sich noch niemand unter den Analysten getraut, derartige Wahrheiten zu schreiben, weil eben viele Investoren die Aktie für 4.280 Dollar gekauft hatten und dann auf Tiefpunkten wie bei 3,40 Dollar verkauften. Und es hat extrem lange gedauert (länger auch als ich kalkuliert hatte), bis sich diese emotionalen Vorbehalten abgebaut haben. Und noch sind diese jetzt doch zehn Jahre alten Emotionen nicht völlig abgebaut und die Aktie wird immer noch häufig mit Internet-Bubble in Verbindung gebracht, mit dem sie in ihrer jetzigen Konstruktion nichts mehr zu tun hat.
Under the radar
It may be that as cloud computing becomes more of a reality, Internet Capital Group will have found its niche. What started off as one of the poster children for the dot-com, sock puppet boom, has morphed into a savvier investor in Internet services and software businesses. It changed from having a broad portfolio of B2B businesses, to one where it takes a majority-voting stake in a relatively smaller number of operating companies. Today it has 13 companies that sell software as a service, Internet marketing firms, and companies that use technology to provide outsourced services.
That's going to put it on a collision course with companies like (NYSE: CRM), Oracle's Sun Microsystems, and even Google (Nasdaq: GOOG), but at just five times earnings it is priced for the risk that represents. CAPS member JimVanMeerten finds the new business structure more to his liking.
The capital structure is innovative. They own a major investing interests in 13 different B2B e-commerce companies then help them through both funding and management assistance. A little bit venture capital-a little bit holding company. I like this.
Under the radar
It may be that as cloud computing becomes more of a reality, Internet Capital Group will have found its niche. What started off as one of the poster children for the dot-com, sock puppet boom, has morphed into a savvier investor in Internet services and software businesses. It changed from having a broad portfolio of B2B businesses, to one where it takes a majority-voting stake in a relatively smaller number of operating companies. Today it has 13 companies that sell software as a service, Internet marketing firms, and companies that use technology to provide outsourced services.
That's going to put it on a collision course with companies like (NYSE: CRM), Oracle's Sun Microsystems, and even Google (Nasdaq: GOOG), but at just five times earnings it is priced for the risk that represents. CAPS member JimVanMeerten finds the new business structure more to his liking.
The capital structure is innovative. They own a major investing interests in 13 different B2B e-commerce companies then help them through both funding and management assistance. A little bit venture capital-a little bit holding company. I like this.