scheint ja irgendwie Bedenken zu haben, die mich dazu gebracht haben, das mal etwas genauer anzusehen.......
302 000 000 000 Japanese yen = 3.59 Milliarden $
bringfrieden aus k:o
- Umtauschkurs beachten! ca. 30 Yen pro Dollar besseres
- Foderungssummeerhöhung auf 302 Mrd Yen, damit mehr als
Ergibt unterm Stich bei positiven Ausgang die Chance auf einen
Mehrgewinn von ca. 1,9 Mrd Dollar.
Die Fornderung wird aber nicht sofort beglichen, sondern irgendwann
in der Zukunft.
Aktuell liegtdas Minus bei ca: 1,35 Mrd und das der ganzen Firma
bei ca. 2,08 Mrd mit IRS einkalkuliert. Sollte der Sanierungsplan
nicht gekippt werden, dann werden wir die 5€ auch sehen können,
denn dann sollte die Holding CH11 verlassen können, da 35% von 1,9
Mrd mehr sind als dafür benötigt.
Gruß BringFrieden
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steht auch bei aktienbase.....musst nur mal lesen!
Die korrupten Banken entschädigen die Hausbesitzer. Es liegt fast 20 millarden dollar.
Wie wird es zu RMBS Versicherer Ambac und MBIA einwirken, werden wir sehen.
Most of the 14 lenders involved in a probe over mortgage servicing abuses have signed agreements with U.S. bank regulators to clean up how they deal with troubled borrowers, according to a source with knowledge of the agreements. Banking regulators still have to sign the agreements and an announcement that a final deal has been reached could be made in the next few days. The regulators involved in the agreements with lenders, which include some of the largest U.S. banks, are the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Reserve and the Office of Thrift Supervision.
A group of 50 state attorneys general and about a dozen federal agencies are probing bank mortgage practices that came to light last year, including the use of "robo-signers" to sign hundreds of unread foreclosure documents a day. On Feb. 17 John Walsh, acting head of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, told the Senate Banking Committee that banking regulators were investigating the servicing practices at 14 lenders including Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase. The agreement includes offering restitution to borrowers who were wrongly foreclosed upon and this process would be reviewed by an outside auditor, according to the source who asked not to be named because the negotiations are ongoing. Banking regulators have not reached a decision on financial penalties the lenders may have to pay. The state attorneys general along with the Justice Department, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Federal Trade Commission, and Treasury officials are separately negotiating with banks over mortgage servicing abuses. Those negotiations have gone more slowly as the states and some federal agencies pursue heftier fines, in the range of $20 billion, and a more dramatic overhaul of mortgage servicing standards, including reducing the principal of some loans in an effort to keep borrowers in their homes. All the agencies involved had said earlier this year that they wanted to announce a deal with the lenders at the same time but the banking regulators are now moving ahead with their piece while the other discussions continue. On March 24 when Reuters reported a deal with banking regulators was near Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, who is heading up the states' probe, issued a statement saying it was "unfortunate" that banking agencies were pursuing a settlement on their own but that it would not derail the AG's negotiations. The states are not united on what settlement they should seek with banks.Some Republican AGs have complained a proposal sent to banks last month goes too far while Democratic AGs like New York's Eric Schneiderman have warned a deal should not preclude states from individually pursuing actions against lenders.
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