NOKIA warrant Societe Generale - BAD ISSUER ! PLEASE CHECK this warrant

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NOKIA warrant Societe Generale - BAD ISSUER ! PLEASE CHECK thi.

18.10.07 16:35

Can someone please check today change in this warrant...


ANd again like yesterday when nokia goes high they stop showing bid and ask kurse !! Today was warrant 1.27 then nokia jumps 4% ...AGAIN no bid and ask! ANd then nokia stock fall a little and the give price 1.30 !!! Is this normal? Can somebody check this... I wanna know whast going on there....




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    NOKIA warrant Societe Generale - BAD ISSUER ! PLEASE CHECK this warrant cikopajo   25.04.21 00:35
  3 Please check this warrants! Nokia today.... warrant goest to - 10% cikopajo Koch27 24.04.21 23:49
