diesem Jahr dramatisch.

Und es kommt sogar noch viel besser: Man verkauft inzwischen die für Rakuten Mobile entwickelten Softwarelösungen auch an andere Carrier (was ohne das Vorziehen der Investitionen für Rakuten Mobile um vier Jahre nicht möglich gewesen wäre) und kommt so in den in meinem letzten Posting beschriebenen gigantischen Markt."

Und noch eine Ergänzung: Man hat im letzten Jahr über neues Eigenkapital und neue Anleihen die Cash erheblich erhöht und keine Probleme auch hohe Investitionen zu stemmen - und Cash Burn sind die damit geschaffenen Werte - ein viertes gut funktionierendes Netz in Japan - schon gar nicht.

zu 8460: Auch diese Meinung gibt es auf

06.05.22 09:42
Seeking Alpha:

Rakuten: A Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow
Aug. 18, 2021

Rakuten presents a classic Warren Buffett “cigar butt” story.
The company has two strong, well-stablished businesses (Internet and Fintech) that are already part of the group, with the ability to fund future expansion of the mobile business.
Rakuten has a diverse product range and a compelling ecosystem that encourages cross-usage.
Rakuten mobile is laying the rails and infrastructure for next generation 5G, a big play on the future.


zu 8460: Und vor knapp vier Wochen erschien

06.05.22 09:44
ebenfalls auf Seeking Alpha dieser Artikel:

Rakuten Group: Japanese E-Commerce Leader
Apr. 12, 2022

As one of the leading e-commerce platforms in Japan, we determined its customer satisfaction advantage and projected its user growth at 7.47% through 2026.
Also, we expect its ARPU growth to be supported by its cross-selling strategy through its ecosystem and projected to grow at 6.13% per year through 2026.
However, we expect its Mobile segment to weigh on the company's profitability as it expands its 5G network and remains unprofitable in 2022.

We believe Rakuten is poised to benefit from the rise of the e-commerce market in Japan with a leading position only behind Amazon and high customer satisfaction. However, we also expect tough competition from Amazon, the market leader, with more visits, as well as having a higher number of product listings and a variable fee structure. We expect Rakuten’s member growth to continue growing with a 5-year average of 7.47% growth assumption through 2026. Additionally, we believe through its cross-selling strategy, its ARPU growth outlook at a forecast growth rate of 6.13% is supported as customers purchase more from its platform and complement other revenue segments. However, we expect the mobile segment to remain unprofitable and the future competition for the 5G network in Japan could intensify as Rakuten expands aggressively in the country. With the sum of the parts valuation, we rate the company as a Strong Buy with a price target of $11.71.

Vergleicht das einmal mit den Aussagen in

06.05.22 14:08
dem Artikel in 8460:

The facts: Rakuten had been growing faster than Amazon between 2019 and 2021 (11.2% vs. 6.3%)

Rakuten is the second-largest online marketplace in Japan based on online website visits, only trailing behind Amazon. Though, Rakuten had been growing faster than Amazon between 2019 and 2021 (11.2% vs. 6.3%). However, it faces competition from other marketplaces such as Mercari, ZOZOTOWN (OTCPK:SATLF) and Qoo10 Japan. As seen in the table below, only Qoo10 Japan had a higher growth rate than Rakuten, but it also had considerably lower monthly visits than Rakuten.

Online Marketplaces Monthly Visits in Japan ('mln')



Growth %

















Qoo10 Japan




Rakuten (RKUNY) Stock Analysis

06.05.22 14:39
Rakuten (RKUNY) Stock Analysis By: JONATHAN SCHRAMM Last Updated: April 15, 2022

In this report, I will show the following:

The quality and growth of e-commerce segment alone coils support a much higher market cap. We will also discuss why some Japanese equities deserve a second look, especially growing and modern companies.

The capital intensive phase of the mobile operations is largely done. Their losses should drop dramatically and they might even turn profitable.

The Rakuten ecosystem is a world-class moat, and the mobile activity reinforces it

The financial branch of the company is largely not discussed, despite large opportunities available in Online Banking, FinTech, Insurtech, and for monetizing the data collected.

The investment in mobile network technology has been used to develop a unique technology stack, similar to what Amazon did with AWS. It could be massively adopted abroad by low-cost mobile operators, as demonstrated by some recent high-margin sales of the solution. This will also transform Rakuten’s investing profile from “Japan e-commerce” to a diversified international tech conglomerate.

Extended Summary: Why Rakuten?

06.05.22 16:11

Rakuten is a large conglomerate of e-commerce, financial, telecom, and consumer service dominating the Japanese online economy. The telecom segment has been a major cash drain and spooked investors out. The strong growth and quality of the core business have been ignored and left the company undervalued. The mobile business is set to turn profitable and this should change the narrative (and valuation multiples) around Rakuten.

A High-Quality Core Business

06.05.22 21:19

Japanese e-commerce sector and gaining even more dominance every year. It is highly profitable and with very strong margins compared to other generalist e-commerce platforms like Amazon or Alibaba.

As a stand-alone company, this segment could single-handily justify the current market valuation of the Rakuten Group, with all the rest of the company offered for free.

Rakuten Symphony for disruption with Symworld

06.05.22 21:52
Rakuten Symphony poises for disruption with Symworld

By Dean Ramsay, Principal Analyst, TM Forum February, 2022

On the call with press and analysts this week, Rakuten Symphony announced that its sales pipeline looked incredibly healthy with $3 billion in bookings, and also revealed its latest development in its cloud-native operations journey: Symworld, an app store for building telecoms networks.

