Nexmed-Die 300% Biotech-Chance

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Zugriffe: 1.287 / Heute: 1
NASDAQ 100 19.287,52 -1,31% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +1269,60%

Nexmed-Die 300% Biotech-Chance

20.02.02 01:26
Nexmed ist heute um 10 % an der Nasdaq auf knapp 4 Dollar gestiegen, der Auftakt zu einer Ralley. Nexmed beobachte seitdem ich den Tipp bei Taglich-Brothers gelesen habe. Dieses Unternehmen hat eine vielversprechende
Potenzcreme in Phase 2, also noch spekulativ. Beim jetzigen Kursverlauf bin ich
aber absolut bullish.
Mit meinen Biotechdepot bin ich übrigens äusserst zufrieden, meine ID Biomedical
halte ich bereits 18 Monate, die befinden sich derzeit auf 52-Wochen-Hoch.
Bradley Pharmaceuticals und Medamicus leider zu früh verkauft. Bradley P.
hat letztes Jahr 800%!!!! zugelegt und sollte immer noch an schwachen Tagen eingesammelt werden.
Für Biotech-Einsteiger empfehle ich auch IVAX. Die gibts derzeit für 20 Dollar,
30 Dollar sind dieses Jahr locker drin, weil IVAX die FDA-Zulassung für ein neues Medikament bekommen hat.
Medarex, Protein Design, Millenium, Vertex, Myriad etc. beobachte ich zwar auch, aber nur zum Zocken, weil alle absolute Underperformer sind.
Also schauen wir mal in einem halben Jahr mal nach.
cap blaubär:


20.02.02 08:55
da musste aber gut zielen bei dem Zeugs,ne die Pipeline iss nicht besonders übersichtlich aber gerade der"reifere Aktionär(um60)wird sich mit der Story schnell anfreunden,bb-rating im Auge behalten Chartcracks wie estrich+Co konsultieren

Rate jetzt mit guten News zum Einstieg!

13.03.02 02:58
Möchte mich erstmal für mein Posting vom 20.02. entschuldigen, da hatte NEXMED
die 3 Dollar geknackt und nicht die 4 Dollar.
Spielt aber auch keine Rolle, denn heute ist die Zulassung für Hongkong gekommen, glaube an immer noch an eine Riesenchance.
Related Quote
NEXM 3.63 +0.38
delayed 20 mins - disclaimer
Quote Data provided by Reuters


Tuesday March 12, 7:30 am Eastern Time
Press Release
SOURCE: NexMed, Inc.
NexMed's Befar Approved in Hong Kong
- Product Launch of Topical ED Treatment Scheduled for Q2 2002 -
ROBBINSVILLE, N.J., March 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- NexMed, Inc. (Nasdaq: NEXM - news), a developer of innovative treatments based on its proprietary drug delivery system, today announced that the Department of Health has approved Befar® for sale and distribution in Hong Kong. Befar® is the Chinese trademark of Alprox-TD®, the Company's proprietary cream treatment for erectile dysfunction (``ED''). The product launch of Befar® in Hong Kong is scheduled to take place during the second quarter of 2002.

Dr. Y. Joseph Mo, president and chief executive officer of NexMed, commented, ``We are very excited about the approval and impending launch of Befar® in Hong Kong.'' Dr. Mo further added, ``We continue to pursue partnership opportunities for Alprox-TD® in the U.S., Europe and other international markets.''

Befar® will be manufactured and marketed in Hong Kong by Vergemont International Limited, NexMed's Asian licensee, and NexMed will receive royalty payments and payments for manufacturing supplies from Vergemont. Befar® has been on the market in China since July 2001. In November 2001, Vergemont filed a New Drug Application with the Health Sciences Authority for approval to market Befar® in Singapore.

Alprox-TD®/Befar® incorporates alprostadil, a drug well recognized for treating ED, with the NexACT® transdermal delivery technology. The product is pre-filled and packaged in NexMed's patented unit-dose dispenser, which is designed to provide an added convenience for patients. The disposable dispenser delivers a controlled dose of cream directly onto the tip (meatus) of the penis thereby reducing dosing errors and waste.

