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Beiträge: 2.328
Zugriffe: 113.448 / Heute: 85
Swingplane Ventu. kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar


01.02.13 20:43
USGT aber klar !!
Was sonst ?


Entdecke die beliebtesten ETFs von Amundi

Lyxor Net Zero 2050 S&P World Climate PAB (DR) UCITS ETF Acc
Perf. 12M: +206,18%
Amundi Russell 1000 Growth UCITS ETF - Acc
Perf. 12M: +38,69%
Amundi ETF Leveraged MSCI USA Daily UCITS ETF - EUR (C/D)
Perf. 12M: +35,42%
Amundi MSCI India II UCITS ETF - USD Acc
Perf. 12M: +34,21%
Amundi Nasdaq-100 Daily (2x) Leveraged UCITS ETF - Acc
Perf. 12M: +33,36%


Noch 5m !!

01.02.13 20:57
Dann Powerhour !! Da sind nochmal 5% drin ;-)

Mindestens !!

Wenn nicht heute war auch gut :-))


01.02.13 21:35
Real-Time Best Bid & Ask

0.393 / 0.396

Jetzt wird es spannend ;-))

0,39$ :-))

01.02.13 22:27
Wünsche ein schönes Wochenende !!

Montag geht es über 0,40$ !!

Gruß Forscher

dir auch

01.02.13 22:27


01.02.13 22:29
hab alle prüfungen bestanden,

jetzt bin ich nicht nur Swvi Aktionär

ich bin auch ein Technikerrrr

Scheiß Handy :-)

ich werde heute saufen ohne ende

bis morgen


02.02.13 08:40
Nun geht die Party ja erst richtig los :-) :-) :-)


Super Kombi ,Techniker und Aktionär zu sein ,die Welt liegt Dir nun zu Füßen !!!

Weiterhin viel Glück und Erfolg ,allen anderen hier natürlich auch !!!!

und es geht morgen weiter ;-)

03.02.13 20:28
Hello Everyone,

We hope you are having a great weekend.

As predicted by our team, we had a hunch that SWVI was going to break the 40 cents level and it did so yesterday. This is yet another bullish indicator that the momentum is still very strong and is about to accelerate in the coming days.

SWVI literrally doubled within 8 trading days and members that have been with us since the beginning are sitting on amazing gains. The good news is there is still plenty of upside left in the tank. Members that are holding on to their shares or adding to their positions could see SWVI skyrocket through $1 and profit tremendously.

As stated in the past, mining companies can soar hundreds of percent upon huge discovery or speculation that a discovery is coming. SWVI seems to have the attention of Wall Street and it looks like investors are buying millions of shares every day in anticipation that the company's property could hold billions of dollars in copper.

In fact, a recent analyst compared SWVI to a $7 per share copper company. If that price was reached, members could be looking at gains upward of 1,000%.

Here's our top 5 reasons why we love SWVI and believe it could still easily double from here:

#1- Experts are saying that we only have 25 years left to mine copper before it's all gone. The world is scrambling to grab every last ounce, but SWVI has recently acquired the Algarrobo property, which is a historically copper-rich property in the world's biggest copper producing country, Chile!

#2-A recent report suggested that, SWVI's Algarrobo property is estimated a potential $20 billion in copper! If that is the case, shares in SWVI could be worth dollars per shares in the future.

#3- SWVI's Algarrobo property is also located near Chile's gigantic 9 billion ton "Chuquicamata copper deposit" worth over USD $25 billion dollar in copper at today's closing price of copper. Location is key and SWVI could have very strong probabilities of discovering large amount of copper.

#4- Major mining companies like Rio Tinto, Freeport McMoran Copper and Gold could soon be looking at SWVI as a buyout candidate considering all the potential that the Algarrobo property holds! SWVI could soon be the biggest copper stock of 2013!

#5- Momentum investors are buying into the frenzy of SWVI as copper continues to rise. The uptrend could accelerate as more investors realize that copper could be one of the hottest market in 2013.

With SWVI's unstoppable ascension, we could see current prices soar again in the short-term and we want to make sure that all our members keep this amazing little company on their radar for major profit potential.

Your Editor

hallo zusammen

04.02.13 07:03
Hello Everyone,

We hope you are enjoying your Super Bowl weekend.

Get ready for an exciting week on SWVI starting tomorrow.

This past few days have been amazing for the company with 2 exciting reports stating that:

1) Swingplane Ventures Inc. is comparable to another copper company worth $7 per share. Meaning that the report believes that SWVI holds potential gains of over 1,000%.

2) The other report stated that SWVI could become the biggest copper play for 2013!

Members that are familiar with our picks know that some of our previous mining alerts have soared 400%, 600%, and 1100%. If that wasn't enough, legendary mining company 'lexg' saw its share rise from about 80 cents to over $10 within weeks not too long ago. This goes to show how much the market loves small-cap mining companies and how much more upside there could be on SWVI.

If you are thinking that it is too late to jump on board, think again. In our opinion, every dips have been met by strong buyers and every buyers have been chasing SWVI to new highs leading us to believe that we are far from the end of it.

