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Der USA Bären-Thread

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S&P 500 5.968,97 +0,32% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +309,12%

Zustimmung der UN gefordert von Cameron

28.08.13 13:30
Lakhdar Brahimi der Vertreter der Arabischen Liga in dem UN-Convoy soll gesagt haben,dass ein chemisches Gift an einer Stelle gefunden worden sei.Die Untersuchungen wurden heute von Syriens Regierung  gestoppt aus Sicherheitsgründen.

Brahimi hatte ein längeres Telefonat mit dem russischen Aussenminister
und verlangt jetzt,dass die Zustimmung der UN eingeholt werden müsse
"I think international law is clear on this. International law says that military action must be taken after a decision by the Security Council. That is what international law says," he told a press conference in Geneva.

"I must say that I do know that President Obama and the American administration are not known to be trigger-happy. What they will decide I don't know. But certainly international law is very clear."

Cameron hat jetzt angekündigt Britannien werde die Zustimmung der UN einholen,nachdem die Labour Party das zur Bedingung für ihre Zustimmung gemacht hat. Tut so als habe er das schon immer beabsichtigt



28.08.13 13:36
Schröder hat "nichts" mit dem Euro zu tun.

UN-Treffen heute in New York

28.08.13 13:37
mit Russland,Frankreich,USA,China ,den ständigen Mitgliedern des Sicherheitsrates


U.K. Drafts UN Resolution on Syria

28.08.13 13:43

na langsam haben es einige schon,nur zerohedge noch nicht

und zu Schröder jetzt auch Bloomberg

“Chancellor Schroeder accepted Greece in and weakened the Stability Pact and both decisions were fundamentally wrong, and one of the starting points for our current troubles.”

Ban Ki Moon bittet um Einigung im Sicherheitsrat

28.08.13 13:52
U.N. chief Ban pleaded for unity in the Security Council after more than two years of paralysis during which Syria's civil war has split the Middle East on sectarian lines and fuelled rival camps in the world body along divisions that echo the Cold War.

"Syria is the biggest challenge of war and peace in the world today," he said in a speech at The Hague. "The body entrusted with maintaining international peace and security cannot be missing in action. The Council must at last find the unity to act. It must use its authority for peace."....“Give peace a chance. Give diplomacy a chance. Stop acting and start talking,” he said.

Schwedische Wissenschaftler:neues Nervengas

28.08.13 13:55
By Associated Press, Published: August 27
BERLIN — Scientists in Sweden say they have confirmed the existence of a new chemical element, but its name may need some work.

Researchers at Lund University said Tuesday their find backs up claims by teams in Russia and the United States a decade ago that had remained unverified until now.The Swedish scientists say they conducted experiments which allowed them to detect the ‘fingerprint’ of the short-lived but super-heavy element that’s been dubbed ununpentium.....


28.08.13 14:04

Wo ist AL?

28.08.13 14:34

Abfeiern im Bear-Club!

28.08.13 14:50
Glücksbehindernde Überzeugung: "Ich verlange Gerechtigkeit und Fairness!"

Da war ich grade (hab noch nen Kater)

28.08.13 14:56
aber da war er nicht.
Anti Lemming:

Syrien-Krise soll Tapering "stoppen"

28.08.13 16:14
Die Amis finden immer einen Grund, Tapering aufzuschieben....

Syria, emerging-market crisis will stop the taper
By Matthew Lynn

... Where does that leave the Fed? In a fix. In reality, the U.S. cannot simply shrug aside an emerging-market crisis or a conflict in the Middle East as a matter of little consequence. Its own growth depends on trade with those nations, and so does the stability of its banking system. With no expansion in those markets, U.S. growth will evaporate, and with it the case for the taper.

