Dienstag, 15.10.2024 12:13 von

BH Macro Limited - Transaction in Own Shares


PR Newswire

BH Macro Limited (the "Company")

(a closed-ended collective investment scheme established as a company with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey with registered number 46235)


Transaction in Own Shares

15 October 2024


BH Macro Limited (the Company) announces today it has purchased the following number of its ordinary shares on the London Stock Exchange from J.P. Morgan Securities plc:


Ordinary Shares: - Share Class Sterling
Date of purchase: 15 October 2024
Number of ordinary shares purchased: 119,219
Lowest price per share (pence) 369.500
Highest price per share (pence) 373.00
Trading venue LSE
Aggregate volume per date per trading venue: 119,219
Weighted average price per day per trading venue (pence): 371.1356



The Company intends to hold the purchased shares in treasury.


Following the above share transactions of the relevant US Dollar and Sterling Shares, the total number of shares in issue in each share class of the Company will be as follows:


Ordinary Shares in issue (excluding Treasury) Ordinary Shares held in Treasury
348,366,739 Sterling Shares 26,381,858 Sterling Shares
28,380,048 Dollar Shares Nil Dollar Shares


From 15 October 2024, the total number of voting rights in the Company (rounded up to the whole number) is 534,033,338.




Company website:        www.bhmacro.com


William Simmonds

JPMorgan Cazenove

Tel: 020 7588 2828


The Company Secretary

Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited

Tel: 01481 745001


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