WASHINGTON, Dec. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Fannie Mae's (OTCQB: FNMA) November 2024 Monthly Summary is now available. The monthly summary report contains information about Fannie Mae's monthly and year-to-date activities for our gross mortgage portfolio, mortgage-backed securities and other guarantees, interest rate risk measures, and serious delinquency rates.
About Fannie Mae
Fannie Mae advances equitable and sustainable access to homeownership and quality, affordable rental housing for millions of people across America. We enable the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage and drive responsible innovation to make homebuying and renting easier, fairer, and more accessible. To learn more, visit:
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View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/fannie-mae-releases-november-2024-monthly-summary-302340400.html
SOURCE Fannie Mae
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