IHDR-eine Solar World-Made in USA

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IHDR-eine Solar World-Made in USA

11.09.06 18:49

IHDR-eine Solar World-Made in USA 2782013

zu einer Diskusion

by-IHDR-eine Solar World-Made in USA 2782013



Frankfurt-WKN-A0BLWQ / UW8

O/S. 100M as of 08/18/2006
Float 30M as of 08/18/2006

noch absolut unendeckt und das derzeitige Tief ,eine Chance Einzusteigen

um an vielen %%%%%%%%ten sich erfreuen zu können

hier macht euch Schlau


Was haltet ihr davon?

Habe eine Order zu 0,09 drin und rechne natürlich mit DAUSEND!

Meine Meinung wie immer min.100% rauf Einsatz sichern und laufen lassen!

IHDR-eine Solar World-Made in USA 2782013

Wie immer alles nur meine Meinung und was ihr daraus macht ist eure eigene EntscheidungIHDR-eine Solar World-Made in USA 2782013

>2x bewertet


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12.09.06 00:49
EU Strategic Partner
Cm2: www.cmdue.it
 übrigens ist da was im Busch!

Nachkauf im Tief verpasst

28.09.06 01:22

vor lauter Gliffen und MegaChance


über 50% fürs erste

09.10.06 08:49

Lockre 100% ab Vorstellung

14.10.06 11:39
ist keiner dabei
bei der uten?


14.10.06 19:19
Mein Guter ich bin schon seit einer Woche dabei. Es ist nur ne Frage der Zeit, wann wir die $ 1 Marke knacken .-)


Wenigstens ein Glücklicher

14.10.06 20:06
wer das Tief Erwischt hat
kann sich jetzt über 200% + erfreuen(ich hab es verpasst,Leider)

mein Ziel hab ich ja fürs erste Erreicht
soll sie mein nächstes Ziel erreichen
das liegt zwischen 0,5 bis 0,7$ im Bereich des Möglichen

bei guten NEWS weit über den Dollar hinaus!


Rt.Intraday Chart Sponsored by RP

14.10.06 20:14
<spanwww.advfn.com/...s=NB^ihdr&p=0&t=16&dm=0&vol=1 alt="IHDR-eine Solar World-Made in USA 2848487" title="" rel="nofollow" src="www.advfn.com/...=NB^ihdr&p=0&t=16&dm=0&vol=1" style="max-width:560px" border=0> 
Anzeige: MILLIARDÄR Frank Giustra besitzt 11%

JETZT hat Kult-Mining-Investor Rick Rule Libero bemerkt – Was wissen sie, was der Markt noch nicht sieht?

Tja die rennt euch davon ! o. T.

16.10.06 19:16

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeep o. T.

16.10.06 22:11

Flug nach Norden

20.11.06 14:31
Wer weiß dazu mehr.
IHDR sollte die nächste 10.000 % Chance von Markus Fritsch sein.
Wann ist es soweit?
Die Testergebnisse wurden doch mit besserem Ergebnis beendet als angenommen lt. Bericht vom 14.11.06.
Wer weiß mehr?
Grüße an Alle
20.11.06 16:26
würde mich über ein Statement freuen. Wer weiß derzeit noch etwas über diese Aktie?

Wie hast du es geschafft, den Filter zu killen?

20.11.06 16:46


Gruß BarCode


Filter killen?

22.11.06 12:00
Hallo Barcode,
bin noch neu hier. Welchen Filter habe ich den gekillt?

News vom 28.11.

28.11.06 23:08
Internal Hydro Low Impact Hydro Unit Tests Above Expectations; Unit Set for Production Sequence
TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 28, 2006 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Internal Hydro International, Inc., (OTCBB:IHDR) (www.internalhydro.com) announced today the Company's Energy Commander V low impact hydro achieved the projected unit abilities from lower than predicted flow rates in engineering testing. The unit completed engineering testing by LA Engineering of Theodore, Alabama for power, torque, and performance specifications. The unit was tested with the unit performing above the calculated power prediction under lower than specified water flows. The unit, as built, will support over the 30 kilowatts of energy production using the 4 slice design with excess energy available. The unit achieved a constant 100 RPM plus before load and sustained torque of over 450 foot pounds of torque, which is the equivalent of the maximum power generated by a Ford V-10 motor in a Triton pick-up truck. Importantly, the Company will now examine the power ratio for mechanical forces to be used in industries for mechanical work beyond electricity. The unit data alone will now be submitted for university validation, without delay of the unit in Italy with the Company's partner Cm2 for initial production.

The EC V unit has been performing on a three inch line at 50 to 55 p.s.i., and was tested at below optimum range of 65 p.s.i. and above. The single 12 cylinder slice unit produced a constant ability to achieve over 6.5 kilowatts per slice at the lower p.s.i., and the ability to achieve above projections when at 65 p.s.i. to produce 7.7 kilowatts per slice or 30.8 kilowatts per four slice unit. The Company projects more efficiency with unit build out under Cm2. With the completion of this engineering certification, IHDR will be able to deliver the low impact hydro unit to Cm2, IHDR's European partner, for initial manufacturing in Italy for delivery of the first units.