This is apparently the realization of a long-held ambition for Tareq Amin, Chief Technology Officer at Rakuten Group and Rakuten Symphony CEO, and will see Symphony customers buying cloud-native apps for OSS, engineering tasks, network management knowledge and people management, or whatever they need to build and run a network.

This concept is of course nothing new, but it is not the industry’s principal procurement or IT deployment model today, so there is an opportunity if Symphony can make it work.

The idea of an app store of modular components that are pre-approved to interoperate fits neatly into many operators’ cloud evolution strategies and may go some of the way to allaying their fears around the management of hyperscaler relationships.

At first the plan is to sell Symphony’s own software apps, with a surprisingly large initial offering of 54 products, but then open up to the vendor community to embed their own apps in the store. For an idea of who may be open to this idea in the first instance, the group of vendors that supply Rakuten Mobile in Japan is a good place to start. Amin has said in the past that the mobile operator group within the company is like a ‘live lab’ for Symphony, hammering out concepts before bringing them to market in the vendor.

Altiostar is a 100% subsidiary of Rakuten

06.05.22 22:17
Rakuten subsidiary Altiostar is on of the 13 top players in the global Cloud Radio Access Network marketplace

Top players in global Cloud Radio Access Network marketplace:

May 2, 2022

Ericsson AB
ZTE Corporation
NEC Corporation
Cisco Systems, Ltd. and Inc.
Nokia Corporation
Intel Corporation
Datang Mobile
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd.
Huawei Technologies Co.

Dish and Rakuten-subsidiary Altiostar

07.05.22 07:23


MAY 04, 2022 / 06:51 AM

Dish is building a 5G network using latest technologies that promises to lower costs and bring in new services, and has tied up with companies ranging from Amazon and Intel to smaller ones such as Altiostar and Mavenir.

Endlich echter Cash Back in Deutschland

07.05.22 10:22

Intel inked partnerships for FPGA-based solutions

07.05.22 22:07
In-line acceleration boosts performance for radio access networks.


So far, Intel has inked more than a dozen partnerships for FPGA-based accelerator solutions. Affirmed Networks (owned by Microsoft), Altiostar (soon to be owned by Rakuten), Algo Logic, Arrive Technologies, Benu Networks, Bigstream, Cast, CTAccel, F5, Juniper Networks, Megh Computing,, Napatech and rENIAC all support workload acceleration via Intel FPGAs.

Mein Kursziel ist noch höher

08.05.22 10:49
If you are looking for stocks with good return, Rakuten Group Inc can be a profitable investment option
At we predict future values with technical analysis for wide selection of stocks like Rakuten Group Inc (RKUNF). If you are looking for stocks with good return, Rakuten Group Inc can be a profitable investment option. Rakuten Group Inc quote is equal to 6.635 USD at 2022-05-08. Based on our forecasts, a long-term increase is expected, the "RKUNF" stock price prognosis for 2027-04-30 is 20.634 USD. With a 5-year investment, the revenue is expected to be around +210.99%. Your current $100 investment may be up to $310.99 in 2027.

How you don't need to pay for Google Ads

08.05.22 13:03

Why choose Rakuten Marketing?

Six reasons you should choose Rakuten Marketing:

The organization is expanding to provide the best Omni experience.

Awards say it all – performance marketing award, best attribution solution, digital player’s club power player, affiliated network, and much.

Number 1 company in providing customer assistance.

They are the leaders. Rakuten Marketing Growth is always relegating the industry. Its growth is continuing to beat the industries year after year.

Online and offline, cross-channel inconsistency- The journey of the customers does not stop online. They have powerful tools to track customer experience.

The company is backed by a leading Internet power player.

Why should you choose affiliate marketing? Because:

You do not need to buy or hold the stocks.

You don’t have to deal with sales or customers.

You don’t need to deal with refund and dispatch.

You can easily run your affiliate marketing business from any corner of the world.

With affiliate ads on your other websites, increase the traffic on your e-commerce site.

Your overheads for hiring employees to manage marketing comes down.

You don’t need to pay for Google Ads once your sales increase through affiliate marketing.

Customers are more likely to find your products with your affiliate ads on other business networks/blogs.

Implications of Implementation of ORAN by Rakuten

08.05.22 16:15
Economic and Technical Implications of Implementation of OpenRAN by "RAKUTEN MOBILE"
2022 International Conference...

The Research paper talks about how Rakuten Mobile: a new challenger telecom operator in Japan competing with NTT DoCoMo, KDDI's au, and SoftBank, has implemented various parameters of the Open RAN technology (disaggregation of RAN hardware and software on vendor-neutral, multiple architecture options-integrated RAN with disaggregation at Software and Hardware level or a split RAN with Regional Unit(RU) and Baseband Unit (BBU), solutions carried out either on Virtual machine or containerized platform, implementation of Open interface between the nodes, Open RAN compatibility with 2G,3G,4G, and 5G deployments, and innovation through adaptation of technologies such as Machine learning, IoT or Artificial Intelligence with an unusual mix of hardware and software vendors focusing on developing a cutting-edge new network architecture in deploying the open, virtualized radio access network. The study uses the case study analysis methodology: reviews of research papers and reports, white papers, company annual reports, news reports, etc. The result analysis shows that implementing virtualized open RAN will reduce Capex and Opex, reduce less deployment time. But, for now, Rakuten mobile, though implementing open RAN, faces challenges in profit generation as the mobile network is entirely built on this new and largely unproven architecture. However, it would be a mistake to see Rakuten's challenges as a negative reflection of an open RAN at this juncture. The company affirmed its goal of becoming profitable by 2023.
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