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Swingplane Ventu. kein aktueller Kurs verfügbar

Pennystockfanatics (now official the APS pick)

24.01.13 12:09
Join us on, the fastest growing stock trading forum anywhere online!

Our Current Pre-Alert Stock is SWVI (now official the APS pick)

SWVI ($0.2899):  Soars 70% today!  We first alerted SWVI on Monday, with a second re-alert yesterday once our industry insider team confirmed that SWVI was the APS stock alert.  Our insider team, which alerted our subscribers to FARE and LVVV before their "official alerts" and now SWVI before the "official" APS release, has it's sights on the up and coming (TBX) mega alert!

Out team of stock promoter industry insiders have tapped into the promo underground and have uncovered what we believe to be the next TBX stock alert.  We will release this alert prior to the official TBX alert when the time comes....stay tuned for further notice.


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noch 2h ;-)

24.01.13 13:33

Jetzt wird es Spannend es gibt News :-))

24.01.13 13:36
SANTIAGO, CHILE, Jan 24, 2013 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Swingplane Ventures Inc. (the "Company") (OTCBB: SWVI) has recently negotiated a share exchange agreement with a company holding an Option Agreement to acquire a 75% percent interest in the Algarrobo Property. The Algarrobo Property (the "Property") is an Iron Oxide -Copper-Gold (IOCG) property located approximately 850 km north of Santiago, in the III Region, Province of Chanaral, Chile. The city of Copiapo is located approximately 43 km to the southeast of the Property, with the small port city of Caldera 25 km to the east. The Property consists of 32 tenures, comprising a total of 6,161 ha (15,224 acres).Mining operations completed to date, on both the Property and immediately adjacent tenures, have resulted in a large number of workings, of which approximately 35 comprise near surface workings greater than 2 m in depth to more extensive, historical mining operations extending several hundred meters below surface. Historical mining activity has defined, and is centered around, three main mineralized trends, as follows:-- Panga, Ecuador, Uruguay, etc. in the north -- Descubridora, Estaca, Viuda, etc. in the center -- Buena Vista, Alicia, etc. in the south These workings, particularly the old mines developed along these well defined mineralized trends, have produced variable quantities of high grade copper ore, predominantly as copper oxides, in a supergene enriched oxide zone extending to an approximate depth of 120 metres below surface. The oxide zone is typically underlain by a transitional zone of mixed copper oxides and copper sulphides, with underlying copper sulfide ores mined to greater depth (i.e. 450 meters in the Viuda Mine).The three major mineralized trends (above), and a fourth less well developed mineralized trend (Mantos Ossa), are well defined by previous workings and clearly evident on satellite (i.e. Google Earth) imagery. These workings clearly define a well mineralized zone having a surface extent of at least 3 km, with an interpreted potential surface extent of at least 4 km, and potentially up to 6.5 km or more. At surface, the veins vary between as little as 15 cm to as much as 1.5 m, however, they rapidly increase in thickness in the near sub-surface to at least 1.5 and 2.5 m. A limited underground sampling program completed by the property vendor in 2000 reported "blows," regions along the vein as exposed by the underground workings in which the mineralized veins, "...were up to 60 m horizontally and 40 m vertically, with widths between 1.5 meters and more than 5 meters - Estaca mine" (Stromberger 2000).In addition to the four "Major Veins" described above, a number of sub-parallel, subordinate veins are interpreted to be present between the major veins presently identified. These subsidiary, often mineralized veins are interpreted to represent secondary veins developed as splays off the primary veins and/or a nested set of primary and/or en echelon secondary veins representing "horse-tails."Management believes the Property represents significant potential to further develop current, near surface high grade copper +/- gold mineralization identified in multiple veins into a larger commercial operation. The Company's mandate is to aggressively pursue: 1) expansion of the existing mineral potential of the Algarrobo Property, and 2) further exploration of the Property to evaluate opportunities for developing short term production capacity having potential for further expansion.Currently, a total of five have been developed into drifts driven on high grade copper-bearing mineralized veins identified at surface.The president, Mr. Voyer, says, "This is a very exciting undertaking for the company and we are very fortunate to be part of the Algarrobo project."The content of this news release has been reviewed by Rick Walker, B.Sc., M.Sc., P. Geo., a Qualified Person for the purposes of NI 43-101, with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity and validity of the data herein.This Press release has been revised and approved by the President of the Company.

