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Ich möchte euch mal einen

14.09.00 12:44
meiner Meinung nach sehr interessanten Biotechwert vorstellen.

  About Packard BioScience

Packard BioScience is a leading global developer, manufacturer and marketer of instruments and related consumables and services for use in the life sciences research and nuclear industries. Our broad technology portfolio and our experience in working in more than 60 countries with market-leading customers have allowed us to establish a worldwide leadership position in many of our primary product categories, with well-recognized brand names and a reputation for high-quality, reliable instruments. We are primarily focused on the rapidly growing areas of drug discovery, genomics and biochip analysis. We are continuing to develop integrated platforms built on our wide range of technologies and instrumentation. These platforms are designed to support the industrialization of drug discovery by bringing the   benefits of miniaturization, automation and ultra-high throughput analysis to these areas. Today, we believe we provide the most comprehensive integrated solutions for drug screening applications that allow our customers to increase speed, reduce cost, improve data accuracy
and enhance productivity. We intend to build upon our drug screening foundation by expanding on our evolving genomics, biochip and microarray platforms.

    Packard Instrument Company, Inc.

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