interessant.... es sind also 7,4 Aktien pro Warrant...
UND so wie ich das verstehe, steigt der Preis der Aktie, wenn man Bezugsrechte ausübt alle 6 Monate... siehe nachfolgende Tabellen und Infos aus der ALPHA BANK Homepage (investor relations).
Oder ich habs falsch interpretiert, aber dem scheint nicht so, oder????
nachfolgende Infos habe ich aus
Further to the Announcement of Alpha Bank S.A. (hereinafter the “Bank”) dated 7.6.2013 with regard to the commencement of trading in the Athens Exchange (hereinafter “ATHEX”) of the 10,388,636,364 new, common, registered with voting rights, dematerialized shares of the Bank (hereinafter the “New Shares”), as well as the Titles Representing Shares Ownership Rights issued in accordance with the provisions of law 3684/2010 and Cabinet Act 38/2012 in combination with Cabinet Act 6/2013 (hereinafter the “Warrants”), the Bank announces that, following adjustments, the final number of the Warrants is 1,233,503,482 and each Warrant incorporates the right to purchase 7.408683070 New Shares owned by the Hellenic Financial
Stability Fund (hereinafter the “HFSF”).
STRIKE PRICE (per semester)
A' εξάσκηση 0,4488 1st exercise 0.4488
Β' εξάσκηση 0,4576 2nd exercise 0.4576
Γ' εξάσκηση 0,4686 3rd exercise 0.4686
Δ' εξάσκηση 0,4796 4th exercise 0.4796
Ε' εξάσκηση 0,4928 5th exercise 0.4928
ΣΤ' εξάσκηση 0,506 6th exercise 0.506
Ζ' εξάσκηση 0,5214 7th exercise 0.5214
Η' εξάσκηση 0,5368 8th exercise 0.5368
Θ' εξάσκηση 0,5544 9th exercise 0.5544
EXERCISE DATES (per semester)
A' εξάσκηση 10/12/2013 1st exercise 10/12/2013
Β' εξάσκηση 10/06/2014 2nd exercise 10/06/2014
Γ' εξάσκηση 10/12/2014 3rd exercise 10/12/2014
Δ' εξάσκηση 10/06/2015 4th exercise 10/06/2015
Ε' εξάσκηση 10/12/2015 5th exercise 10/12/2015
ΣΤ' εξάσκηση 10/06/2016 6th exercise 10/06/2016
Ζ' εξάσκηση 10/12/2016 7th exercise 10/12/2016
Η' εξάσκηση 10/06/2017 8th exercise 10/06/2017
Θ' εξάσκηση 10/12/2017 9th exercise 10/12/2017
10/12/2017 MATURITY DATE 10/12/2017
Specific Information on Warrants Each Warrant incorporates the right of its holder to purchase 7.408506275 New Shares owned by the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (the “HFSF”). The Warrants’ issue date is Monday 10.6.2013.
Warrants can be exercised every six (6) months, starting from the date which falls six (6)
months from the Warrants’ issue date until the date which falls fifty-four (54) months from the
Warrants issue date. Warrants not exercised within this period shall ipso iure lapse and shall be cancelled by the HFSF. The price that the Warrant holder will need to pay for the exercise of the Warrant to purchase New Shares owned by HFSF (the “Exercise Price”) will be equal to Euro 0.44, plus accrued interest calculated by application of an annual interest rate of 3% increased by a spread (see table below) times the number of the New Shares the Warrant holder is entitled to purchase by exercising its purchase right. The Exercise Price shall be adjusted accordingly in case of corporate events.
The table below provides Exercise Prices for the purchase of one underlying New Share, at each six month period based on the offer price of Euro 0.44 plus interest (excluding corporate events if any).
Dates / Initial Interest rate / Annual Spread / Exercise Price for each underlying Share
10/12/2013 3% 1% 0.4488
10/06/2014 3% 1% 0.4576
10/12/2014 3% 2% 0.4686
10/06/2015 3% 2% 0.4796
10/12/2015 3% 3% 0.4928
10/06/2016** 3% 3% 0.5060
10/12/2016 3% 4% 0.5214
10/06/2017 3% 4% 0.5368
10/12/2017*** 3% 5% 0.5544