@forscher du warst dieses mal schneller ;-)

24.01.13 13:41

Und das

24.01.13 13:46

bedeutet was ???


@ tarzan

24.01.13 14:01

versuche es auch gerade einzuordnen, Kommentar von heute aus w.o.

Okay, seit 2010 gibts die. Keine wie immer gearteten Umsätze bisher. 69.000 Dollar Verlust seither. Man hat 159.000 Dollar Cash, dank eines vor kurzem erhaltenen Kredit (Hinweis: Kredite sind rückzahlbar) von 150.000 Dollar. Geplant ist, irgendwann mal Bekleidung für Golfspieler herzustellen.…

Aber offenbar hat man sich das mit der Golfbekleidung, was noch im Novemberbericht drinsteht, inzwischen anders überlegt und eine chilenische Minenkonzession erworben, für insgesamt 350 Millionen eigener Aktien, die auf die 470 Mio., dies schon gibt, on-top kommen. Wären dann so roundabout 235 Mio Dollar MK.…

Diese Konzessionen kommen via einer anderen Blackboxfirma von einem gewissen Gunter Stromber und einer Elsa Dorila Durate Horta.

Was ist das schon wieder für ein Vollschwachsinn?


Das ist doch nur ein Zock !!

24.01.13 14:06
Real-Time Best Bid & Ask

0.293 / 0.298

Wichtig ist was heute passiert !!

Hopp oder Top ;-)

jo das steht hier auch alles

24.01.13 14:10

also mir wäre Top lieber...

24.01.13 14:10

Wenn die Stimmung ...

24.01.13 14:12

in den USA auch nur halb so gut ist wie in Berlin, dann knallt es heute richtig

in Berlin Kurs über 30 Cent (Euro), das sind fast 40% über pari, SK von gestern



24.01.13 14:13

hat sich mal jemand auf ihub umgehört, wie die Stimmung da so ist?


Super ist die dort ;-))

24.01.13 14:16
Die US Boys freuen weil sie das Gap von Freitag gerade geschlossen haben :-))

Trotzdem wachsam sein !!

Stoppkurs schon drin ?


24.01.13 14:18

muss ich erstmal reinkommen :-)



24.01.13 14:22
was bist du bereit zu zahlen ?

@ zondas

24.01.13 14:25

werde gleich zu Beginn versuchen unter  0,30 Cent US reinzukommen


entweder geht es gut und das Ding steigt wieder ordentlich oder es geht runter und ich verabschiede mich schnell mit nem kleinen Verlust


@ Forscher

24.01.13 14:42
es ist komisch aber ich kann bei SWVI kein Stoppkurs eingeben nur ein Kauf- Verkaufs Limit.


24.01.13 15:06
Wie setzt du einen Stopp-Kurs ins System?

Ausserdem dauert es 2 Tage, bis ich die Aktien im Depot habe. Wie können Leute hier taggleich kaufen und verkaufen?

Freue mich über Tipps...

@Glenhaven bei welche Bankbis du???

24.01.13 15:11

Broker wechseln!

24.01.13 15:15

Wenn ich

24.01.13 15:16

zwei Tage warten müsste bis ich Aktien wieder verkaufen kann, würde ich Werte wie diesen niemals kaufen, wäre mir viel zu riskant

Würde mich auch interessieren bei welcher Bank du bist, das hab ich noch nie gehört

Also ich bin bei Cortal und kann bei den meisten OTC Werten sogar problemlos jetzt in Berlin kaufen und in 30 min. in der USA wieder verkaufen


Berlin - OTC

24.01.13 15:21
Bei cortal möglich?

ok stoploss

24.01.13 15:31
geht nicht zu setzen zu mindest nicht bei mir....was meint ihr wann ich den Verkaufspunkt setzen soll?


24.01.13 15:33

wo schaut ihr nach den kursen welche HOMEPAGE

24.01.13 15:35
ist dafür die beste?


24.01.13 15:36^SWVI
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