ich wollte nur paar infos hier teilen um etwas mehr zur wmih-diskussion beizusteuern.
also ich denke eine Geschäftsaufnahme kommt ja auf jeden Fall. was sollte sonst kommen? ernsthafte Frage.
ich finde den seekingalpha zahnarzt-bericht und die comments dazu schon hilfreich um den KKR deal etwas besser zu verstehen.
also ich persönlich gehe davon aus, dass eine NOL Nutzung möglich sein kann. habe aber auch nichts gegen die, die nicht daran glauben, ausser den Tip dann lieber zu verkaufen, denn dann ist die Aktie aktuell wirklich total überbewertet.
um ehrlich zu sein, ist das ja das einzig BESONDERE, bzw positive der wmih die nols. oder?
nochmal ein Auszug aus dem Zahnarzt-Beitrag (sorry für die nicht englischen, aber mal in google translator reinhauen, vielleicht kommt was sinnvolles raus)
The NOLs, estimated to be $5.97B, is WaMu's most significant asset. At a 35% corporate tax rate the short answer is that the NOLs could be worth up to $2.1B in cash from future tax savings. The long answer is that it is much more complicated than that. As testified in court, the NOLs would likely be discounted by 25% to 35% for transaction risk if WaMu merged in an all-stock transaction with another entity. Further reduction would come in the form of discounted cash flow, namely a reduction of the NOLs value based upon how long it would take to use them up. Consequently a value of $1.05B seems a much more reasonable and lower risk valuation, though the court assigned the NOLs a value of just $51M based in part on a "worst case" ongoing operations only situation. With KKR's pairing however the "worst case" is now off the table. As shares in WaMu continue to rise, its ability to use its NOL assets increases proportionally, given how they hinge heavily upon M&A activities and further capitalization, both of which are strongly dictated by market cap. Consequently the higher its stock moves the easier it becomes for WaMu to "cash in" on its NOLs, thereby making them worth more, which in turn increases share price, resulting in a positive loop.