The lesson of Japan is that it is a lot easier to start quantitative easing than it is to stop it. The Federal Reserve is about to learn that as well. Over the next few weeks, the “Septaper” will be quietly shelved. It may try to end QE in February or March next year — but by then, some fresh crisis may have flared up to blow it off course.
Anti Lemming:

Strategisches "Erzeugen" von Dringlichkeit

28.08.13 16:31

WASHINGTON--Die US-Führung um Präsident Barack Obama ist in Sorge, dass im syrischen Bürgerkrieg die Stadt Aleppo das nächste Ziel von Angriffen mit chemischen Waffen werden könnte. Deshalb ist die Regierung überzeugt, dem Regime mit einem schnellen Schlag die Grenzen aufzeigen zu müssen, wie Regierungsinsider berichten. "Aleppo wäre wahrscheinlich eines der nächsten Ziele", sagte ein hoher Regierungsbeamter, der anonym bleiben wollte....

Emerging Markets-stop crying grow up

28.08.13 18:05
.....complaining rarely fixes problems, especially when perceived interests across borders are not aligned.

Take the money. Many emerging markets started issuing more debt in response to investor demand, which is politically convenient because popular domestic projects can be financed. Fostering increased liquidity in local debt markets on its own is laudable, but achieving increased liquidity merely by issuing more debt may be an ill-guided strategy making a country vulnerable when the music stops.

Absorb the money. A number of emerging market central banks absorb inflows directly by issuing their own short-term debt. The advantage is that the capital won’t be directly available to governments or industry to spend, creating an unsustainable short-term boom (bubble). Such policies are typically aimed at preventing a currency from appreciating too much. On the downside, lured by the potential for currency appreciation, money usually does find a way into the country anyway, often into real estate. As such, while active reserve management helps to mitigate some of the pressure of hot money flows into a country, it’s not a panacea.

As the tide is turning, there’s talk of currency intervention and capital controls. We wonder how many days Brazil’s $60 billion to support the markets will last. That’s because the root cause of the flight is a re-pricing of risk: emerging markets are risky – what a surprise! And when the U.S. sneezes, the rest of the world continues to be at risk of catching a cold. Well, the U.S. bond market may well enter a prolonged flu season and the rest of the world better be ready for it. In other words: we expect volatility in U.S. bond markets to persist, with particularly grave implications for emerging market local debt.......

It is no surprise to us that Asian countries with strong external balances, such as China, Taiwan and Korea, have weathered the storm so far much better than India, Indonesia, South Africa or Brazil, and investors may want to deploy their capital selectively within the emerging markets Long-term investors may find better risk-adjusted returns in those countries embracing reform rather those fighting investors.


28.08.13 18:15
Die Mechanismen der Desinformation und der Mediensteuerung sind seit dem Irkakrieg bekannt. Aber was soll's. Der Zwecke heiligt die Mittel, nämlich den Beschiss der US-Öffentlichkeit.

Rußland: Anleiheauktion floppte

28.08.13 19:37
Der USA Bären-Thread 16417976
Fast acht Prozent Rendite - doch niemand greift zu. Russland hat bei einer Anleihenauktion eine peinliche Schlappe erlebt. Der Grund für das Misstrauensvotum der Anleger ist nicht nur die Syrien-Krise.
Anti Lemming:

Die Millionäre von der Fed

28.08.13 19:45

Bildunterschrift im WSJ:

Die Führungsspitze der US-Zentralbank ist nicht nur außerordentlich mächtig, sondern auch ausgesprochen wohlhabend. Die Notenbanker der Fed haben allesamt Millionen auf dem Konto und werden durch die eigene Politik noch reicher. Denn die Wertpapiere in ihren Depots haben mit der Hausse der Wall Street im vergangenen Jahr deutlich an Wert gewonnen. Der steile Anstieg der Kurse geht hauptsächlich auf das Niedrigzinsversprechen und die Wertpapierkäufe der Fed zurück.

Anti Lemming:

Nun warnt auch China vor US-Luftschlag

28.08.13 19:51

Russia and China have stepped up their warnings against military intervention in Syria, with Moscow saying any such action would have "catastrophic consequences" for the region.

