Hanergy Solar Group - WKN: WKN: A0RDSG Aktie

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Hanergy Solar Group - WKN: WKN: A0RDSG Aktie

13.04.14 01:00
Hanergy Solar Group - WKN: WKN: A0RDSG Auf der Überholspur

Hanergy Solar Group Aktie ISIN: BMG4288G1024 | WKN: A0RDSG


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Hanergy orders 600 MW of CIGS thin film solar PV

Hanergy (Beijing) has ordered two copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) thin-film solar photovoltaic (PV) lines for a subsidiary, representing a combined capacity of 600 MW of annual output. These lines will be based on technology Hanergy gained through the acquisition of CIGS makers MiaSolé and Solibro.

Hanergy expects to begin construction of a factory in Caofeidian, Hebei Province, China in March 2014, and move the lines into the factory by the end of the year. Overall, the company plans to build 3 GW of CIGS PV capacity for Hebei Caofeidian Hanergy Photovoltaic Co. Ltd. (Caofeidian, China) in Caofeidian.

Hanergy to change CIGS PV landscape

In November 2013, Hanergy altered supply agreements with subsidiary Fujian Apollo to include 5.25 GW of CIGS PV equipment, including equipment based on MiaSolé and Solibro technology.

Even the 3 GW that Hanergy plans to build in Caofeidian will dramatically expand the current global CIGS landscape, as it is almost three times the current capacity of the largest CIGS maker, Solar Frontier K.K. (Tokyo).

USD 1.18 billion in contracts

Hanergy estimates the value of the initial round of equipment and services which will supply to Hanergy Caofeidian at USD 780 million for the 300 MW line based on MiaSolé technology, and USD 390 million for the 300 MW line based on Solibro technology. www.solarserver.com/solar-magazine/...ns-for-3-gw-factory.html

Hanergy (Beijing) has ordered two copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) thin-film solar photovoltaic (PV) lines for a subsidiary, representing a combined capacity of 600 MW of annual output. These lines will be based on technology Hanergy gained through the acquisition of CIGS makers MiaSolé and Solibro.

Hanergy expects to begin construction of a factory in Caofeidian, Hebei Province, China in March 2014, and move the lines into the factory by the end of the year. Overall, the company plans to build 3 GW of CIGS PV capacity for Hebei Caofeidian Hanergy Photovoltaic Co. Ltd. (Caofeidian, China) in Caofeidian.

Hanergy to change CIGS PV landscape

In November 2013, Hanergy altered supply agreements with subsidiary Fujian Apollo to include 5.25 GW of CIGS PV equipment, including equipment based on MiaSolé and Solibro technology.

Even the 3 GW that Hanergy plans to build in Caofeidian will dramatically expand the current global CIGS landscape, as it is almost three times the current capacity of the largest CIGS maker, Solar Frontier K.K. (Tokyo).

USD 1.18 billion in contracts

Hanergy estimates the value of the initial round of equipment and services which will supply to Hanergy Caofeidian at USD 780 million for the 300 MW line based on MiaSolé technology, and USD 390 million for the 300 MW line based on Solibro technology. www.solarserver.com/solar-magazine/...ns-for-3-gw-factory.html


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Hanergy renews lease agreements for thin film sili

13.04.14 12:18
NEWS: www.solarserver.com/solar-magazine/...solar-pv-rd-efforts.html

Hanergy renews lease agreements for thin film silicon, CIGS solar PV R&D efforts

Hanergy plans to launch products based on MiaSolé's flexible thin film CIGS technology. Image: MiaSolé
   Hanergy plans to launch products based on MiaSolé's flexible thin film CIGS technology. Image: MiaSolé

Hanergy Solar Group Ltd. (Hong Kong) has renewed leases for its Fujian Apollo and MiaSolé Hi-Tech subsidiaries in China and the United States, respectively. This will include supply of up to 2,600 plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) reactors for Fujian Apollo's use.

Subsidiary Sichuan Hanergy will supply the PECVD reactors to Fujian Apollo upon request for research and development (R&D) use at USD 1,900 each, as part of an ongoing lease of its facilities in Sichuan Province to the company. Fujian Apollo has utilized Hanergy Sichuan's R&D facilities since 2012.

Hanergy notes the difficulty in finding another appropriate large-scale thin film silicon solar photovoltaic (PV) production line, which it says is necessary to provide the data for fine-tuning. The facility also includes a 4,200 square meter clean area for microcrystalline silicon PV development.

MiaSolé to stay in California

MiaSolé Hi-Tech will assume MiaSolé lease for facilities in Santa Clara, California, currently at USD 138,000 per month. Hanergy notes that MiaSolé Hi-Tech has been seeking appropriate facilities to meet its R&D needs, and says that MiaSolé's facilities will work for this.

Hanergy finalized its acquisition of MiaSolé and its copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) thin-film PV technology in January 2013, and has since appointed MiaSolé Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Dr. Atiye Bayman as one of two Hanergy Solar CTOs.

In January 2014, Hanergy ordered Fujian Apollo to produce two PV lines totaling 600 MW using CIGS technology from MiaSolé and Solibro, which Hanergy acquired in 2012.

2014-03-20 | Courtesy: Hanergy; Image: MiaSolé | solarserver.com © Heindl Server GmbH

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13.04.14 13:07


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Als naechstes Hotstock,Jetzt schon mal eindecken

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Hanergy Solar Group.   Stark

Hanergy bekommt mehr als Mrd. Euro

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von Chinesischen Investoren nd Banken

Bei Knapp 1,8 Mrd Euro Marktkapital.Ziel:30,00 Eur

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Lanfristig Big Performor.Long Long Long.Stark

Hanerg Solar Group: Aktuell ca.Mkt 2,86 Mrd. Euro

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Das Mysterium Solibro-Insolvenz

06.11.19 15:35
Das Mysterium über das für die Solibro-Insolvenz verantwortliche Management weitet sich aus

Der chinesische Dünnschichthersteller Hanergy erklärte pv magazine im August, dass die Produktionsgesellschaft von Solibro seit Dezember 2015 nicht mehr zu seinen Tochtergesellschaften gehöre. Aber eine sechs Monate später veröffentlichte Unternehmenspräsentation scheint etwas anderes auszusagen. Hanergy wurde um Stellungnahme gebeten.



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