In fact, this could be your last chance to buy SWVI for under 50 cents

before we see a march towards the dollar mark!

If you missed our top 5 reasons why we love SWVI and why we believe it could still DOUBLE from here read below:

#1- Experts are saying that we only have 25 years left to mine copper before it's all gone. The world is scrambling to grab every last ounce, but SWVI has recently acquired the Algarrobo property, which is a historically copper-rich property in the world's biggest copper producing country, Chile!

#2-A recent report suggested that, SWVI's Algarrobo property is estimated a potential $20 billion in copper!  If that is the case, shares in SWVI could be worth dollars per shares in the future.

#3- SWVI's Algarrobo property is also located near Chile's gigantic 9 billion ton "Chuquicamata copper deposit" worth over USD $25 billion dollar in copper at today's closing price of copper. Location is key and SWVI could have very strong probabilities of discovering large amount of copper.

#4- Major mining companies like Rio Tinto, Freeport McMoran Copper and Gold could soon be looking at SWVI as a buyout candidate considering all the potential that the Algarrobo property holds! SWVI could soon be the biggest copper stock of 2013!

#5- Momentum investors are buying into the frenzy of SWVI as copper continues to rise. The uptrend could accelerate as more investors realize that copper could be one of the hottest market in 2013.

P.S. As for our Super Bowl prediction we think the 49ers got it!

Your Editor

Guten Morgen

04.02.13 07:53
Warst wieder schneller ;-)


04.02.13 08:01
hast du was anderes erwartet? ;-)

Nee :-))

04.02.13 08:30
Eigentlich nicht Hahahaha

Haben am Samstag schon angefangen zu sponsern, und gestern weiter
Die schießen SWVI noch auf den Mond ;-)

Und wir sind dabei !!

Wenn die am Wochenende sich schon so ins Zeug legen kommt da noch mehr ?

Guten Morgen....

04.02.13 08:39
endlich wieder Wochenanfang :) ...Hoffe es geht so grün weiter wie wir es gewohnt sind :-).

@ rokrockt und forscher

04.02.13 13:46
lässt sich eigentlich mit den Empfehlungen der anderen Pennstocks-Briefe wie Awesome Pennystocks, Crazystocks, usw. auch gutes Geld verdienen?

Da startet ja heute ein "Überflieger" von den Magazinen. Habt ihr mit denen schon Erfahrungen gemacht? Ich meine nur für den Fall, dass APS mal eine Sendepause hat :-)

gleich gehts weiter :)

04.02.13 15:11


04.02.13 15:39
Awesomepennystocks und Co. (Crazystocks)

Läufen nicht immer, man muss die genau beobachten.

zB. Wuhan 700%

und Crown Marketing (CWNM) -7%

was los noch drin?

04.02.13 16:00
Ist so ruhig hier....

APS und ich sind noch da

04.02.13 16:44
What an amazing start for SWVI this morning with a strong opening. This is the time where SWVI could start jumping pennies at a time and where members can stand to profit the most from a surge in price.

This morning copper price hit a new 4 months high leading SWVI to almost jump 3 cents or 7% this morning. Our predictions have been right so far on SWVI and we have never felt this confident about the upcoming breakout in SWVI.

Don't be surprise if we see SWVI in the dollar range soon. We've notice that our favorite pick is starting to behave just like a recent small-cap winner that we've followed. This latest small-cap saw its shares rise from about 60 cents to over $3.00. If you notice the last 5 days on the chart yielded over 200% for investors that were able to get in before the surge.

With the recent strenght in copper price, we believe SWVI is headed exactly in the same direction which can only mean good things for all of us.

If SWVI starts moving towards the $3 mark, can you imagine what it could do to your investment? This a great time to consider SwingPlane Ventures Inc. in our opinion.

Bloomberg released an article explaining why copper hit a new 4 months high. You can read it here:

We hope you are watching SWVI this morning because it is on the brink of breaking 50 cents.

Remember, analysts are saying that SWVI could become the biggest copper play in 2013 and some even compare it to a $7 per share copper company. The upside could be huge!

Swiv ist wieder an zappeln,

04.02.13 17:00
es kann passieren das in Intraday gleich Absturz kommt, sobald unter 0.40$ geht werde ich verkaufen und wieder unten einsteigen .


04.02.13 17:03


04.02.13 17:14
Real-Time Best Bid & Ask

0.405 / 0.407

Noch hält die mühsam erorberte magische Grenze !!

bei dem zappeln,

04.02.13 17:17
kann es schnell down gehen wie letztes Mal von 0.36 auf 0.29,

deshalb ist mein Stopp bei 0.40$

Was meinst du rokrockt?

04.02.13 17:42
Swingplane steht bei über 4 Prozent im Plus, bei allen Gewinnen der Vorwoche ist das ein tolles Ergebnis!! Ich kann kein Zappeln erkennen...

Die wird gesponsert...

04.02.13 17:59
Heute ohne Ende so viele Nachrichten von Newslettern hab ich noch nie bekommen !!;-))

Jetzt wird es spannend !!

04.02.13 18:28
Real-Time Best Bid & Ask

0.395 / 0.399
Es gibt keine neuen Beiträge.

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