...The official Chinese news agency, Xinhua, said Western powers were rushing to conclusions about who may have used chemical weapons in Syria before UN inspectors had completed their investigation.

Anti Lemming:

US-Bankboss nutzte TARP-Geld für Privathausbau

28.08.13 20:09

While unlikely to surprise too many people, the chairman of the ironically-named "MainStreet Bank" used over one-third of the TARP-supplied funds his bank received to buy himself a luxury home. Darryl Woods plead guilty to using $381,000 of the TARP funds to buy waterfront Florida property "at a time when many Americans were losing their homes," the US District Attorney exclaimed. Disgustingly, Mr Woods had previously written to TARP regulators describing Mainstreet as a small community bank and saying the funds "will provide vitally needed infusions to a bleeding patient." As The BBC reports, his wrongdoing was uncovered when regulators began examining how the money was used - which has so far uncovered 140 cases of misused funds...

Anti Lemming:

Der Anfang und das Ende

28.08.13 20:21

Am Anfang, so steht es in der hebräischen Bibel, herrschte auf der Welt "Tohuwabohu" – Chaos und Tumult. Am Ende, so steht es in der Agenda von Friedensnobelpreisträger Obama, stehen Tomahawk  Cruise Missiles.


(Verkleinert auf 70%) vergrößern
Der USA Bären-Thread 638871

Anagramme für Schizzos

28.08.13 22:31
Apple / Aleppo
Obama / Osama
Tom Cruise Mission impossible / Tomahawk  Cruise Missiles

Der Barnes&Nobles Preis erscheint mehr als verdient.


A brief history of military interventions by USA

28.08.13 22:44
Since the Vietnam War, the United States has engaged in several military interventions. As the West looks ready to act against Syria, accused of using chemical weapons against its own citizens, here are 10 instances when America has intervened, sometimes without authorization from the United Nations.

für etwas sind die Medien selektiv betrachtet doch gut,sie können informativ sein und Bildung vermitteln,nicht wahr zaphod?

UN deadlocked

28.08.13 22:47
was zu erwarten war
Hour-long Security Council discussion ends with no plans to vote on British resolution to allow military action.Ambassadors from Russia and China, who fiercely oppose any military strike against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime, left the closed-door negotiations after about 75 minutes on , according to the AFP news agency.


28.08.13 22:56
der Zaphod macht nur auf ungebildet, roh und plumb oder auch alternativ auf wilden Krieger. Er verkauft sich halt gern als 'postmodern'. Ist aber nur Show. Soll ich dir sein Psychogramm schriftlich zukommen lassen ?
'Being a contrarian is tough, lonely and generally right'

Irak 10 Jahre nach dem Krieg

28.08.13 23:02

A coordinated wave of bombings tore through Shiite Muslim areas in and around the Iraqi capital early Wednesday, part of a wave of bloodshed that killed at least 65 people and wounded many more, officials said. The blasts, which came in quick succession, mainly targeted residents out shopping and on their way to work.

In addition to the bombings, the death toll included seven Shiite family members killed when gunmen raided their home and shot them as they slept.

The attacks are the latest in a relentless wave of killing that has left thousands dead since April, marking the country's worst spate of bloodshed since 2008. They raise fears that Iraq is hurtling back toward the brink of a civil war fueled by ethnic and sectarian differences.......

kicky #96

28.08.13 23:05
unser Bücherwurm, die Weiten des Internets erforschend. Sagen wir so: Meinereiner hat das alles (die Recherche) schon hinter sich. Ab einem gewissen Level des Geschichtsbewußtseins erklimmt man die Metaebene.

Fazit: Mir alles bekannt, my darling. Die Schlussfolgerung im aktuellen Fall bleibt dieselbe. Doch es besteht Hoffnung für dich: Sie wird ggf. revidiert, falls sich wesentlich neue Aspekte ergeben. War bei Irak2 auch so, zu meiner Bestürzung.  
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