In the U.S., NexMed is conducting its Phase 3 clinical development programs for Alprox-TD®. The multi-center trials will enroll up to 2,500 patients with mild to severe ED. NexMed is also completing a Phase 2 multi-center take home study with its Femprox® topical treatment for female sexual arousal disorder (``FSAD'').

About NexMed, Inc.

NexMed, Inc., is a pharmaceutical company with a product development pipeline of innovative topical treatments based on the NexACT® acute transdermal delivery technology which include the Alprox-TD® and Femprox® cream for treating ED and FSAD, respectively. NexMed is also developing Viratrol®, a hand-held treatment device for herpes simplex lesions.

Statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act: with the exception of the historical information contained in this release, the matters described herein contain forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties that may individually or mutually impact the matters herein described, including but not limited to successful completion of clinical development programs, regulatory review and approval, product development and acceptance, manufacturing, competition, and/or other factors, some of which are outside the control of the Company.

SOURCE: NexMed, Inc.

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Nexmed, seit den News schon 30 % gestiegen.

19.03.02 21:17
Tja, so schnell kanns gehen. Vor 14 Tagen kosteten Nexmed noch 3,40 Euro in
Berlin, jetzt muss man schon 5,50 hinblättern.
Bei 14 Euro hab ich meine 300% im Sack.

Und wieder + 18 % zur Eröffnung in den USA

20.03.02 16:30
Nexmed macht mich reich !!!

Chart - Check von Nexmed

25.04.02 13:31
Tja, Nexmed ist nicht so durchgestartet, wie ich mir das erhofft hatte, bin
aber immer noch  mit gutem Plus drin und habe keine verkauft. Haben auch mal 25% miese an einem Tag an der NASI hingelegt, hat mich aber nicht weiter irritiert, hohe Volatilität und Gewinnmitnahmen gehören dazu.
Ich steige mit knapp 40% Gewinn nicht voreilig aus.
Jetzt wirds erst richtig spannend, ob die 5 Dollar nachhaltig genommen
werden, gut zu erkennen am Chart.
Nexmed-Die 300% Biotech-Chance" style="max-width:560px" >

Und nochmal die Presseerklärung vom 22.04.2002

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Latest News  

NexMed's Alprox-TD Launched in Hong Kong  

ROBBINSVILLE, N.J., Apr 22, 2002 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- NexMed,
Inc. (Nasdaq: NEXM), a developer of innovative topical treatments based on its
proprietary drug delivery technology, today announced that Alprox-TD(R), its
proprietary cream treatment for erectile dysfunction ("ED") was launched in Hong
Kong under the trademark Befar(R). NexMed has been selling in China since July
2001. In November 2001, NexMed and its Asian licensee filed a New Drug
Application with the Health Sciences Authority for approval to market Befar(R)
in Singapore.

Dr. Y. Joseph Mo, president and chief executive officer of NexMed, commented,
"We are excited about the potential of Befar(R) in Hong Kong, a small but
lucrative market. We believe that as the first approved topically-applied ED
treatment, Befar(R) is well positioned to capture a significant share of the
local market." Dr. Mo further added, "During 2002, we anticipate additional
approvals and filings in various international markets."

Befar(R) incorporates alprostadil, a drug well recognized for treating ED, with
the NexACT(R) transdermal delivery technology. Befar(R) is manufactured in China
and marketed in China and Hong Kong by NexMed's Asian licensee. NexMed receives
royalty payments and payments for manufacturing supplies from its Asian
licensee. In clinical studies conducted in China, Befar(R) exhibited two
advantages over the currently marketed oral ED medication -- faster onset time
and minimal side effect profile.

In the U.S., NexMed is conducting its Phase 3 clinical development programs for
Alprox-TD(R). The multi-center trials will enroll up to 2,500 patients with mild
to severe ED. NexMed has completed a Phase 2 multi-center take home study with
its Femprox(R) topical treatment for female sexual arousal disorder ("FSAD").

About NexMed, Inc.

