Weil die seit fast zwei Jahren ungefähr bekannten Zahlen heute nicht ausreichten, genügend Käufer zu finden, nachdem man sich den Kurs so schön auf 45,80 hingezaubert hat?
Ich bin nach wie vor gespannt, was wohl geschrieben wird, wenn es wirklich mal schlecht aussieht für Wirecard. Aber wahrscheinlich seid ihr dann alle wie vom Erdboden verschluckt.
Wann kommt jetzt eigentlich endlich der Citideal?
Heike Pauls fragt:
I have two questions, actually. The first one is about the US acquisition, if there's any news or timing updates for the closing of the transaction? You had hoped for a clearance in the course of the fourth quarter, is that still valid? And also, can you clarify if your 2017 EBITDA guidance also at the slow end includes the US business from January 1 already?
MB "closing conditions between us and Citi that have to be sorted out in the next weeks. ... But we are very optimistic that, either by the end of this year or beginning of next year, the transaction will be closed."
BL: "this includes a full consolidation per January 1, which, probably in real life, is not completely correct because either we have a closing in December or probably in January. So it could be a few days in the old year or a few days in the New Year missing"
Einen Tag hat der Januar ja noch...
Market is a Court of Opinion and not a court of Law (Marc Cohodes)