America is going to war in the next 60 days.
That's what my intelligence sources are telling me. That's the message coming from administration officials. That's what other sources seem to be telling other journalists.
Sometime, most likely in November, America will begin a strategic aerial bombardment of Iraq that will lead shortly thereafter to an invasion designed to topple the regime of Saddam Hussein.
This is the job that should have been finished during the first Persian Gulf War. It will be messier this time. We don't have the forces on the ground we had 10 years ago. Our full attention is diverted from Iraq as we still conduct military operations in Afghanistan. We don't have the support – real or hypothetical – of the rest of the Arab world as we did during the first campaign.
There are likely to be heavy casualties as U.S. troops are forced to engage in close-up combat, searching palaces and underground bunkers for the factories that produce Hussein's weapons and the fortified warehouses where he stores them.
This will not be a walk in the park.
There is an excellent chance the war may come home for Americans, too.
Some reports say Iraq and its terrorist allies have already made plans to detonate
weapons of mass destruction in America and Europe as soon as the war begins.
Call for a national day of prayer before the first shot is fired."das wird kein Spaziergang im Park" sagt Farah,"wir sind noch in Afghanistan beschäftigt und wir haben diesmal keine arabischen Freunde ,die mitmachen.Es wird grosse Verluste geben,wenn die Paläste und Untergrundfabriken durchsucht werden müssen.Und möglicherweise wird der Krieg auch nach Amerika getragen.Einige Reports deuten daraufhin.dass es Massendetonationen in USA und Europa geben werde.
Meine Informationen von Verwaltungsangestellten deuten darauf hin ,dass der Krieg in den nächsten 60 Tagen beginnt,wahscheinlich im November"