Unlike traditional hydro, the Energy Commander utilizes low flows through cylinders instead of traditional turbines. The unit is ecologically sound, without the usual problems of oxidation and large intakes associated with turbines. As built and displayed the unit has outperformed initial expectations for the production of both electrical and mechanical power for other uses.

About Internal Hydro:

Internal Hydro International, Inc. is an alternative energy company that developed a clean energy power system, the Energy Commander Systems, that utilizes a patented technology, using waste water, fluid or gas flow from any source where flow pressure is present, and yet wasted, to create electricity. Internal Hydro has licensed a tire remediation to fuel and ethanol waste (DDG) to biofuels technology for use on ethanol plants domestically. IHDR is international in scope, with European production and marketing for its core technologies, and is preparing to enter the market with its core Energy Commander systems. Internal Hydro is well positioned to gain major market share and dominate the niche of hydro and renewable energy in the fragmented alternative energy marketplace. For more information, please visit the Company's Web site at www.InternalHydro.com.

Forward-Looking Statements: This release contains forward-looking statements, which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Expressions of future goals and similar expressions reflecting something other than historical fact are intended to identify forward-looking statements, but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including the timely development and market acceptance of products and technologies, successful integration of acquisitions, the ability to secure additional sources of financing, the ability to reduce operating expenses and other factors. The actual results that the company achieves may differ materially from any forward-looking statements due to such risks and uncertainties. The company undertakes no obligations to revise or update any forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this release.

CONTACT:  C. Jones Consulting
         Ezra Smith, Vice President
         (727) 736-5437

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was meint ihr

29.11.06 12:25
sieht doch so aus als ob die wieder steigt?

in USA bewegt sich

29.11.06 19:12
zumindest schon etwas. Hoffe doch sehr, daß die Aktie wieder steigt, die Meldungen sind doch bisher ganz o.k.! Bin bereits investiert hier, jedoch zum falschen Zeitpunkt. Wer hat denn noch weitere Informationen über Internal?

News von Internal 30.11.

01.12.06 14:02
Source: Internal Hydro International, Inc.

Internal Hydro International, Inc. Announces Hydro Unit Test Completion Will Mean Italian Manufacturing and University Validation
TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 30, 2006 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) (PRIMEZONE) -- Internal Hydro International, Inc., (OTCBB:IHDR) (www.internalhydro.com) announced today the final tests of the Energy Commander V low impact hydro unit concluded on Tuesday, November 28th. The unit, which utilizes pistons instead of larger intake turbine based hydro units, was tested by LA Engineering of Theodore, Alabama, for flow pressures at the intake and outlet, at varying levels of water pressure and mechanical braking applied to the unit. These were the last tests to be concluded before the unit is shipped for the production phase to Italy with the Company's partner Cm2. The Company will submit the test results for validation of the technology by a partnered university for later release. The unit itself will be shipped within the next fourteen days to Cm2 for their use in the production phase of the next ten units. With the completion of the tests, IHDR will be able to complete and satisfy sales and placement enquiries, with a product sheet for units utilizing the innovative slice concept, which is an expandable set of 12 cylinder slices depending upon the flow available. A four (4) slice unit was designed to supply 30 kilowatts of electricity, however, where the flow pressures, or head, are greater, based upon the testing verification, less slices will be required to supply the same amount of energy. Previous testing showed that the unit's power potential was above calculated parameters as designed, and is projected to be optimized even further in production by Cm2.

The EC V unit was run over a series of specialized tests in varying flow pressures for power, or torque, and then for pressure, which is related to head availability and outflow pressure. The single 12 cylinder slice unit produced a constant ability to achieve over the designed 7.0 kilowatts per slice at the designed p.s.i., while still maintaining an outlet pressure which shows it will be able to be utilized for energy then continue the water flow for other uses at significant remaining pressures.

Unlike traditional hydro, the Energy Commander is ecologically sound, without the usual problems of oxidation and large intakes associated with turbines. As built and displayed the unit has outperformed initial expectations for the production of both electrical and mechanical power for other uses.

About Internal Hydro:

Internal Hydro International, Inc. is an alternative energy company that developed a clean energy power system, the Energy Commander Systems, that utilizes a patented technology, using waste water, fluid or gas flow from any source where flow pressure is present, and yet wasted, to create electricity. Internal Hydro has licensed a tire remediation to fuel and ethanol waste (DDG) to biofuels technology for use on ethanol plants domestically. IHDR is international in scope, with European production and marketing for its core technologies, and is preparing to enter the market with its core Energy Commander systems. Internal Hydro is well positioned to gain major market share and dominate the niche of hydro and renewable energy in the fragmented alternative energy marketplace. For more information, please visit the Company's Web site at www.InternalHydro.com.