NexMed, Inc., is an emerging pharmaceutical and medical technology company, with
a product development pipeline of innovative topical drug treatments based on
the NexACT(R) transdermal drug delivery technology. Its two lead NexACT(R)
products under development are the Alprox-TD(R) and Femprox(R) creams for ED and
female sexual arousal disorder, respectively. NexMed is also developing
Viratrol(R), a hand-held treatment device for herpes simplex lesions.

Statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act: with the
exception of the historical information contained in this release, the matters
described herein contain forward-looking statements that involve risk and
uncertainties that may individually or mutually impact the matters herein
described, including but not limited to successful completion of clinical
development programs, regulatory review and approval, product development and
acceptance, manufacturing, competition, and/or other factors, some of which are
outside the control of the Company.


In die Sch..... gepackt.

07.05.02 14:01
Mit Nexmed habe ich mittlerweile herbe Verluste eingefahren, Chart sah so gut aus, aber leider eine Bullenfalle. Naja, ein breites Depot kanns verkraften und
nachkaufen kommt nicht in Frage. Nexmed muss sich ohne meine Hilfe erholen.

Auch bitter. Kurs bei 0,57.

15.11.02 06:32
Hatte allerdings bei 2,40 Reissleine gezogen. Nur mal so im Rückblick.

Gruss E.

NexMed Inc. 3rd Quarter Losses 24 Cents/Share Versus 14 Cents    
Updated: Thursday, November 14, 2002 10:45 AM ET  Printer-friendly version  
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- NexMed Inc. (NEXM, news) reported a third-quarter loss of $ 6.9 million, or 24 cents a share, compared with a loss of $3.5 million, or 14 cents a share, a year earlier.

Revenue for the latest quarter was $78,175, according to NexMed's 10-Q filed Wednesday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The drug-development company didn't have any revenue in the third quarter of 2001.

NexMed announced that the Food and Drug Administration asked it to suspend a trial of its Alprox cream for erectile dysfunction due to results of an animal study.

The company said in Wednesday's filing it requested a meeting with the FDA to discuss the issue and, if necessary, initiate an appeal. The FDA's decision likely will delay submission of a new drug application to the agency for about 12 months, into the second half of 2004, the filing said.

The extent of the delay depends on whether the FDA allows NexMed to reinitiate the trial, the company said.

 -By Christopher Scinta, Dow Jones Newswires; 202-628-7699; chris.scinta@
 (This story was originally published by Dow Jones Newswires)
 Copyright  2002 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
 All Rights Reserved


Auch bitter, Kurs bei 2,00 Dollar.

11.02.03 22:42
Gruss E.

Nexmed-Die 300% Biotech-Chance" style="max-width:560px" >

Von 0,35 auf 4,60.

13.06.03 05:53

So kanns gehen, Gruss E.

NEXMED INC - Nasdaq National Market: NEXM
Consolidated Real-time Market Quote*

LastChange (%)After Hours Chg (%)**BidAskTrade Time
  4.60  Nexmed-Die 300% Biotech-Chance" style="max-width:560px" > 2 (76.92)Nexmed-Die 300% Biotech-Chance" style="max-width:560px" > 0.15 (3.37)0 (0)0 (0)19:39

Exchange Quote

LastChange (%)Bid (size)Ask (size)Trade Time
  4.45  Nexmed-Die 300% Biotech-Chance" style="max-width:560px" > 1.85 (71.15)4.57 (5)4.60 (10)16:00
Day VolumeLast SizeOpenHighLow
  5,546,799  1002.774.552.60
Latest Ticks# of TradesAvg Trade SizeVWAP52 Wk High
  +===  6,5888423.74353.14
52 Wk LowPrev CloseAvg Day Vol  
  0.35  2.60241,600 


Pavian, hattest Du hier reingelesen?

17.06.03 04:57
Hast Du Sie nur im Spiel? Ach, will ich gar nicht wissen.

Gruss E.

Hallo Eskimato,

17.06.03 08:46
Nexmed hatte ich nicht von Dir, sonden vom Global Biotech Daily. Dafür hast Du mir aber schon genügend strke Aktien empfohlen in den letzten Monaten..! Hab Sie aber real und im Spiel, nette Performance gestern wieder!

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