Name of CSE Issuer: Supreme Metals Corp. (formerly 4D Virtual Space Ltd. and
Alibaba Innovations Corp.) (the “Issuer”).
Trading Symbol: ABJ
Number of Outstanding
Listed Securities: 137,948,532
Date: January 4, 2018
Report on Business
1. Provide a general overview and discussion of the development of the Issuer’s
business and operations over the previous month. Where the Issuer was inactive
disclose this fact.
During the month of December, the Issuer continued its pursuit of natural
resource acquisitions, particularly focused on its higher potential properties
of lithium, cobalt, iron, and gold along with the continued additional
collection and consolidation of information on the properties acquired while
undertaking its field exploration program. In August the Company decided
to reduce the number of properties held in order to focus on those with the
highest potential for exploration and development. The Issuer reviewed
additional potential property acquisitions and conducted a site visit on the
Mt Thom Property along with an examination and XRF (X-Ray Florescence)
analysis on the core from the property. An unrelated party has proposed an
option on the Mt Thom Property which is currently being reviewed. In
addition, the Issuer is currently in final negotiations to execute an option on
a property with NI43-101 resources of lithium.
2. Provide a general overview and discussion of the activities of management.
Management continued its consideration of natural resource acquisitions
and the collection and consolidation of information on the properties
acquired while undertaking its field exploration program. This included:
Conducting final due diligence and documents preparation on a
European lithium property;
Name of CSE Issuer: Supreme Metals Corp. (formerly 4D Virtual Space Ltd. and
Alibaba Innovations Corp.) (the “Issuer”).
Trading Symbol: ABJ
Number of Outstanding
Listed Securities: 137,948,532
Date: January 4, 2018
Report on Business
1. Provide a general overview and discussion of the development of the Issuer’s
business and operations over the previous month. Where the Issuer was inactive
disclose this fact.
During the month of December, the Issuer continued its pursuit of natural
resource acquisitions, particularly focused on its higher potential properties
of lithium, cobalt, iron, and gold along with the continued additional
collection and consolidation of information on the properties acquired while
undertaking its field exploration program. In August the Company decided
to reduce the number of properties held in order to focus on those with the
highest potential for exploration and development. The Issuer reviewed
additional potential property acquisitions and conducted a site visit on the
Mt Thom Property along with an examination and XRF (X-Ray Florescence)
analysis on the core from the property. An unrelated party has proposed an
option on the Mt Thom Property which is currently being reviewed. In
addition, the Issuer is currently in final negotiations to execute an option on
a property with NI43-101 resources of lithium.
2. Provide a general overview and discussion of the activities of management.
Management continued its consideration of natural resource acquisitions
and the collection and consolidation of information on the properties
acquired while undertaking its field exploration program. This included:
Conducting final due diligence and documents preparation on a
European lithium property;