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Hugin  |  21. Juli 2009, 09:05
Aufrufe: 354
Strong growth two first quarters and major order after end of period
Precise Biometrics AB (publ), Corporate Identity No 556545-6596
Interim report for the period January - June 2009
* The group's net sales for the interim period amounted to
SEK 21.9 million (17.9) and for the second quarter SEK 9.7 million
* The group's income for the interim period amounted to SEK
-11.6 million (-18.4) and for the second quarter SEK -9.0 million
* Earnings per share for the interim period amounted to SEK
-0.11 (-0.18) and for the second quarter SEK -0.09 (-0.08).
* Liquid assets at the end of the interim period amounted to
SEK 1.5 million (15.7). The company has used SEK 6.0 million of the
SEK 15 million credit facility obtained in 2008. Additional SEK 5.0
million of the credit facility have been used as a guarantee in
current hardware production.
* Together with Gemalto, the world largest smart card
provider, Precise Biometrics introduced Gemalto .NET Bio in April.
The product which is targeted towards corporations and
organizations enables secure and efficient logon to computers and
networks using Precise Match-on-Card(TM).
* Precise Biometrics received a follow-up order at a value
of SEK 2.1 million from an existing government customer in the
Middle East. The order comprises both hardware and software, which
will be used in the further deployment of the government's ID card
program for employees.
Significant events after the quarter
* After the end of the period Precise Biometrics received a
significant order at a value of approximately SEK 48 million from
the US Government. The order comprises both hardware and software
to several government agencies within the framework of Cyber
Security. The order will be delivered and invoiced before the end
of 2009.
For further information
Thomas Marschall, President and CEO, Precise Biometrics AB
Tel. +46 (0)46 31 11 10 or +46 (0) 734 35 11 10
E-mail thomas.marschall@precisebiometrics.com
Patrik Norberg, CFO, Precise Biometrics AB
Tel. +46 (0)46 31 11 47 or +46 (0) 734 35 11 47
E-mail patrik.norberg@precisebiometrics.com
Precise Biometrics is a market-leading provider of products and
solutions for fingerprint recognition. The technology proves people's
identities in a fast and secure way, while it reduces costs related
to password management, identity theft and fraud.
Precise Biometrics serves business and government organizations
throughout the world and its technology is licensed to close to 100
million users. Precise Biometrics is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm
small cap list (PREC).
For more information, please visit www.precisebiometrics.com or view
the Company presentation.
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is
solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Community-Beiträge zu Precise Biometrics
aus Forum-Thread: precise biometrics 1000% und mehr ? DAs Problem die Aktie wird in deutschland eigentlich gar nicht mehr gehandelt... werde falls möglich nächstes Jahr verkaufen. Dann im ausland? kene ahnung wie das geht.Warum kommen die robinhoodler nicht^^
Ja Ein paar tausend Stück habe ich noch, aber ich denke mal da tut sich nichts mehr. Vielleicht kommt nochmal ein kleiner Hype auf 15 Cent, dann verabschiede ich mich hier. Hätte gedacht das mehr dahinter ist als nur eine von vielen Zockerbuden, aber egal.
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