NWCB hat sich ein neues Betätigungsfeld in der Mongolei gesucht und will nun im Energie- bzw. Rohstoffsektor mitmischen. Wenn man deren Förderpreise mit den unseren in Deutschland vergleicht, ist das ein einträgliches Geschäft.Zwinkern
NWCB ist heute unter riesigen Umsätzen in HK um 155% auf 0,69 HKD gestiegen und sollte hier bei uns nach Umrechnung ca. 0,70 EUR kosten!breites Grinsenbreites Grinsen
"NW Cyber (0276) buys Mongolia coal biz at $1.2B, resumed
2007/02/08 08:32
(Infocast News) New World CyberBase (0276) (NW Cyber) has agreed to acquire certain coal and coal-related operations. The coal mine, comprising of certain mining and exploration licences, is located in Khovd province, western Mongolia. The total area of the Coal Mine is over 34,000 hectares. The acquisition price is approximately $1.2 billion, basing on $4.00 per tonne for the 300 million tonnes of reserves. Trading in the shares of NW Cyber is resumed today.
The reserves of the coal mine are 300 million tonnes, comprising 200 million tonnes of proved reserves and 100 million tonnes of probable reserves. The consideration will be settled with consideration shares, a convertible bond and a loan note. The $142.5 million convertible bond (with a 3% per annum coupon rate with 3-year maturity) as deferred payment can be convertible to 500 million shares of NW Cyber at an initial conversion price of $0.285 per share, representing a premium of approximately 5.56% over the stock\'s last trading price.
Each of New World Development (0017) chairman Cheng Yu-tung and New World Development managing director Cheng Kar-shun will subscribe for 200 million shares in NW Cyber at $0.24 per share, representing a discount of approximately 11.11% over NW Cyber\'s last trading price before suspension of trading. Each of the 200 million shares subscribed represent 3.07% of NW Cyber\'s enlarged issued share capital. Golden Infinity Co Ltd (a company wholly owned by Simon Lin-shing Lo) also agreed to subscribe for 780 million shares in NW Cyber at $0.285 per share. The 780 million shares represent 11.99% of NW Cyber\'s enlarged issued share capital.
In view of the prospects relating to natural resources generally and the PRC specifically, NW Cyber believes that the acquisition of the coal mine will be a successful strategy for the company\'s business.
Further, the company draws, as a commercial decision from the advice of the technical adviser that there could be resources of about 180 million tonnes based on a part of the coal mine and the recommendation of the technical adviser to conduct further exploration. The Shenyang Design Institute\'s views supports the decision of the company\'s board of directors to fund the exploration expenses."