Bereits Kostolany hat auf die Gefahren des program-tradings hingewiesen, d.h. des softwargesteuerten Handelns, das die Marktdynamik gefährlich intensivieren kann und in wirtschaftlich schwachen Zeiten, in denen Großinvestoren, market maker und Banken über short-selling und Optionen auf fallende Kurse große Gewinne erzielen wollen, letztlich bis zum Crash führen kann. Hunderte von Millionen shortseller und Hedger auf der Welt hängen sich elektronisch an diesen Trend und verstärken die Abwärtsdynamik.
Es ist höchste Zeit, daß die Verantwortlichen rund um den Globus die Gefahren des computergesteuerten Handels erkennen und versuchen, mit geeigneten Regelungen gegenzusteuern.
Die Wiedereinführung der von der Bush-Regierung abgeschafften uptick-rule und das Unterbinden des kriminellen naked shortselling im Gesamtmarkt! - nicht nur bei einigen auserwählten Finanzinstituten, die sich bei derartigen Manövern aus eigener Erfahrung vermutlich bestens auskennen - sind nur erste Schritte in diese Richtung.
Wie dringend erforderlich derartige Maßnahmen in einer bisher noch nie dagewesenen Situation sind, läßt sich an Cox*s emergency-rule, Beginn 21.Juli und bis auf 30 Tage wirksam, erkennen.
Die Zeiten, in denen man derartig heftige Kursbewegungen als Manipulationen eines kleinen Bretonen von der SG in den Medien präsentieren konnte, sind vorbei. Hier manipulieren ganz andere. Die Medien helfen freudig mit: Heute der Ölpreis, morgen die Bankenkrise (= von den Banken verursachte Krise), dann wieder der Ölpreis... die perfekte Zwickmühle. Dagegen sind Naked short selling, Gerüchteküche, Rohstoffspekulation kein Thema.
Das Folgende sind Überlegungen aus einem US-board
Today, the big and powerful have programmed computers protecting and furthering their interests. Computers protect their owner/operators interests in times of panic buying and panic selling—especially panic selling—and further their programmed-trading manipulation interests at all other times. It's a "little one-sided," this advantage, but then a whole lot of the inner-workings of our markets are definitely one-sided against the average small investor.
Think about that for a moment.
Then use your imagination! Pretend it's 1929, but 1929 with computers! The bottom has dropped out of plunging stocks just seconds ago. What to do? Face it, by the time you can decide and type anything, the drop is already far worse that you could have imagined. So you sit catatonic thinking you missed the drop and would now be selling at the bottom. Your common sense—such of it as remains in such a moment—is telling you that selling at bottoms is generally thought to be quite stupid, you see. But then, we never know exactly where is that bottom, do we? Especially in a panic situation. So what to do? But you get the picture.
Meanwhile back at the computer ranch on wallstreet, the pre-programmed computers had instructions to sell everything (and exacerbate the crash) the second a given stock has dropped 5% in less than 30 seconds (or whatever % and number of seconds or minutes makes sense). And it did! Sure the computers missed the first part of the decline, but if a trade can be made on the floor at any time during the computer-fed plunge, those sellers are going to get super rich off their new naked short positions!
You can't sell short by any method in this situation--so there's no need even to try! It takes time to borrow and time to type and the sands of time just ran out for you. Only naked short sellers can sell short in real time!
NOW! Re-insert the Up-tick Rule into this scenario and you have denied wallstreet insiders their biggest profits in a lifetime! And it all would have been generated for them by their machines. Yes, there are cumbersome ways to perhaps force an uptick during a panic decline so as to enable your masters to get short higher! But that is problematic and would not work near as well as the ability to simply grab the next lower trade-point after the trigger has been pulled and the drop has begun.
Do you see what this means? Any crash is pre-programmed to be a disastrous crash, and the SEC sits on a market with no uptick feature at all! None! Nada! Zip! Zilch! Worse, the silly basta#ds seem not even to be aware of the precarious position in which they have put our markets--all of them!
Think about that for five minutes!
Es ist höchste Zeit, daß die Verantwortlichen rund um den Globus die Gefahren des computergesteuerten Handels erkennen und versuchen, mit geeigneten Regelungen gegenzusteuern.
Die Wiedereinführung der von der Bush-Regierung abgeschafften uptick-rule und das Unterbinden des kriminellen naked shortselling im Gesamtmarkt! - nicht nur bei einigen auserwählten Finanzinstituten, die sich bei derartigen Manövern aus eigener Erfahrung vermutlich bestens auskennen - sind nur erste Schritte in diese Richtung.
Wie dringend erforderlich derartige Maßnahmen in einer bisher noch nie dagewesenen Situation sind, läßt sich an Cox*s emergency-rule, Beginn 21.Juli und bis auf 30 Tage wirksam, erkennen.
Die Zeiten, in denen man derartig heftige Kursbewegungen als Manipulationen eines kleinen Bretonen von der SG in den Medien präsentieren konnte, sind vorbei. Hier manipulieren ganz andere. Die Medien helfen freudig mit: Heute der Ölpreis, morgen die Bankenkrise (= von den Banken verursachte Krise), dann wieder der Ölpreis... die perfekte Zwickmühle. Dagegen sind Naked short selling, Gerüchteküche, Rohstoffspekulation kein Thema.
Das Folgende sind Überlegungen aus einem US-board
Today, the big and powerful have programmed computers protecting and furthering their interests. Computers protect their owner/operators interests in times of panic buying and panic selling—especially panic selling—and further their programmed-trading manipulation interests at all other times. It's a "little one-sided," this advantage, but then a whole lot of the inner-workings of our markets are definitely one-sided against the average small investor.
Think about that for a moment.
Then use your imagination! Pretend it's 1929, but 1929 with computers! The bottom has dropped out of plunging stocks just seconds ago. What to do? Face it, by the time you can decide and type anything, the drop is already far worse that you could have imagined. So you sit catatonic thinking you missed the drop and would now be selling at the bottom. Your common sense—such of it as remains in such a moment—is telling you that selling at bottoms is generally thought to be quite stupid, you see. But then, we never know exactly where is that bottom, do we? Especially in a panic situation. So what to do? But you get the picture.
Meanwhile back at the computer ranch on wallstreet, the pre-programmed computers had instructions to sell everything (and exacerbate the crash) the second a given stock has dropped 5% in less than 30 seconds (or whatever % and number of seconds or minutes makes sense). And it did! Sure the computers missed the first part of the decline, but if a trade can be made on the floor at any time during the computer-fed plunge, those sellers are going to get super rich off their new naked short positions!
You can't sell short by any method in this situation--so there's no need even to try! It takes time to borrow and time to type and the sands of time just ran out for you. Only naked short sellers can sell short in real time!
NOW! Re-insert the Up-tick Rule into this scenario and you have denied wallstreet insiders their biggest profits in a lifetime! And it all would have been generated for them by their machines. Yes, there are cumbersome ways to perhaps force an uptick during a panic decline so as to enable your masters to get short higher! But that is problematic and would not work near as well as the ability to simply grab the next lower trade-point after the trigger has been pulled and the drop has begun.
Do you see what this means? Any crash is pre-programmed to be a disastrous crash, and the SEC sits on a market with no uptick feature at all! None! Nada! Zip! Zilch! Worse, the silly basta#ds seem not even to be aware of the precarious position in which they have put our markets--all of them!
Think about that for five minutes!
Wer nur zurueckschaut, kann nicht sehen, was auf ihn zukommt.