beschäftigt sich jemand mit calypte ?

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stiller teilhaber:

beschäftigt sich jemand mit calypte ?

26.08.00 16:33
biomedical corp., kürzel ycl, wkn 909402; gestern an der nasdaq um fast 200%, deutschland über 150% gestiegen

werde die anfrage jetzt mal hier reinstellen, denn entweder guckt in 'sonstiges' nie jemand rein oder alle biotech/med freaks sind zur zeit gerade noch im urlaub oder so was.

sieht für mich ganz interessant aus:

Calypte Up After China Approves HIV Test

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Shares of California biotech company Calypte Biomedical Corp. (CALY.O) more than doubled on Friday after the company announced late Thursday that China had approved its urine test for presence of antibodies to the HIV-1 strain of the virus that causes AIDS.

Calypte was up 2-5/8, or 175 percent, to 4-1/8, with over 10 million shares exchanging hands on the Nasdaq.

The company, which is based in Alameda, Calif., said after the market close on Thursday that the test would be the only urine-based HIV-1 test approved for distribution in China. It added that U.N. statistics show that an estimated half million Chinese are infected with the HIV virus. Reut10:38 08-25-00

weiß irgendjemand hier mehr über diese company ? perspektiven ?

stiller teilhaber


ja ich!!!!!!!!! o.T.

26.08.00 16:36
stiller teilhaber:

und ? o.T.

26.08.00 16:43

Info zu Calypte:we are extremely disappointed...

26.08.00 17:56                   Calypte Biomedical Corporation (NASDAQ:CALY) is a health care company dedicated to the development and commercialization of urine-based diagnostic products and services for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1), sexually transmitted diseases and other chronic illnesses. Carter-Wallace (NYSE:CAR) has the exclusive U.S. sales and marketing rights for Calypte's HIV products in the hospital, public health and reference lab markets. Calypte's tests include the screening EIA and supplemental Western blot tests, the only two FDA-licensed HIV-1 antibody tests that can be used on urine samples.
Nancy Katz, President, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Calypte, said, "We are extremely disappointed with our financial results for the second quarter. Overall sales to insurance companies did not meet our expectations, and although we see strong interest in our Sentinel(TM) testing service, it did not generate the immediate demand at launch that we had anticipated. However, we took great strides in increasing overall awareness and gaining acceptance for our urine-based HIV testing products, and laying the groundwork for expansion into new markets, particularly overseas. This quarter, we put a lot of our energy into aggressively promoting the overall awareness of our products as a safer, more cost effective alternative to traditional blood testing methods. These efforts impacted bottom line expansion for the short term, but we believe that the goals we achieved this quarter will greatly enhance our ability to grow our top line in the future."

Ms. Katz added, "This quarter alone we signed distribution agreements with China, Brazil and South Africa, which we are now extending into all of Sub-Saharan Africa. We are especially encouraged by the strong appeal of our testing service in the international marketplace and we will continue to carefully pursue international opportunities that make strategic sense for us.

aber lest mal selber den Artikel der Firma über das 2.Quartal.Carter Wallace  CAR hat alleine die Verkaufsrechte für die Produkte in USA.Ich frag mich nur ,warum der Kurs gleich 192 % hochgeschossen ist,wenn sie in diesem Monat(Bericht v.9.8.!) bereits Distribution Agreements mit China,Brasilien und Südafrika abgeschlossen haben und dies auf die Staaten südlich der Sahara ausdehnen werden....Da sind es doch wesentlich mehr Betroffene als in China.

da warst du schneller Kicky !! was meinst du noch

26.08.00 18:37
mal 200% drin??? ich frage mich mur warum der Wert erst jetzt so abgeht irgendetwas stimmt doch da nicht oder?? ich recherchier mal weiter  

Noch ne Meldung v. 9.8. zu Afrika

26.08.00 19:00
Calypte Biomedical Corporation (NASDAQ: CALY) announced today the expansion of its innovative mobile HIV-1 antibody urine testing program from South Africa to 41 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The move is in response to the strong support expressed by medical professionals, AIDS activists and government officials in attendance at the 13th International AIDS Conference last month in Durban, South Africa where the mobile testing program was unveiled. According to statistics presented at the conference, nearly 75 percent of all HIV-infected people live in sub-Saharan Africa, with an estimated 25 million Africans already infected.

Calypte and its distribution partners American Edge and African Medical Solutions (AMS) plan to duplicate their novel distribution approach already being implemented in South Africa, to extend HIV testing and education to many more countries in sub-Saharan Africa. South African-based AMS uses shipping containers - the large metal boxes commonly used to transport goods on ships and trains - and has them custom-engineered into clinics. The "container clinics" are then transported by train or truck to outlying townships and remote areas in South Africa to administer Calypte's HIV urine test and provide people with education about the disease. AMS is also employing motor vehicles that have been modified into state-of-the-art "mobile clinics" to access some areas.

völlig unklar,warum die jetzt so steigt,sind sicher daytrader,also keineswegs sofort kaufen,wahrscheinlich wird sie jetzt erst mal geshortet


Ohne Gewähr

26.08.00 21:51
Also ich hab so mit halbem Ohr nachts auf CNBC mitbekommen, daß die eine Zulassung für den Chinesischen Markt bekommen haben. Irgend so etwas. Ich kannte den Wert vorher nicht und werde mir jetzt auch nicht die Finger daran verbrennen :)

mal beobachten o.T.

27.08.00 00:10

erstaunlich warum die so hohe Verluste haben

20.09.02 01:03
wo sie doch eine Vereinbarung mit Südafrika und China und wem sonst  noch haben für ihren längst bekannten Urintest,(der meines Wissens durchaus nicht der einzige Schelltest ist ),und eigentlich im Geld schwimmen müssten,da mussten sie 2,2 Millionen Aktien für 237000$ an TUI verkaufen weil offenbar ihr Cashflow zu mager wurde und diese TUI haben gestern ihr Filing bei der SEC veröffentlicht ,dasss sie verkaufen... und immer wieder taucht auf und preist  die alten Kamellen in neuer Kleidung höchst erfolgreich zum Erstaunen der Zocker in USA an,die sich fragen wer denn hier wie blöd kauft.
aus einem bekannten Bord:
CALY Receives $237K from Stock Sale/Equity Agreement
The company that bought 2.2 million shares
Filed yesterday to sell same. Today we get the pump from Subway ( 6 different "pumps)And TIL is dumping. Within a few there will be more bogus stories from the company followed by another filing to sell shares

No legitimate institution
Buys penny stocks. All you have are offshore, unregulated scumbags playing this stock.In the past 2 months over 7 million shares have been filed to sell from these scumbag "investors".
which pump and dump "crew" made their appearance today?
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