Forward-Looking Statements: This release contains forward-looking statements, which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Expressions of future goals and similar expressions reflecting something other than historical fact are intended to identify forward-looking statements, but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including the timely development and market acceptance of products and technologies, successful integration of acquisitions, the ability to secure additional sources of financing, the ability to reduce operating expenses and other factors. The actual results that the company achieves may differ materially from any forward-looking statements due to such risks and uncertainties. The company undertakes no obligations to revise or update any forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this release.

CONTACT:  C. Jones Consulting
         Ezra Smith, Vice President
         (727) 736-5437

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IHDR-im August 2006 wurden schon Verkäufe getätig.

08.01.07 12:17
bei der beliebeten:

Greater Sooner Holdings, Inc. to Use Small Hydro Unit from
Internal Hydro International, Inc. to Supply Energy at Field
Locations and Well Sites
HOUSTON, TEXAS -- (BUSINESS WIRE) August 17, 2006 - Greater Sooner
Holdings, Inc., (OTC:GSNH) (www.greatersoonerholdings.com) announces the
Company’s support of environmentally friendly energy sources by the first
purchase of a low flow hydro electricity production unit from Internal Hydro
International, Inc., (OTCBB:IHDR) of Tampa, Florida.
Greater Sooner’s commitment to provide energy to its field projects through the
use of IHDR’s Energy Commander (EC) 30 Kilowatt low impact hydro units will
be the first of many such projects which will lower costs of production, and utilize
emission-free sources of energy. The unit will be purchased for $30,000, and will
likely be used at an operational or workover well site to offset more expensive
diesel generator use, and potentially supply nearby residences near the
“While Greater Sooner executes oil and gas field re-development, re-entry and
workover projects, our commitment to the environment is shown by this, one of
many such contracts for an enormously important resource,” commented Russell
F. Krauss, CEO of Greater Sooner. “We will aim to use the Energy Commander
and other alternative sources in all of our projects to offset energy costs, reduce
environmental emissions, and promote environmental responsibility while we
give our shareholders the value of our projects at reduced overall costs.”
Internal Hydro’s 30 Kilowatt Energy Commander unit will be delivered to the
Company within 180 days under the contract terms, which includes pre-payment
of one-third the purchase price within 30 days of the contract execution. The unit
will potentially be used at Greater Sooner’s Clayton field project in Live Oak
County, Texas, where it will use available flows of water from the drilling site to
supply the needed pressure to supply the energy.
The current EC system set for delivery to Greater Sooner will use the flow
pressures of water available at the drill site. The EC unit to be delivered utilizes a
dual cycle 12 cylinder rotary system for a low volume water flow, at a 65 PSI
pressure, to produce 30 Kw of constant energy in an efficient manner using
positive displacement inside of cylinders, instead of traditional turbines. The first
ever patented technology which uses positive displacement of fluids for electrical
generation, the Energy Commander system is being fielded in Mobile, Alabama
for first use and supplying of electricity in an industrial setting.
IHDR’s President and CEO, Craig Huffman, who is a board member of Greater
Sooner Holdings, did not participate in the decision of purchase or sale from
either company.
About Greater Sooner Holdings:
Greater Sooner Holdings, Inc., based in Houston, Texas is an investment holding
company with primary interests in crude oil and natural gas exploration and

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..Energy Commander wird Umsätze bringen..?

16.01.07 10:26
Absichtserklärungen aus 05 und 06:

New Impact Corp: 10 Einheiten 500.000,- $

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the W. Kerr Scott Dam: 40 Einheiten: 2.000.000 $


schaut selber mal auf der Homepage!!


Fetter Rebound heute Nachmittag?

17.01.07 14:06
so etwas unlimitiertes!!

USA Schlusskurs bitte anschauen..!!

Internal Hydro

03.02.07 13:23


Change in Directors or Principal Officers

Item 5.02 Departure of Directors or Principal Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Principal Officers.

At a meeting of the Board of Directors of Internal Hydro International, Inc. (the "Company") held on January 17, 2007, Michael Scionti, Wade Kenyon and Tony Council resigned their positions as Directors effective on January 17, 2007. In addition, Anthony Pecoraro resigned his position as Chairman of the Board of Directors. These resignations were not a result of any disagreement with the Company. Additionally, Craig Huffman resigned his position as Chief Executive Officer and was appointed as Acting Chairman of the Board of Directors, Executive Vice President and General Counsel effective January 17, 2007. Kenneth Brown was appointed as Chief Executive Officer effective January 17, 2007. R. Edward Hart was appointed Chief Operating Officer effective January 17, 2007.


Set forth below are the names, ages, and positions of the current officers and
directors of the Company:

Name Age Office
Kenneth Brown 48 CEO
Lior Segal 35 Chief Financial Officer
R. Edward Hart 50 Chief Operating Officer
Craig Huffman 40 Chairman of the Board of Directors
James Thomas 40 Director

Family Relationships

There are no family relationships between or among the executive officers and directors of the Company.

Business Experience

Set forth below is certain biographical information, present occupation and business experience for the past five years of each new director or executive officer of the Company.

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