HOMEX - Perth
The Board of Terrex Resources Limited is pleased to announce the
appointment of Dr Mike Galvin to the Board, Dr Galvin replaces Mr
Peter Baird, who has resigned from the company`s Board of Directors.
Dr Mike Galvin RFD, DTM&H, FRACGP, FACEM has over 25 years
experience practicing medicine and has held key positions in both
civilian and military hospitals. Dr Galvin has recently held post of
CEO, Fremantle Hospital. During his career, Dr Galvin has held post
as Director of Clinical Services and Director of Emergency Medicine,
Principal Medical Office Australia (RAAF). In addition to the many
medical fellowships and memberships, Dr Galvin is an Emeritus
Consultant in Emergency Medicine to Fremantle Hospital and has
Diplomas in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and Aerospace Medicine.
The Directors of the Company would like to thank Mr Baird for his
contributions in the past to the development of the Company and, in
particular, his assistance in the acquisition of Global Doctor
Limited. Peter Baird will remain as Company Secretary to Terrex
Resources Limited.
G Argyle
Dr. Galvin scheint ja ein richtiger Spezialist mit einer Menge Erfahrung in das Terrex Management gekommen zu sein.
Global Doctor Limited entwickelt sich - Terrex macht seinen Weg, die Fakten sprechen für sich!!! Außerdem ist das Verhältnis von australischen zu deutschen Kursen äußerst gesund. Es handelt sich hier nicht um die klassische Zockeraktie, die nachts in AU gekauft und morgens hier verkauft wird.
So, Ende Februar gehts also mit der web site los und die Umsetzung soll dann kurzfristig mit Kliniken in China und Asien erfolgen.
Wenn das keine super Info ist - wird ja richtig spannend!!!
HOMEX - Perth
The Board of Terrex Resources Limited is pleased to announce the
appointment of Dr Mike Galvin to the Board, Dr Galvin replaces Mr
Peter Baird, who has resigned from the company`s Board of Directors.
Dr Mike Galvin RFD, DTM&H, FRACGP, FACEM has over 25 years
experience practicing medicine and has held key positions in both
civilian and military hospitals. Dr Galvin has recently held post of
CEO, Fremantle Hospital. During his career, Dr Galvin has held post
as Director of Clinical Services and Director of Emergency Medicine,
Principal Medical Office Australia (RAAF). In addition to the many
medical fellowships and memberships, Dr Galvin is an Emeritus
Consultant in Emergency Medicine to Fremantle Hospital and has
Diplomas in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and Aerospace Medicine.
The Directors of the Company would like to thank Mr Baird for his
contributions in the past to the development of the Company and, in
particular, his assistance in the acquisition of Global Doctor
Limited. Peter Baird will remain as Company Secretary to Terrex
Resources Limited.
G Argyle
Dr. Galvin scheint ja ein richtiger Spezialist mit einer Menge Erfahrung in das Terrex Management gekommen zu sein.
Global Doctor Limited entwickelt sich - Terrex macht seinen Weg, die Fakten sprechen für sich!!! Außerdem ist das Verhältnis von australischen zu deutschen Kursen äußerst gesund. Es handelt sich hier nicht um die klassische Zockeraktie, die nachts in AU gekauft und morgens hier verkauft wird.
So, Ende Februar gehts also mit der web site los und die Umsetzung soll dann kurzfristig mit Kliniken in China und Asien erfolgen.
Wenn das keine super Info ist - wird ja richtig spannend!!!